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Spacing between children question?

My son will be 1yr at the end of September. My anniversary is in May. We were thinking that for our 5 year anniversary we should save up and take a trip to Disneyland. (Just us, not our son.) That won't be our next anniversary, but our anniversary in May 2011, so our son would be about 2 1/2. He would stay at grandma's and it would be for maybe a week. First, is that too long to be away from a child that age?

So I am thinking that I definitely don't want to be pregnant and go to Disneyland, so maybe we should hold off until then to start trying? Plus it would be fun to have all the condom-free sex we want for our anniversary trip. So my question- if we start trying when my son is 2 1/2 they would probably be about 3 1/2 years apart. Is that too far apart? What is ideal?


I probably will miss him a ton, but at 2 1/2 they really can't enjoy Disneyland. When all of our kids are maybe 5 yrs old and older, we plan on going again as a family. Are you telling me an adult can't have fun at Disneyland? I disagree.

Update 2:

Wow. Can someone answer my question instead of criticizing me?

Update 3:


Are there actually rides there that he can go on at that age?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that that is a good time to have another child, because you son will have some independence, which will be helpful when you have another child. I have 3 children and they are aged 11 (soon to be 12), 7, and 3. I love that I was able to spoil each one individually without the other feeling jealous. Financially it was great, I never had to pay for more than one in daycare at a time because by the time I had another child the other was starting school full time and I never had two children in diapers at the same time. I works out well if your space them a bit, maybe not a far as mine is spaced but at least by 2 1/2 to 3 years.

    And don't feel bad about leaving your child at home, he will have to eventually learn to be without you all the time. Also don't feel bad for not taking him to Disney, it is better when they are older anyway, they have more freedom to choose what they want and to be able to stay awake long enough to do it all. Enjoy your couple time, it is precious!

  • Moon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I live near Disney and recently took my 18 month old and my 3 year old. Honestly, they didn't really care they were at Disney so we'll take them again when they can appreciate it (maybe 5 or 6). We tried to get the kids on the Dumbo ride, but the line was soo long that the kids were screaming their heads off!

    My husband and his brother are 3 1/2 years apart. They fought like hell growing up, but they are the best of friends now.

    My kids are almost a year and a half apart and that works for us.

    I don't think 3 1/2 years is too much of an age gap. Your son will be old enough to where he can "help" out with the new baby.

    My son didn't walk until he was two years old and it was hell trying to carry him and the baby carrier at the same time! It would have been so much easier if he was able to walk at least.

  • 1 decade ago

    Spacing between children, really doesn't matter... Mine are 11 and a half, 10, 2, and 9 months... We all manage just fine.

    Remember that some women can't even have kids, and they'd be happy no matter what the spacing was. (Not laying on a guilt trip; just putting that perspective out there.)

    Fact is, only you can answer this for yourself... There is no 'ideal,' as there will always be pros and cons, but, seeing as we don't know your particular situation, we can't possibly answer this for you... Discuss it with hubby.

    *edit* After seeing Moi's answer, I had to add this: my son is the oldest, and the rest are all girls... He's 16 and a half months older than my daughter, and they fight all the time... Growing up together, didn't make a difference with them! I, however, was 5 years apart from my *youngest*, older brother (I'm the 'baby'), and we fought like crazy... Age differences usually don't matter.

    Source(s): Married, with 4 kids.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree that my kids wouldn't have appreciated Disney at that age, and everyone is entitled to a break now and then, especially if its for something as special as an anniversary. We went on honeymoon when our daughter was around that age and she loved staying with Nan and being fussed for a week, she didn't miss us much at all (I know I should be glad but was a bit upset really!)

    My kids have 4 years between them, they are 11, 7 and 3 and they get on really well. The eldest is old enough to have his friends and go out on his own and play, the middle one is old enough to still like playing with the younger one but is capable of playing decent games with the older one too, and the youngest is just doted on by both of them. Its also far easier explaining to a 3 year old that Mums going to have another baby than it is an 18 month old for example. Also it worked out really well regarding childcare, each of my children was in school/nursery by the time the next one came along, so only ever had to pay out one lot of childcare fees. Shouldn't be a reason for the gap but is a bloomin' good advantage!

