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Why is law enforcement so worried about marijuana when?

they don't seem to care as much about violent crimes, especially against children, women & animals?

My ex nearly killed me. It was plead down to simple battery (a misdemeaner). He only served 5 weeks!

14 Answers

  • jonds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sad, if people smoked more ganja they would stay at home and abuse their refrigerator instead of other people.

  • 1 decade ago

    It must depend on which judge is handing out the sentence. When voting for some of them, more research is needed in their past sentencing of crimes against children and women. This is a part of voting ballots which require more attention on the part of the person voting. A lot of the decisions do not justify the depth of the crimes.

  • Pascha
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I've noticed the same thing. Protection of the public does not count for very much. Especially protection of the powerless does not count for very much.

    I'll bet some of the policemen in your town hang out with your ex-husband in those places where the kind of men who don't respect women hang out. There is a basic brutality in some men.

    The police also get extra pay for drug busts, thanks to grants from the federal government, so why would they waste their time on violent crime?

  • Reese
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am not really sure on that seems to be a higher up problem , not the arresting officer that the problem exists with maybe...Politics. The drug thing effects a bigger pool. sad to say, more recognition I do not agree. Domestic violence in any way needs a huge penalty! Vulnerable people and animals need to be protected and believed and herd....Stop the silence!!! Stop The Cycle...

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  • cutsup
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i cannot understand why anyone at all is worried about marijuana. i have said this a thousand times. i have never seen anyone on pot commit any violent acts. of course, i haven't been around this for many years simply because it isn't worth the hassle to deal with all the problems society has placed on the use of pot. as for violence of any kind against anyone. it just plain sucks!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know how you feel. I have a metal plate in my head because of my ex. He got time served. Things are getting better I hope. There are a lot more women's groups out there fighting for us. God bless anyone who has been threw anything like this.

  • 5 years ago

    no longer all and sundry in regulation enforcement desires to maintain prohibition. between the vast anti-prohibition communities is bounce, regulation Enforcement against Prohibition. hyperlink offered in materials. "quite in case you have childrens" is a straw argument. childrens wouldn't have get right of entry to to hashish in simple terms like they would not have get right of entry to to the rest on your drugs cabinet, bar, or perhaps the different nutrition on your cabinets. the priority is and consistently has been prohibition. Gangs get rich advertising plant life because of the fact of prohibition, terrorists get rich advertising plant life because of the fact of prohibition, human beings die from violence because of the fact of prohibition. Prohibition isn't in basic terms "alcohol" prohibition, it truly is what happens with "unlawful" drugs now. each and every of an identical problems that have been "obvious" in the time of alcohol prohibition are in simple terms as obvious now if all and sundry have been to hardship to quite look. regrettably a great form of human beings and maximum politicians and different "leaders" have faith the different propaganda we've all been fed for a century on drugs, and so maximum individuals won't be able to hold rational conversations on the subject remember. desire this facilitates.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not the Police dept it's the higher ups they have to listen to & they get their orders. I come from a cop family & have seen this myself it's disgusting.Then a arresting officer has to go to court & testify only to have the Judge & lawyers throw it out The police have their hands tied & if they have to use their weapons forget it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    U think that's bad. I heard about a court in USA where the same judge on the same day gave a guy who molested a little girl a sentence of "counselling" and then gave a woman who stole 3000 $ from where she worked a prison sentence of 5 years.

    So yeah somehow priorities are mixed up. Glad I don't live in USA.

  • Baw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Our gov't is against us smoking weed because they haven't figured out a way to tax us for it.

    It must have been the first time for your ex.

  • Holly
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yeah-whoever heard of violence breaking out at a pot party? Booze makes certain people insane.

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