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Would people go crazy if they accepted the truth about religion?

(I want a philosophical answer, otherwise I would have gone to the religious section and got lynched by an ignorant mob, who are not willing to even listen because their brainwashing is so severe)


First of all, I am not atheistic because it is impossible to PROVE there is no god.

BUT I am definitely not religious, because their god HAS been proven to be a fallacy on many occasions.

If you read religious text with the preconception there is a god and 'lets give it a go' it is proved to you time and time again by science and other facts of the world and things that make sense (like there cannot be a talking snake and dinosaurs did not roam with humans)


Is it because people would go crazy, and start looting because they can't see a point in life anymore?

Would people accept that religion was man made, to make people civilised and we just have NO NEED for it anymore?

Update 2:

Hold on mate, THE HOLY BOOKS have been proved fallacious, which means the words of the person who wrote them were not correct.

How can someting omnipresent be so wrog on so many levels?

I'm not saying there is no GOD, I'm saying there is no God in the books that people follow blindly, looking for answers that are put there by man!

Update 3:

TK421 The fact that dates match up makes sense to me, even though they are not EXACT.

You mentioned Sumer, which is interesting, as this was around thousands of years before these modern day religions were imposed, and had more in depth tales which have been borrowed. Such as the flood tale etc..

The talking snakes, flying angels, prophecies about our undetermined future is what confuses me. I am looking from a PURELY logical perspective, and I feel people are being duped, be it or be it not for the noble purpose of keeping society civilized.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It has been theorized that our brains have been hard wired for a belief system. That somehow through our evolutionary process, those that believed were somehow more able to work together for the common good and therefor develop successful civilizations.

    Having a 'punishment and reward system' for 'moral behavior, was surely necessary for civilization - and your question about continued need, I think still applies for the same reason. Unless we can educate every human being on the planet and supply them with the necessities of life, then religion and belief has to remain their panacea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, hold on.

    God hasnt been proven to be fallacious. Quit talking to atheists for your information on religion. People are biased and people are bigoted, especially those with 'something to prove' and who wish to convert others.

    There is no provable truth about religion. One way or the other.

    Would people go crazy if they did, hypothetically, find out the truth? Depends on what that truth happens to be. If Atheism, Im sure the world would panic, become depressed, no longer feel obliged to be moral, become violent and corrupt, become hopeless. Life and the human experience would become meaningless and valueless to some, while others would find no higher calling than to serve their own self-interests. If Theism, on the other hand, I think anyone who would resist a 'positive change to what is truth' surely is a bigot. Only a bigoted anti-theist would reject a God standing right in front of him, which is not unlikely judging by 90% of the open-minded 'atheists' I see trolling the R&S section, lying in wait.

    You think anyone willing to preach in favor of theism is a brainwashed moron? Look up the word 'bigot' in case you dont know. Im not telling you to convert, but I am telling you atheism hasnt proven jack. And I'll likely be down-thumbed for it, too. See the word 'bigot', in case you still havent looked it up.

    Sounds to me like youre an 'ignorant and self-righteous atheist'. If you truly were a passivist when it comes to religion, if you truly lacked a hardened opinion, then you wouldnt have posted a question that is so blatantly anti-religious.

    There is a difference between truth atheism and anti-theism. Atheism admits possibility in a God. Atheism literally means 'without a God'. It does not mean 'against God' as the word anti-theist means. Anti-theists reject the notion, the prospect, out of hand and without proof. All the while they will lay claim to empirical and logical rationality, ignorant of their own fallacies and over-confident in their own ideologies, blinded by their own faith. Atheism, true atheism, is about admitting ignorance in the matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Moral boundaries exist among atheists, so there is no crazy chaos among them. The opposite, however, may be true for the believers who suddenly find themselves without religion or god. For society to exist, though, our moral boundaries will still keep us civilized. Like the first guy said, the irrational belief system has become hard wired into our limbic system. The cerebral cortex is a more recent development of our species, where our logical and reasoned thought resides.

    Obsolete genes do not die overnight, so we'll be seeing the a distorted worldview among the majority of earth's population for some time to come.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To answer your Q: no people would not go crazy BUT you can not remove a support system without replacing it with another.

    Religion is a tool for navigating through life on this earth. That also answers why it is 'rampant among us'.

    It matters not where religion came from only that it serves a purpose for many.

    If you take away the religions we have at this time mankind will just replace it with a new system

    Man looks for guidance and with fences comes security.

    Source(s): Lona, Jewess
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you sound as if you have been beat down by this world is there no hope in your heart. have you given up that easily? i am no one to judge you, and i am not because i have not walked in your shoes. and i sincerely say this with no intentions to wound you but that is what it seems to be in my opinion. you see what you want to see, and you believe what you want to believe so therefore when you search for an answer like you are searching for you search with an open mind and heart. because if you don't what is the purpose of searching for what you already have your mind set . know i would like to bring up a point if you don't mind. this question proves that you are looking for people to agree with you for solace and comfort if you truly don't feel that religion is just man made and that it was created to civilize the world and your trying to find approval from others . your search for truth is on the wrong path. i will tell you this when you do find the truth it will feel right to you. and you will not have a single doubt in your heart about it being the truth. when you do find your answer that i just described to you then you would have found the truth. wish you luck on your journey. i hope i helped in any way for your search and please from the bottom of my heart i mean no harm from these words my intentions are to help in any way Lol and luck.

  • TK421
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The Bible has been proven to be a factual book. For instance, it is used to date Ancient Egypt; it references the Sumarian civilization and the City of Ur and for most of recent history that was PROOF the bible was bunk... Until they found the city of Ur.

    I am not sure what you have in mind when you speak of religion, but dinosaurs are not mentioned.

    I think people KNOW the truth; I think it is self evident. There is a God and that drives them crazy.

  • Beans
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A lot of reading to do and it's late so i'll settle for your first point.

    Did you know that it's also impossible to disprove that im holding an invisible, intangible faerie in my hand? But surely you dont consider yourself an agnostic-faerist (damn that i dont know latin) NO, in this situation you of course (and rightly so) consider yourself an out right anti-faerist.

    Did you know you also cant prove the world exists? "but surely" you cry "it seems obvious that the world does exist, it would be ridiculous to play out even the possiblity that it might not". Yes. Likewise with God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes, people would go crazy if they found out the truth. just think of all the different religions out there. Monotheism, Atheism, Polytheism. one says that there is one God, one says that there is no God, and one says that there are many gods.

    face it, one of these has to be wrong. there can't be many gods, one God or no God, only one can be true. the question is, which one?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people go crazy after just a little sniff of Religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is belief and beliefs

    There is no way to get rid of religion

    because everyone believes something

    even you

    What is the truth about religion anyways?

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