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What Is Your Opinion of Glenn Beck Playing in the "Valley of the Dolls"?

Last night I tuned to that O'Reilly fellow's show and Glenn Beck was the guest. He was talking about ACORN... and he had props! Seriously, he had a pink doll house with several dolls and a toy sports car!! I forgot who the guy and gal dolls were supposed to represent because I was both stunned and laughing. Here are links to the segment:

I'm not a regular viewer of Fox...

Is that typical behavior for that Beck fellow?

Do you feel that a grown man playing with dolls to present his political opinion is insulting to the viewer's intelligence?


Thanks for all your answers so far! I guess this wasn't so unusual then... Edward R. Murrow must be rolling in his grave!!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Caldude hit it pretty close. I watched him occasionally when he was on CNN. He was occasionally tolerable, if you ignored his ignorance-based diatribes.

    Since he's hanging out with the likes of O'Reilly, Hannity, et al at FUX (sic), he's definitely gone 'round the bend. But what would you possibly expect of a right winger who has always been a little odd? Put him in the FUX environment with those other lame brains and stupidity seems to thrive on stupidity.

    I'm not surprised. All I can say is, "Oh, it's Beck? That figures!"

    Valley of the Dolls, eh? I thought you knew something I didn't and were making an oblique comparison to the druggie, Rust Limppaw.

  • 5 years ago

    Honestly, they only hear what they want to. The far left is made up of the most intolerant, hateful, ignorant, and out-of-touch sheeple that this country has to offer. Case in point: User "MJ FOREVER LOVED!" remains blissfully ignorant of what the president actually said when he took Gates' side in his knee-jerk reaction. MJ FOREVER claims that "Gates was a personal friend of the Presidents, so he reacted in support of his friend. I would have certainly did the same thing." What the President actually said was, "well, I wasn't there, so I don't know exactly what happened, but it is obvious that the police acted stupidly", then went on to talk about "there are very many real cases of racial profiling that still go on today", which doesn't even apply to this particular case. MJ FOREVER doesn't "give a ***** about Beck one way or the other", and says he is a "piece of *****". I would be willing to lay huge odds that MJ FOREVER has never actually watched an episode of Glenn Beck with an open mind, because she doesn't have to, because she was already told what to believe and who to dismiss by other wack-jobs from the left. It is this wilfull ignorance and venomous hate from the 0bamaholics and other useful idiots which cause me to fear the most for my nation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Glen Beck is a conservative and has a way of presenting his opinion. He uses any number of props to make his point. That which you saw on the O'Reilly Factor are not uncommon. Beck does use a little humor on his program which airs on Fox daily at 2 O'clock in the afternoon.

    We have seen him use fish, tea bags and all sorts of little props during his presentations. On the program you are making reference to you will note when he was asked if he likes Obama or Bush he said no he did not care for either of them.

    He is different but also knowledgeable. If you are a liberal you will most likely not like him. If you are a conservative will. At any rate before passing judgment you may want to watch his show a couple of times first.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just can't watch Glen for long because He seems so condescending .

    Apparently Glen feels that He needs to use dolls something like an elementary teacher might use to teach . Doesn't He think that Republicans might have a bit more sophistication ???

    Or Does Glen beck believe that Fox viewers would not understand his propaganda other wise ?

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Beck sees this as payback after 8 years of what he called 'Bush Bashing'

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We don't get FOX in Toronto--at least not in basic cable.

    Nor do we get CNN-HN anymore.

    But I loved

    Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls



  • I have never really watched Glen Beck - even when he was on CNN. I always thought he was a lunatic.

    Is this typical?? He is one of the biggest drama queens on the air today. So yes, this is very typical of him. At least from what little I have seen and heard. But I may not be the best judge - I don't like the guy, and I did state that I thought he was a lunatic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Glenn Beck is a kook. He tempered himself a bit when he was on CNN but now he's gone over the edge. I actually saw a few seconds of the segment you're referring to. . .he's lost it. But he is entertaining at times and does provide some comedic relief.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Beck is such a simpleton pandering to his audience of simpletons.

    Barbara Walters tore him a new one on the View when she got him to admit that he doesn't check his facts or anything he says on his TV or radio show.

    I'm no fan of Walters or the View, but thought that her simple questioning of his practices on the air would mean the end of him.

    Sadly it did not, speaking volumes about the educational level of his audience.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Beck is a clown.

    I watch his show for comedic reasons.

    He's aware of that and proud.

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