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Do you believe that "God" exist why or why not explain?

No dogmatic answers!, And PLEASE do not be an "A**hole" with your answer.


@ NaNa

I don't believe in miracles, and because of our existence is not 100% proof of god, we can conclude that we are a product of a "Supernatural Being" but one can also conclude that we are the product of simply the Universe!.

Me myself is a "Deist" i believe that the universe has a creator but i don't believe in Miracles,Afterlife,Heaven/Hell/Devils/Angels. I say personly that humans are the result of "Nature" or probaly genetic manipulation. (that's another story)

Update 2:

@ Scott B

WOW! you're back, and you are right belief implies "doubt", me myself is a "Deist", However you said you "Know" god exists?..then explain to me?...give me some evidence?...once again your answer is "Dogmatic" you are claiming to know something! when you don't have any evidence to prove it.

I have a "Belief" in god based on reason, not faith included why?..because i am open to the fact that i can be proven wrong..which is why i don't claim to "Know". But you on the other hand..knows!...*Claps* waiting for some evidence.

Update 3:


And of course..someone saying that i believe a god exists because of my "Common sense" is not any different from a person saying they do not believe theres a god..from "Common sense" you guys are not giving an explantion you're not answering the question you're rubbing it off!.

Update 4:

@ Scott B

Well i'm sorry about my sould because i don't believe in souls!. Therfor i don't have one.

We both believe in a "Creator" but however you rely on "Faith", you believe in a personal god. I don't!, i don't believe in prayer! or miracles things like that just don't happen in my world.

my world is reality!

Now you say you don't have to provide evidence?..but you are claiming to know something? you must have valid evidence!...that's very unreasonable for you to say that you don't have to offer evidence! for "God" why is that?..i can't make such a claim because as i said before one must stay open to the fact that they can be proven wrong!. But you however are so sure?.....hmmmm.

I was an "Atheist" all my life until 3 years ago!..i became more open minded about a "Creative" force...because of studying science more and more. I was convince that this might not be the result of an "Accident".

However i could be wrong!

Update 5:

@ Bobhikes

*Claps* another person who knows....

As you say you have "Knowledge" of there is no god(s).

1.What evidence do you have?

2.Your answer is Dogmatic, just like the "Theists" above.

Now you can't prove that the FSM does not exist, or that invisible fairies could be in your room!. I asked why do you believe what you believe..not what you "Claim" to "Know"..

As well as a "Theist" who is claiming to know, you should back up your assertion of "Knowing" with some "Knowing evidence"... No one on Y/A or anywhere has advance knowledge of knowing that there is a God or is not a God.

In the words of carl sagan

An Atheist (Dogmatic) is someone who knows there is no god, then he must have search every single galaxies been throughtout the cosmos and made a conclusion...that there is no god! other Atheist (Dogmatic) have to be smarter then me..:)


Update 6:

People we are all "Rational" to some extent to believe in things we feel that are reasonable to believe.

1.Many scientists believe in dark matter particles that passes through our earth however there is no "Evidence" for it, and it has not been proven however many are rational to except this.

2.Many people believe that there is other life on other planets, however there is no conclusive or ground breaking evidence of other life on other planets..but we are all rational to except and believe this.

Why do we believe what we believe?

Because beliefs are personal. We believe what we feel is most reasonable to us.

you should not try to force your beliefs in other peoples throats wheter you are a Christian,Atheist,Deist or Agnostic!

Believing and Knowing is completely different most of you guys don't know the difference...SMDH!!!

And most of all..STOP WITH THE DOGMATIC A*S ANSWERS!!!!!!!!

14 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    In the past thirty five years, scientists have been stunned to discover that the universe is finely tuned to an incomprehensible precision to support life. For many scientist, this points in a very compelling way toward the existence of an Intelligent Designer.

    Here are some of the data gathered by scientists, both Christians and non-Christians, that point toward complexity and orderedness at the beginning of the universe:

    British physicist P.C.W. Davies has concluded that the odds against the initial conditions being suitable for the formation of stars, which are necessary for planets and thus life, is a one followed by at least a thousand billion billion zeros.

    There are about fifty constants and quantities. For example, the amount of usable energy in the universe, the difference in mass between protons and neutrons, the proportion of matter to antimatter. That must be balanced to a mathematically infinitesimal degree for any life to be possible. For organic life to exist, the fundamental regularities and constants of physics must all have values that together fall into an extremely narrow range. The probability of this perfect calibration happening by chance is so tiny as to be statistically negligible.

