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Lv 6

C&A:Do you think that C&A should have sub-sections?

Some of you may have seen me mentioning this in some of my answers.

Do you think C&A should be split into multiple sections? like an Anime&Manga section, a Comics section, a Misc. Animation section etc.


1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

Nerds Rule~!


@jplatt39: Its perfectly fine if you disagree with me, you have a point though, with C&A unified like it is now, more people get to communicate more, although I dont think the communication will be effected by this.

Update 2:

@Cosima: Lol, I didnt steal your brain, but great minds think alike:)

Update 3:

@Crissy: OMG, thats a great point to, by having an anime&manga section the haters would have direct access to the section. You know, I never actually thought of the downsides to this, although theres alot of upsides to this idea to.

Update 4:

@Tabrnacl: By incorrectly posted questions Im talking about questions that talk about things like Twilight, the type of questions that have absolutely nothing to do with Comics&Animation and needed to be posted in another section.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that would be a little too complex for Y!A to auto-suggest the right category in which the question is to be put into, looking at how many sub-categories it can be divided into. And it might just get a little confusing. I really doubt that there are that many questions on each anime to bother with a subcategory for each anime, and if it's just the popular animes, others will start complaining on which animes deserve to have subcategories and which don't... the only fair option you have is to make a subcategory for EVERY anime out there if you are planning to make subcategories for different animes in the first place. If C&A would be so detailed, other categories will also want heaps of sub-categories to sort out all the questions and everything would end up in a huge mess. And don't even START with the TC for each sub-category business >.>

    Although it would be neater, I don't see a problem in having the the american cartoons and the japanese anime together, like jplatt39 said, we should talk to each other more rather than separating into our own two categories and have nothing to do with each other.

    And I also agree with tabrnacl.

    The "Auto-delete" feature won't be a good idea because:

    1. The asker won't have a second chance even if they weren't intending to ask it in the wrong category/it was auto-suggested by Y!A. [Regarding the Twilight cases, some of the Twilight fans were very apologetic after realising that they asked in wrong category and they actually categorized correctly after that.] I still think that the "Auto-delete" feature is a tad too harsh.

    2. It would waste the asker's effort/time in typing up details of the question.

    3. Y!A can make mistakes about which questions actually belong and which don't.

    After all said, I reckon the plain 'everything in one category' [C&A] is probably the better option.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you think C&A should be split into multiple sections? like an Anime&Manga section, a Comics section, a Misc. Animation section etc.

    >>That's a great idea! C&A should first be split into Cartoons, Anime, Manga, and Comics. From there I guess I'll figure out different sub-sections.


    1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

    >>There should be a section for praise and hating.

    2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

    >>It would be hard but I might.

    3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

    >>I think Yahoo should screen questions to make sure that they go in the right section. Or they should update their automatic way for suggesting sections.

    Nerds Rule~!

    >>Yes they do. They're the ones keeping your computer and ipods working at all time...

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you think C&A should be split into multiple sections? like an Anime&Manga section, a Comics section, a Misc. Animation section etc.

    ===> Hmm that's a great idea Nerd Pride! :3

    1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

    ===> Hmm nopes xD Yours are good enough :]

    2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

    ===> Oh boy... maybe only the Anime&Manga one. =3

    3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

    ===> Wow... although that can be a little mean, it will help to prevent the Twilight questions.

    Source(s): xoxo M
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although I agree that an Anime & Manga subsection would significantly reduce the clutter, the only big difference between anime and cartoons is that they're from different countries. Otherwise, they're both just moving drawings with sound on TV. If there were a separate section for Japanese cartoons, then eventually people will want one for European cartoons, then South American cartoons, and cartoons from some other region that I may have missed. Though Japanese animation has made a significant contribution to the history of animation, segregation is normally the last thing that societal development calls for.

    1. How about a webcomics section? There is adequate discussion on independently made webcomics and flash animation, not to mention the mountain of questions relating to starting or improving one's own webcomic.

    2. If there really were C&A subsections, I would post in whatever interests me the most. I rarely talk about comic books, so I might give it the least attention.

    3. Sure, though you will have to elaborate on what you mean by "incorrect".

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nah. I kinda like it the way it is. It would also give haters more of a reason to make fun of Anime & Manga because they can go directly to that section. But if it's "combined" like it is, they'll have to go through some of the Spongebob, and other cartoon questions to find it. (:


    1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

    >> Even though I don't agree, I'll list some anyway:

    American Cartoons

    Older Cartoons

    Disney Cartoons

    Nickelodeon Cartoons

    Cartoon Network Cartoons



    2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

    >> I lost my TC badge in C&A a while back, so I wouldn't get it anyway. T_T

    3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

    >> Yep!! That would be AWESOME! ...As long as haters don't use it.

  • Meh
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's not a bad idea, but i don't think it's necessary. If it happened I would be slightly depressed because I like all the other random questions we get here (except Twilight).

    1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

    >> Anime & Manga ; U.S. Comics ; i don't what else

    2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

    >> No not all of them

    3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

    >> No, absolutly not, people would abuse that power to no end and have good questions deleted.

  • Yep I most definitely do!


    1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

    >>>Hmm let's see...

    Anime & Manga

    Comic Books


    well those are really the only 4 things that this section is for!

    2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

    >>>Nope.. that would be too much work >.> I'm too lazy for that! lol

    3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

    >>>No I don't think so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Other places have sub-sections, we should too! our section is very active.


    1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

    ~>> Cartoons

    2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

    ~>> Na, just anime/manga

    3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

    ~>> YES!!

    Nerds Rule~!

    ~>> Yay! Star! =3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly, I have been here for about three days and posted a blog about it my first day... I think you may have stolen my brain. How did you do it?

    1) I can think of several sections, such as Anime & Manga, Other, Finding Animations (though it would be more cleverly named)... Honestly, it's a little offensive to have all animation lumped in together.

    2) Not really, I don't have a broad enough range of knowledge in enough forms of animation to have a TC in all of them.

    3) Yes, this is my fondest wish.

    Have a nice day.


  • Azzz33
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    yes yes yes!!



    hmm i think i should cause it make this easier like if people what cosplay they go somewhre, if they want pool and surveys they go there, or if there want romendations know there area ALOT of question, which i believe could be categorized :D


    1)Can you think of a few more C&A sub-sections? other than the ones I listed.

    Jrock [cause some anime fans like thier style :D]



    shonen questions

    shojo questions


    role play :D!

    woot woot

    2)If C&A were split into other sections would you strive to be a TC in all of them?

    but but but....i think it should stay as "C&A" badge

    3)Should Yahoo have an "Auto Delete" feature for incorrectly posted questions in C&A?

    hmm perhaps, but we can always direct the person to the correct section, i mean its their points after all.


    bye bye


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