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krystal asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

What is a good consequence for this?

I have an almost 4 yr old daughter. Today we were at a pond feeding ducks and when she was done she threw her bag that the bread was in, in the water. The wind blew it so I could not catch it in time to get it out. I want to give her a consequence that fits the crime. Obviously taking away toys would not fit this. I thought about having her pick up trash but honestly I think she would enjoy that. What would you do if your child did this? I understand its not a serious "crime" but I dont want her to think its okay to throw your trash down.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take her to the park and make her pick up trash. No playground before or after, no feeding the ducks, and make sure she understands WHY she's picking up trash. Tell her plastic bags hurt the ducks-- that's something she cares about. Don't crack down too hard on her unless she does it again-- she's only 4.

  • 1 decade ago

    My 3 yr. old son threw something in the yard once and I explained to him that he needs to throw it in the garbage & if he can't reach the can to open it, he should ask me to do it for him. I did it fairly briefly, and I can say honestly that he always brings me his popsicle plastics, candy papers, drink pouches...etc. to throw away for him. He was always good about throwing things away properly before seeing a cousin throw trash down in their yard, that was when he thought it was ok. I don't think giving her a consequence is necessary unless it happens again, especially if it's not done right after the incident; she has already forgotten what she did.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Explain why what she did was wrong, and how it could hurt the duckies if they tried to eat it and maybe even kill them. Them make her pick up trash. Also, if it was not your pond say you might not be able to come back if she litters, and how litter is aginst the law, maybe even have her apoligise to the pond owner. This might scare her if you tell her all this so just tell her a little. If you say: "You could have killed ducks, gone to jail, and be banned from the pond." seems extreme and hurtful to such a young girl. So good luck and hope I helped (:

  • 1 decade ago

    The logical consequence, should be to practice picking up trash and putting it where it belongs. That is the whole point that you're wanting to get across, and the best way to learn anything, is by practice. No other consequence should be used.

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  • Jeff N
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If she knew not to throw it down or in the water, then picking up trash until she STOPS enjoying it would be ideal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ersonally i think that making your daughter pick up trash is a good idea, even if se might enjoy it she might not, but ether way you should explain to her why she must pick up the trash .. a punishment wont have any effect if they dont know why they are doing something

  • Have her pick up rubbish and put in a bin, so she knows where it's suppose to go. So what if she enjoys it, a consequence is suppose to teach a lesson not make them suffer because you're annoyed at them.

  • 1 decade ago

    make her pick it up and tell her good little girls don't do that and the duckies don't like it when you ruin their water. it's good to punish the little stuff first ya know. and tell her if she does it agian she'll get time out or wont be able to feed the ducks again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my daughter did this once and I told her that throwing trash into the water with the duckies will kill them. that trash could make them sick and die. she got upset, and basically understood from then on that it's not ok to drop trash anywhere cuz "it might kill the duckies"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Spank her hard on the bare bottom with a ruler.

    Spanking is the answer to everything.

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