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Which do you value more honor or morality?

I think this is the basis for religions bashing science.

I am an atheist and I get most of my morality based on what is and is not honorable.

Most of the religious base their morality on rules set by their god.

You can be honorable and religious but those that are not are the cause of the problems, like those that bomb abortion clinics, or kill innocents in the name of their god.

So which do you value more?


Honor is deemed exactly what determines a person's character: whether or not the person reflects honesty, respect, integrity, or fairness. Accordingly, individuals are assigned worth and stature based on the harmony of their actions


morality means a code of conduct which is held to be authoritative in matters of right and wrong. Morals are created and defined by society, philosophy, religion, or individual conscience. An example of the descriptive usage could be "common conceptions of morality have changed significantly over time."

Update 2:

It is not Honorable to be a hypocrite, your actions must follow the code you espouse.

The military is not about morality, it is about honor you give your word to protect and serve even if you kill while morality says not to kill. You promise to do what you are told to do and if you do not you are punished even if you are told to do something immoral.

I have know many people who are moral and have no honor, lots of Christians have abortions even though they espouse that abortions are wrong.

A good example of having honor and no morality is Omar from the wire. He is honorable and respected for that even though he is immoral

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I value honor above morality.

    Morality is subjective. Morality is saying something, whether or not you agree or actually follow through on your words.

    Honor is your actions, doing what are say that you will do. Honor is living the code that you profess.

    Most people have morals, few have honor.

    Honor is doing something that you say that you will do, even if it is against your morals. You have given your word.

  • 1 decade ago

    As you describe the choices, honor wins, hands down. I think of the two choices as between ethics and morals. I agree that morals are lists of rules of behavior. And if one follows a list of rules in order to avoid punishment by some hypothetical deity, or to gain some afterlife reward, one can be completely selfish while following those rules. I don't generally appreciate completely selfish people.



    John Popelish

  • 1 decade ago

    I get to cheat on this one a bit. I can say honor being a soldier, because in the Army's value system honor encompasses all the other values we're instilled with. Doing what is right morally is very important in military service.

    Source(s): Over a decade of military service.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honor and morality are two sides of the same coin. I would however choose to be moral over honor as I see honor as a personal thing and morality covers all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It really depends on your definition of the words. But I view morality over honor. Morality allowing for an individualistic approach and not necessarily religion driven. Honor gets to far in to hubris for me as it is driven by a perception of others of your status through actions. Tough call though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither, because the definition of these terms are not objective. What I believe is honest, another person may believe is dishonest, what I believe is moral, another may believe is immoral. Belief itself, is what defines things for us, it grants us power to make up excuses for our actions.

    I value true wisdom, having the ability to understand that there are very few, if any 100% facts or meanings in the world. If you honestly believe in something, then that makes it true. I don't believe in Jesus, for example, but there are people that do. Does this make Him real or false. The answer is depends on who you ask. True wisdom is understanding that everything has a level of uncertainty.

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Morality is as much relevant to why the universe exists and engenders life as it is to the socio-intelelctual human code of honur. Honour is only honour and as you point out succinctly - often subjective .

    I value Morality far far more than honour but then of course I would given the Absolute scope in which i concieve of Morality. aksing me this is like asking a religious person "which do you value more god or a bucket of slugs " - it's not a difficult choice!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    There is never a choice between honor and morality. Honor is behaving morally. While some morals are subjective, there are universal truths like doing no harm to another, helping those who cannot help themselves and always standing for equality.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honor is kind of personal. What is honorable to me may not be what is honorable to you.

    In order for one to be honorable in their own sights they need to hold to a standard of honorable conduct. For the theist, that standard of honor comes from morality, and morality comes from our now instinctual "knowledge of what is good and evil."

    If you are an atheist, where does your standard of honorable conduct come from? Is it personal or universal?

    To answer your question, I value morality more because the way I see it, you can't conduct yourself honorably if there is no morality for one to fix their eyes on.

  • Kiba
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It depends on what you mean by honour. If you mean morality based on what is honourable in the sense that honour means what is the most upstanding in society, then that sounds a bit weird to me. I mean, different societies see different things as upstanding, so what is honourable and what isn't?

    I value morality more because of this. I mean, some people think of honour as just how upstanding you or your family is in society. I don't like that. Morality is more personal and just to me.

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