    Scientist Francis Collins puts it well: "When you look from the perspective of a scientist at the universe, it looks as if it knew we were coming. There are fifteen constants... that have precise values. If any of those constants was off by even one part in a million, or in some cases, by one part in a million million, the universe could not have been able to coalesce, there would have been no galaxy, stars, planets or people."

    Some have said that it is as if there were a large number of dials that all had to be tuned to within extremely narrow limits, and they were. It seems extremely unlikely that this would happen by chance.

    Stephen Hawkins has calculated that if the rate of the universe's expansion one second after the Big Bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have collapsed into a fireball.

    Stephen Hawkins concludes: "The odds against the Big Bang are enormous. I think there are clearly religious implications." Elsewhere he says, "It would be very difficult to explain why the universe would have begun in just this way except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us."

    "The fine tuning of the universe provides prima facie evidence of deistic design," concludes the cosmologist Edward Harrison. This can compel only one reasonable conclusion, a supernatural agent must be responsible for it.


    Every time I've come across written communication, whether it's a painting on a cave wall or a novel from or the words "I love you" inscribed in the sand on the beach, there has always been someone who did the writing. Even if I can't see the couple who wrote "I love you," you don't assume that the words randomly appeared by chance of the the movement of the waves. Someone of intelligence made that written communication. And what is encoded on the DNA inside every cell of every living creature is purely and simply written information.

    I'm not saying this because I'm a writer; scientist will tell you this. We use a twenty-six-letter chemical alphabet, whose letters combine in various sequences to form all the instructions needed to guide the functioning of the cell. Each cell in the human body contains more information than in all thirty volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. For me, that's reason enough to believe this isn't the random product of unguided nature, but it's the unmistakable sign of an Intelligent Designer.

    In 2004, the atheist world was shocked when famed British atheist Antony Flew suddenly announced that he believed in the existence of God. For decades he had heralded the cause of atheism. It was the incredible complexity of DNA that opened his eyes:

    "Yes, I now think it does... almost entirely because of the DNA investigations. What I think the DNA material has done is that it has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of arrangements which are needed to produce [life], that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinary diverse elements to work together. It's the enormous subtlety of the ways they work together. The meeting of these two parts by chance is simply minute. It is all a matter of the enormous complexity by which the results were achieved, which looked to me like the work of intelligence."

    I was particularly impressed with Gerry Schroeder's point-by-point refutation of what's called 'monkey theorem.' This idea, which has been presented in a number of forms and variations, defends the possibility of life arising by chance using the analogy of a multitude of monkeys banging away on computer keyboards and eventually ending up writing a Shakespearean sonnet.

    Schroeder first referred to an experiment conducted by the British National Council of Arts. A computer was placed in a cage with six monkeys. After one month of hammering away at it, as well as using it as a bathroom, the monkeys produce fifty typed pages, but not a single word.

    Schroeder noted that this was the case even though the shortest word in the English language is one letter. "A" is a word only if there is a space on either side of it. If we take it that the keyboard has thirty characters, the twenty-six letters and other symbols, then the likelihood of getting a one-letter word is thirty times thirty times thirty, which is 27,000. The likelihood of getting a one-letter word is one chance out of 27,000.

    Schroeder then applied the probabilities to the sonnet analogy. "What's the chance of getting a Shakespearean sonnet?" he asked. He continued:

    "All the sonnets are the same length. They're by definition fourteen lines long. I picked the one I knew the opening line for, 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?' I counted the number of letters; there are 488 letters in that sonnet. What's the likelihood of hammering away and getting 488 letters in the exact sequence as in 'Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?'? What you end up with is twenty-six multiplied by itself 488 times, or twenty-six to the 488th power. Or, in other words, in base ten, ten to the 690th."

    "[Now] the number of particles in the universe, not grains of sand, I'm talking about protons, electrons, and neutrons, is ten to the eightieth power. Ten to the eightieth is one with eighty zeros after it. Ten to 690th is one with 690 zeros after it. There are not enough particles in the universe to write down the trials; you'd be off by a factor of ten to the six-hundredth power."

    "If you took the entire universe and converted it into computer chips, forget the monkeys, each one weighing a millionth of a gram and had each computer chip able to spin out 488 trials at, say, a million times a second; if you turn the entire universe into these microcomputer chips and these chips were spinning a million times a second [producing] random letters, the number of trials you would get since the beginning of time would be ten to the ninetieth trials. It would be off again by a factor of ten to the six-hundredth power. You will never get a sonnet by chance. The universe would have to be ten to the six-hundredth times larger. Yet the world thinks the monkeys con do it every time."


