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Are babies BORN religious?

Q muslim baby names?

Q christian baby blah blah blahs?

Q buddhist childrens guilds blah blah?

I have been enraged by how many questions I've seen hinting that children are religious before they can even read.




Shouldn't we give babies a chance to become adults so that they can make a decent choice, instead of just 'growing up religious' and not really understanding what they are supporting?

Most people I know who call themselves religious are totally oblivious to their holy book, they are only in it for the community!

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No they are not born religious. Are their brains wired for a super-natural belief system, maybe.

    It can not be just imagination that has almost every child believing in Monsters under the bed, or in the closet and the belief that some trusted toy has the power to protect them. It may be just an evolutionary holdover - but it is there.

    I am not religious, nor am I deist or theist. I have a deep dislike for the hypocrisy of most people claiming to be people of the book, due to their total lack of understanding or following of the tenets of their purported faith. But it has been shown to somehow be hardwired into our brains to have some sort of belief system

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's wrong to refer to a child as Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, or atheist.

    In reality a young child or baby doesn't know enough about religions or belief systems to make an informed choice.

    A young child is generally the same religion as one or both parents because they haven't been exposed to anything else. They just do what their parents do.

    In my opinion, a child can't follow a religion until they reach an age where many children break away from their parents' faith.

    I think a person would have to be at least a teen and maybe even an adult before they could make a decision that was truly theirs about religious beliefs.

  • Babies are born with a strong relationship or connection with their creator. Nothing has interfered with that connection, they are still innocent. It is not till the world begins to corrupt their little minds. And they get hurt a few times does that connection get lost.

    They are not born religious, there is no rules to their relationship. It's simply a wonderful relationship between

    God and them.

    Children get curious. My parents did not go to church, but as a child I still wanted to go. I found a Neighbor and went with them. I also found as a preschool teacher kids asked questions about God at the public preschools all the time. And their parents didn't go to church. When I worked at the church many of the kids parents went to church because the kids wanted to. So, many times it's the kids leading the parents, when the parents want to hear nothing about God.

    The child will make his mind up when he is ready. No matter how old he is.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    WT?? Babies are born innocent and intuitively knowing all until people pollute their minds with garbage

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  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely. I was personally born with Isaiah and the book of Acts engraved onto my cerebellum.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all ,and I think educating the children in an ideological

    way is not ok.they have the right to be free to choose.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. However most are brainwashed during their early years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Babies are born innocent, thats why they need to be misled.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely not. This is simply a conditioning process.

  • 1 decade ago

    If they are I bet it really gives Atheist parents a "Hell"of a headache.

    Source(s): Commonsense?
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