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How much will cap & trade cost us and will O-bots finally concede?

From the article, "Some estimates suggest that the amount at stake for the taxpayers is over $3,000 per person."

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Cant you Obama supporters ever admit the fact that he is killing the economy and the taxpayers?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    June 24, 2009

    Dear Friend of Liberty,

    Congress is trying to skyrocket your cost of living while putting another 1 million-plus Americans out of work. And they want to do it before the week is out.

    You see, the “Cap-and-Trade” bill currently in the House is really nothing more than a thinly disguised energy tax that will hit every single American.

    And now Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats are pushing this tax hike toward a vote that could come as soon as Friday.

    That’s why we need to act now.

    I have included the office number for your Representative, Jason Chaffetz, but first I want you to understand the disastrous consequences of this Cap-and-Tax Scheme.

    By invasively manipulating an already over-regulated energy industry, this legislation seeks to fix an alleged problem that has recently been discredited by over 31,478 scientists -- including over 3,803 with specific expertise in atmospheric, earth, and environmental sciences.

    All 31,478 of these scientists are trained to understand and evaluate the scientific data relevant to the human-caused global warming hypothesis -- and are speaking out against government “remedies.”

    With this bill, Congress is once again just doing what it does best -- fleecing taxpayers to further an alarmist agenda.

    You see, energy companies just pass the costs of these draconian regulations through to the consumer in the form of huge price increases.

    As a result, you will pay higher gas prices, higher electric prices, and higher costs for goods.

    Barack Obama has estimated the costs of this legislation to American taxpayers to be over 650 BILLION dollars over the next eight years, and that figure is no doubt just a fraction of the real cost.

    But even that modest estimate amounts to hundreds of dollars a year in increased living expenses for every family -- and will more likely cost thousands a year.

    And according to the Heritage Foundation, between 1.2 and 2.3 million jobs could be lost over the next ten-years due to the bill’s stifling regulations.

    This current economic crisis is no time for Congress to consider both raising prices on hard-working Americans AND costing them jobs.

    That’s why we must act now to send a message to Congress to reject this disastrous Cap-and-Tax Scheme.

    The office number for Representative Jason Chaffetz is (202) 225-7751. Call now and ask for the staff member that deals with Energy policy. Politely but firmly tell them that you are opposed to this costly government power grab.

    Supporters of the legislation are of course trying to downplay the cost of this scheme to the American people.

    But if the bill does not directly and massively increase energy costs to consumers, how would it possibly achieve its stated aims?

    It is only through these massive cost increases -- mandated and enforced by the federal government -- that the dubious goal of reducing carbon emissions could possibly be reached. The only alternative to huge energy price increases would be massive, government-ordered power outages, leaving Americans literally in-the-dark like some war-torn Third World Country.

    So please call Rep. Jason Chaffetz at (202) 225-7751 and speak out in opposition to this hidden tax.

    You’ve shown what an impact grassroots action can make toward Auditing the Fed.

    Let’s unleash that same R3volution in opposition to this Big Government Cap-and-Tax Scheme.

    In Liberty,

    John Tate


    P.S. Congress is trying to skyrocket your cost of living with hidden “taxes” from the Cap-and-Trade Bill. Call your Representative, Jason Chaffetz, at (202) 225-7751 and speak out in opposition of this hidden tax hike and expansion of Big Government.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    hi, Dana. What i come across to be unquestionably hilarious contained in u . s . a . is how your suited wing hawk moronocrats decide to faux that the international is going to end each and each time a Democrat introduces a bill. only check out the 8 years which you tolerated Bush. heavily... check out those years and tell me which you think of the economics of that difficulty make experience. grant tax alleviation for businesses, hire trickle down economics wherein money is thrust into marketplace, and watch that money bypass distant places to sweatshops and third international labour or the wallet of the corporations who do no longer return the funds in any volume because of the fact they get tax breaks. Iraq isn't approximately oil, it extremely is relating to the syphoning of the U. S. taxpayer's wallet, and allow's no longer communicate approximately how the Bush administration value the yankee inhabitants. you think of $a hundred a 365 days is a lot... The economic equipment abdomen flopped under a republican, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been heavily left to the sandbox. however the nicely suited wingers nevertheless think of they could desire to be in ability... besides, I digress... to respond to your question, no. i'm no longer shocked in any respect. the fact of this argument is that there are alarmists on the two facets. the unhappy element is that there are honestly extra alarmists on the denial edge of the controversy. in many circumstances those little hiccups interior the line are the end results of somebody getting bogus information and then lights each and all of the fires to enhance the alarm against the alarmist AGW believers. Glen Beck, that fat radio guy, and Fox information %. up the trash archives and turn the sign fires into wooded area fires. yet yeah, in case you suspect in AGW, you're an alarmist who is going to ruin the economic equipment, enhance taxes, thieve all and sundry's money, do away with all artwork... it extremely isn't any distinctive than making use of the perspective of transforming into sea tiers and crop help to recruit human beings to the AGW edge of the argument. human beings do no longer check out the technology and analyze, they seem on the outcomes and react from that. Sorry, scattered answer, yet I actually have a brilliant test to tend to interior the morning around 8.

  • 1 decade ago

    Destroy 1-3 million jobs per year

    Raise gasoline prices

    Raise natural gas

    Increase the national debt by 26%

    Raise your electric rate

    This bill HR2454 is 1200 pages with an additional amendment of 300 pages printed this morning--Do you think these morons even read it!!

    Everything with this POS is doom and gloom and must be passed immediately

    Another dirt bag Kennedy is coming out of rehab to cast a yes vote!!

    This is unbelievable -a massive massive tax hike in the middle of a recession.

  • 1 decade ago

    If America is a country of the people, by the people, for the people, why did this pass when the majority of Americans don't want it?

    Politicians talk down to Executives in corporations where greed is in excess, but where is the greed really a problem in America.

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  • 1 decade ago

    About $175 per household per year or less than the cost of a postage stamp per day per household.

    Cap-and-trade gives pollution reductions a value in the marketplace, the system prompts technological and process innovations that reduce pollution down to or beyond required levels. This point is not theoretical; experience has shown these results. An active cap-and-trade market enables those who can reduce pollution cheaply to earn a return on their pollution reduction investment by selling extra allowances. It enables those who can’t reduce pollution as cheaply to purchase allowances at a lower cost than the cost of reducing their own emissions. It enables all participants to meet the total emissions cap cost-effectively. And it gives all emitters incentives to innovate to find the least-cost solutions for total pollution control.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Depends on who is "us". Some steel companies will see their costs go up 30-40%. It will cost us more in gas prices. It will cost people, on average, an extra month's energy bill.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are middle class.. it will cost us everything.. Obama does not want a middle class.. he wants us all to be near welfare.. so much better for him to control us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    About 175$ for a household.

  • Thousands of dollars in energy bills for families, increase in the price of taxes which will be passed on to EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN, millions of jobs will be lost....eventually it will cost our economy.

  • Bobbi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I heard an average of $100 a month per household. But at least Obama isn't raising your taxes. He will just let the industries bill you.

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