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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do you think N Korea is asking China's permission to attack the US?

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il's son and successor Kim Jong-Un has been sent on a secret diplomatic mission to the Chinese capital of Beijing, Japanese media reports suggest.

North Korea reportedly has enough weapon-grade plutonium to make at least six A-bombs. The US government officially said that North Korea was prepared to strike a missile blow in response to any step that Washington might take against the nation.

North Korea declared a danger of a nuclear war with the United States on June 14. NKorean newspapers wrote that the United States had deployed nuclear weapons in South Korea and Japan within the scope of its preparations for a nuclear attack.

Scenario for nuclear war

After shifting to a plan B, Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il has put in place a nuclear game plan as a part of the plan's military first policy to deal with nuclear rogue state America and its allies South Korea and Japan. (See Kim Jong-il shifts to plan B, Asia Times Online, May 21)

The game plan assumes that the US is unlikely to shake off its aggressive behavior until it is wiped off this planet. The Barack Obama administration has not taken much time to reveal its true colors, which are no different from the George W Bush administration. There have been four compelling signs:

Kim Jong-il shifts to plan B

The hostile forces will sustain a bitterer setback and defeat if they persist in the moves for putting sanctions upon the DPRK and stifling it, misjudging the tough stand taken by the army and the people of the DPRK as "brinkmanship."

Obama, Lee warn North Korea brinkmanship won't work


Chinese deny US war ships parking in the middle of a hurricane

Chinese accuse US of interfereing in costal waters --- US claims China harrasses unarmed naval vessel

China accuses the US of devaluing its dollar US claims China under values the Yuan

China proposes replacing the US as reserve currency in favor of a 5 currency basket --- Russia presses for the EU to become the world reserve --- Obama veto's all of it

The world now believes the US is broke - over extended and overtly aggressive At least that is the story of

Iran -- N Korea - Russia parts of Afghanistan Pakistan Venezuela Cuba Chile and Nicaragua

China would also like to see the US pay their debts stay out of Taiwan and forget about Tibet ---

Iran supplies huge sums of oil to China and Iran sells it to Iran in Yuans -- attacking Iran as the US continues to threaten --- will mean stifling China already problematic economy

Will the Chinese care if N Korea commits suicide ?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can add that approximately $134 Billion in US Bonds being smuggled through Italy to Switzerland to you list.

    No single person has this much money so it would have to be some country. Apparently the smugglers were Japanese, but could they be working for China ?

    I know that this is just a blog but I first heard about this on the Glen Beck Show.

    Something does not sound right.

  • 5 years ago

    Its a really trickly question. In the last Korean war China did sent troops then the North Korean forces there pushed back to the Korean-Chinese Boarder. They did this because they basically did not want USA forces on there doorstep. But since then the world has changed. Although there is a ceasefire at the moment, which can be broken legally by either side that is not likely to happen unless something bad happens. The Chinese are more of a political ally than a military, if war did break out again they are more likely to send military supplies and aid. If things got to the point of there the USA forces where a bit to close for comfort then may likely think about that to do next. The anti-Korean sediment you talk of maybe due to a back lash of the Olympic protests in South Korea, in most cases the South Korean protesters there not protesting about about the riots in Tibet but about the fact that China has a habit of sending if North Korean reguees (sp) caught in China back home there they would likely be put to death or put in labour camps. Also factor is that some of the pro-China student protesters were deported from South Korea due to launching physical attacks against South Korea people. I have seen videos there a mob attacks a person in a hotel and another there an old man is attacked. However the odds of the average person in China is not likely to read about this kind of stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they are asking for moral in the international community. North Korea wishes to antagonize the U.S. while China wishes that they would not...not because China is a friend of the U.S., but because they don't want a war which will force millions of North Koreans to flee into China. If North Korea provokes a war with the South and the U.S. who has troops in the South then China would not want to be involved but would be expected to be...and if North Korea were defeated in that case then China would look weak. China likes the status-quo.

    China is the only country in North Koreas sphere that has any influence with the U.S.

    China is in the middle...they have old relations with North Korea and a philosophical difference with the U.S., but they have important relations with the U.S. too and see North Korea as unpredictable.

    They like things the way they are and I bet they wish kim jong il would just relax. They don't want hostilities with the U.S. or with Japan and South Korea. These are regional difficulties which China has long avoided.

    Edit: Don't get me wrong...China is not a friend of America. They just aren't ready for a conflict over North Korea. Maybe someday...but not now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do not be ridiculous

    Kim Jong Il is just throwing another tantrum.

    Kim Jong Il has the emotional maturity of a two year old.

    North Korea, or Kim Jong Il to be more specific, is shaking us down for money again.

    This is a habit of Kim Jong Il when he runs out of money.

    Kim Jong Il is not suicidal.

    Kim Jong Il knows that it would be suicide if he attacked the United States of America.

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  • 1 decade ago

    As I understand it, about all North Korea is getting from China right now is caviar, brandy, and limousines for Il to hand out to his cronies. I don't think NK is going to get anywhere. If they keep it up, China will probably cut off the supply of luxuries. I'm surprised China hasn't done something more dramatic, since they can't handle a huge influx of refugees.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, that's stupid. That's like Long Island attacking the European Union.

    China doesn't like NK any more than the US does. Kim Jong II isn't a Communist, he's a psychopathic dictator using Communism as a flimsy excuse.

    China shares a border with NK, and they definitely do not want to give the US any excuse to set up camp over there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep in mind that North Korea's government only survives based on what China supplies them with.

    Therefore any threats or actions N. Korea takes, must be with Communist Chinese approval.

    Thus-far, China has done nothing to stop N.Korea from the course they are taking. Therefore China approves of their actions.

    BTW, The Communist Chinese have been donating BIG money to Democrat candidates for years...

    Now our democrat-run government has borrowed TRILLIONS of dollars from the communist chinese to advance their agenda. As a result, America is now the indentured servant of Communist China.

    While China keeps helping North Korea develope nuclear weapons which they in-turn share with Syria & Iran.

    Who will in-turn share it with Hezbolla and Hamas.

    Then it will trickle-down to every radical muslim terrorist group imaginable. The "Pandora's Box" will have been opened. You can thank mr. obama for that...

    Source(s): Common Sense...
  • 1 decade ago

    With as much as China has invested in the United States by buying our debt attacking the US would be pretty dumb. A country can't pay back their loans -- with interest -- if they're just a smoldering crater.

    I think it's more likely the secret meeting could be something like, "Look, we won't embarras you infront of your brain-washed followers, but you've got to put a stop to this."

  • 1 decade ago

    china will not get involved they will try to prevent it. mabye. if you know anything about history is one of the reasons why china got involved the first time is because of all the Koreans running over the border into china. and as far as NK, we will hit them before they strike. we knew a week at least before a missile test was coming. so if we detect them doing it again we will Blow it up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Now what Nk gained if it started sending up nuclear missiles. They know it won't reach us. The radiation cloud would effect us but china is closer. I think china is trying to curtail the idiot.

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