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The Democrats in congress are trying to pass the largest Tax increase in history, But why do they have to?

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Why can they not take the time to have a complete bill? And why is it that so many Representatives have not seen the bill at all yet? The Chair is refusing to tell them where to find a copy of the bill. Is this Democracy?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're obviously watching C-SPAN and by now you have probably heard what John Boeher (sp) of Ohio did. He went almost page by page through the entire 300 pages that were added this morning at 3:09 AM. How any living person could have heard what was in those pages and still vote for it are either just flat stupid ot they're a democrat (sorry, didn't mean to be redundant).

  • 5 years ago

    You said there are hundreds of ways to restore the middle class, well I'm sorry, with all your education your answer doesn't really ring much different than our current policy with a buzz. And even though you sound extremely left, to me it really doesn't matter which ideological bend you are, schemes are what the citizen has been contending with for decades. We can return to solid middle class by a fair tax system, pushing the ego driven career minded federal electorate out the door and letting our new representatives (Federal level) work on our economic and international issues and stay the heck away from social problems that could be handled by the state instead of making them a political punching bag. As far as restoring the middle class to the same condition (size) as the 60's, I'm pretty sure that simply can't happen, not to mention; I'm not to sure on those statistics unless you're asking this in the "what if" theory. Then again I could be wrong.... Nice question!

  • 1 decade ago

    It is simple actually. Well it should be. When my sales revenue goes down I have to get creative with advertising, increase inventory, or make price adjustments. The fastest effective way to balance the ledger is to cut back on expense.I usually have to fire someone and work harder. Heaven forbid making them do that. I have found that lowering prices and promoting, increases sales and profit margins. However the policies that have gotten them into finally worrying about their own Job has caused them to drastically continue to do the same thing. They better find more ways to tax the poor. There are more and more of us created by them every day. They will have to stat taxing depression medication, that will get them rich. The only successful business that will exist in Ca are the ones that leave. Thanks Ca what would I do without you?

    Source(s): living la vida loca
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Have to? Not by any means. Only the hateful guy in Washington believes it, along with his other uneducated followers. A person with only an associate degree in home economics could do a better job.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That is Washington Politics. I have a suggestion:


    Then we can start over within 6 years with all new people. It is the only way to clean out this den of thieves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nope, not the government I want in power. This bunch is crookeder than a dogs hind leg. We are supposed to have a representative government. Not enough represent my views to keep the nation from going under. We're in trouble. BIG trouble.

    Source(s): Meanwhile the media if nearly 100% focused on the death of Michael Jackson. Priorities, people!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Our country will never survive this administration. I am so sorry and sad that my grandkids will never know what a great nation the United States and what opportunities and greatness they may have known had Obama never happened.

  • 1 decade ago

    They gave the new kid on the block the checkbook, and I don't think he understands that there must be money in the bank before you write a check.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just like the stimulous and the bail outs, do not let people look to closely. So much for open and transperent government huh?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They don't want them to know what they are voting on. Didn't their mothers tell them not sign something they haven't read?

    Source(s): Obama is not my fault!
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