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    knowing God exists is something you either know or you don't know, that's why it is called faith. You type on your computer and believe that it's real but in fact it could be all a dream or a hallucination. What makes you believe that the experience of typing your question was real? My answer could logically be a figment of your imagination and you could be seeing this because you stopped your meds? or it could be real because your on your meds? or it could just be a dream and you have no mental disease at all? The real question is which one is the case and how do you know what the truth is? Are you really here or are you a figment of someones imagination? What is the truth?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The words atheist and agnostic have many definitions. in many cases, the term atheist potential a loss of theory in any gods, and the term agnostic refers to whether or no longer you declare to have absolute know-how of the life or nonexistence of any gods. Assuming that the above definitions are 2 separate dimensions, then there could nicely be 4 combinations: a million) gnostic atheist - a individual who lacks theory in any god and claims to nicely known an absolute fact - no gods exist 2) gnostic theist - a individual who believes in a god and claims to nicely known an absolute fact - that god exists 3) agnostic atheist - a individual who lacks theory in any god and does not think of they comprehend an absolute fact concerning the life of any god 4) agnostic theist - a individual who has a theory in a god and does not think of they comprehend an absolute fact concerning the life of that god. often, #a million and #4 are not often expressed via anybody. That quite a lot leaves #2 and #3 - the favored atheists and theists. in spite of the undeniable fact that, there are lots of people who show no leaning in direction of the two theist or atheist. So, which means there is a center element interior the theist-atheist length. there is not any logical middle element interior the gnostic-agnostic length - the two you declare an absolute know-how or you do no longer. So, with the life of a center element of one of those dimensions, there are certainly 6 mathematical combinations; the different 2 being: 5) gnostic middle (neither theist nor atheist) and assumes that ...? 6) agnostic middle (neither theist nor atheist) and does not think of they comprehend an absolute fact concerning the life of any god. the folk who call themselves agnostics (as damaging to those that decision themselves "agnostic atheist") are #6. #5 makes no logical experience - one won't be able to anticipate absolute know-how of a non-determination-of-life (till it is quantum mechanics) :-) . That leaves #2, #3, and #6, the favored theist, atheist, and agnostic. The above communicate is why, even nevertheless the atheist-theist and gnostic-agnostic dimensions are separate, in certainly prepare, there is somewhat basically one length - atheist, theist, and not sure/no-opinion/in-between - agnostic. So, you're an atheist.

  • 1 decade ago

    In a logical sense I say no. I'm not religious. Someone who is religious would state that its an article of faith to believe in God. The reason I don't is I fail to see any evidence that this deity actually exists.

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  • 1 decade ago

    "Belief" implies doubt. I know God to exist and doubt you are as sure about anything in your life.

    IN RESPONSE: I don't have to provide your "proof". Seek God out with an open mind and heart and He will provide the truth. There is no amount of evidence that will satisfy you. If you didn't believe in wind I could show you the evidence of it's existence all I want, but you would just argue since you can't see it, it's not there. The same with God, my guess is that you're afraid if you seek, you might find something you can't deal with. Proof is not up to me, my soul is secure, how's yours?

  • 1 decade ago

    Just look at this piece of real estate called earth and how it sustains life from it's chemical makeup to life forms, the human body and mind, how it is constructed,heals and reproduces The beauty of the cosmos and how all things interact.

    Pure chance ,I don't think so --great design by the ultimate designer "GOD"

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the knowledge there is no God

    First off How many Gods has man and woman known and believed in and seen. Many greeks believed they have personal experiences with their gods as well.

    Second why did god create dinosaurs to kill them off and billions of years later create a species that could worship him. Wouldn't he or she have created a species in the beginning that could worship him.

    Next why does god constantly change his views. The Jewish god of the christians and Muslims is not the same in practice as you go from the Jewish to christian to Muslim religion.

    Even the christian religion has made changes that were supposed to be true in its own past. For instance no women on the altar during mass. Now its OK.

    Science has a path to current life that is possible without a god and seems to point to a fact that god would not create this way.

    People believe today in leprechauns, unicorns, aliens, witches, devils and gods. People believe we have never been to the moon it is all a movie. People believe in Bigfoot, Lake Champlain monster, the loch ness monster. People believe in mass about all of this, that doesn't make it true.

    Here's your absolute truth, It deals with the anti-god. The devil for a christian. Try and see him. He wants your soul. He wants to steal you from god. It should be easy to see the devil. Other than movies I have never met him.

    Lastly, ignoring all my beliefs I have search for the answer and found it. It is available for all who want to know. There is no reason however to eliminate the belief in God. God helps people who need his help just like leprechauns help people who need to believe in them and it doesn't hurt me at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gen 1:1

  • 1 decade ago

    The god/desses exist in my life because I have communicated with them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no belief of any gods, as there's no confirming evidence I am aware of.

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