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Contacting Second Life friends while offline?

Sigh, it's been a bad weekend. Really bad.

My house was hit by lightning. Everyone's fine and the house survived intact.....the computer on the other hand is gone permanently.

I'm currently up and running at the office and I have an older computer that allows me to get on the net and do basic stuff online (like dial into the office) however it won't run Second Life.

I've made friends in Second Life and I'm renting an apartment in there as well. Is there anyway I can contact them without actually running the game to at least let them know what happened and I'll be away for a few weeks? Of course I don't know their real names or e-mails.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yikes - been there ... or a similar thing. I sent you an email message with a potential solution, so take a look there.

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