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Lv 4

What is wrong with people!!!?

What is wrong with these mothers that are always being caught leaving their kids alone in filthy houses?!! What excuse can they possibly give for letting their children live in bug infested, filthy houses, with dirty diapers and little to no food...animals running around half starved as well...and to top it off, they leave them there for hours or days while they're gone doing God knows what?

There is no excuse in my opinion. I don't care if you're on drugs, you were raised bad, you're not well educated...whatever... you need your kids taken and never returned.

People who do this don't deserve "rights"

Does anyone agree?

I needed to vent.


No, I don't need to report anyone. I read the news daily and get so upset because every single day someone is doing this and being caught. Imagine what is going on that's NOT been caught yet. It makes me sick. No wonder kids are so messed up these days.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Punishment is not severe enough. Excuses are made and people feel sorry because of this or that. I agree,they should have their children taken away. Children our gift and should be raised as such. Theses children grow up being treated this way and they are doomed to repeat. But unfortunately once a child goes into children services some times they are treated no better. they become a payday for people and then they are passed from home to home. You have a child its you responsibility to take care of it, even if it means you have to give up what you wanted to do so.I have seen animals take better care of their young than some people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Motherhood is a wonderful thing, but you are right on about that. Some people should not be mothers. They should be given some skill training first and have to take some kind of test, like you do to get a drivers license.

  • 1 decade ago

    You ever have any experience

    with manic depression?

    Watching people bounce around

    like a phucken game.

    Like a wind-up toy.

    Like pounds...

    ...of self-serving greed on wheels.

    The next thousand years

    is right around the corner.take a good look because...

    ...Bi-polar/ schizophrenia people are the poster child

    for the next millennium.

    These people...'s no mystery where they come from.

    You sharpen the human appetite... the point where it can split atoms

    with its desire.

    You build egos the size of cathedrals.

    Fiber-optically connect the world

    to every eager impulse.

    Grease even the dullest dreams with

    these dollar-green... fantasies until every human

    becomes an aspiring emperor...

    ...becomes his own god.

    Where can you go from there? Wrong way!

    As we're scrambling...

    ...from one deal to the next...

    ...who's got his eye on the planet?

    As the air thickens, the water sours...

    ...even bees' honey takes on

    the metallic taste of radioactivity...

    ...and it just keeps coming,

    faster and faster.

    There's no chance to think, to prepare.

    It's buy futures, sell futures...

    ...when there is no future.

    We got a runaway train, boy.

    We got a billion Stupid, idiotic, derranged people,all jogging into the future.

    Every one of them is getting ready

    to fistphuck God's ex-planet...

    ...lick their fingers clean... they reach out toward their pristine...

    ...cybernetic keyboards... tote up their phucken billable hours.

    And then it hits home.

    You got to pay your own way, by then,It's a little late in the game to buy out.

  • David
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    having kids doesn,t mean that the skills needed to raise them comes with the job. these are learned skills. some people don,t ever learn them. emotional maturity plays a big part in raising kids. some people never learn that.

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  • ic
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    couldn't agree with you more, and let's hope that children's services and the police are doing everything to save these children, that do not deserve to live in conditions such as that!!! a cat takes better care of their kittens better, hate to compare, but it is true!

    Source(s): work in law enforcement and have seen many a house that should be condemned and parents in jail!!
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds more like you need to report someone to CPS! Do it! I did it to my kids ex step mother. They made her clean her house!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i hope you feel better but yes, i agree. unfit mothers are horrible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    haha i completely agree

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