    Source(s): personal experience
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  • 5 years ago

    I always thought that 2 years was ideal. My sister and I are 22 months apart. We fought like hell growing up, but we are the best of friends now. When we were kids, we spent every minute together. We were each others company. We have fond memories of playing board games together and dolls, etc. I wanted my children to be as close to 22 months apart as I could get them. I was on birth control for a few years. 6 months before my wedding, I stopped taking the pill. I had heard that it takes at least 6 months to get pregnant after a woman has been on birth control. I got pregnant 6 months later and 2 days after the wedding. Perfect. When my son was 8 months old I decided to stop taking the pill again so that I could get pregnant when my son was 14 months old (I was thinking of the 6 month rule). That way, the kids would be roughly 23 months apart. Well, I stopped taking the pill when my son was 8 months old. I got pregnant the next week!!!!!!!!! Oops. So now my kids are 17 months apart and, surprisingly, I love it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't understand when people go to disneyland without their kids.

    It's different if you dont' have any...but if you have a child...why would you not take him?

    I have a coworker that ditches her kids to go to Disneyland, I've never understood it. Disneyland...IS FOR kids.

    Secondly....Yes Two and a half is still young...but there is plenty for him to do there, and the eye candy alone will blow his mind.

    He can meet mickey and miney and see their houses, he can go to the Tiki Room, he can go on Finding Nemo's Sub...there's all kinds of stuff for little kids.

    As far as the Ideal age pediatrician says that having the second kid when the first child is 3 to 4 years old is just about perfect timing in terms of understanding and acceptance of a new member joining the family.

    Go to the disney website and do some research about age appropriate attractions, because there are plenty if you wanted to include your son.

    We are actually taking my son on a week long trip for his 3rd birthday, and we're renting a "kid" suite in a neighboring hotel that has mini furniture in the kid area, it's super cute, and we're super excited.

    It's going to be a family affair....planned specifically for my son.

  • jacey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    well its really up to you. i myself have a 16 month old, so if i start trying right now i will have a baby when he is 2. we want to have one when he is 2 to 21/2. 3 at the latest. if you space them out too much they might not get along. my hubby and his brothers are about 5 years apart and they don't really talk. and if you have them before your son turns 2 he might get jealous. also i wouldn't plan a baby around a trip. i am going to be 21 in march so i will be any where from 3 to 8 months pregnant on my birthday. do you think i said well i cant get pregnant until my birthday so i can go get drunk on my 21. no because having a baby is more important. so reschedule your trip. make it early or later its not that big of a deal.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, as far as a 2 to 3 yr old going to disney...if you are local, for a half day maybe...but it sounds like you will be travelling, so it would be an all day several days at a time trip to disney...that's too much for such a young age (IMO)

    but at the same time, i personally couldn't leave my child that young for so long. i would bring someone (nanny, g*ma, aunt, etc and "take shifts" for lack of better term) that way, you still have your couple time, and he gets to enjoy the park as well.

    btw: adults can *totally* have fun w/o the kids there! when hubby and i were first dating (and had no kids), we went to universal. we ate breakfast with superman, rode the rides...acted like kids.

    EDIT: my sister and i are 3.5 yrs apart. we were mortal enemies growing up, LOL. we could barely eat at the same dinner table w/o fighting. there was always some sort of drama between us. but then i moved away, we grew into teens, and became *really* close. we're both young adults now and raising our kids and we are now the best of friends. but that's all just probably b/c of the way my family is...we're a bit crazy.

    Source(s): i live 4 hours from disney and this is what i would do (if i had the $$$). i have a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old.
  • 1 decade ago

    my son was 3 and 1/2 when my daughter was born and i think its a great age. he loves to help with her and is more understanding that she needs a lot of attention and care. also maybe you should go somewhere else for your anniversary or at least take your son with you. close to 3 i think is the perfect age for a kid to go there. why would you want to go to "children's paradise" without your child?

    Edit: yes for around the age of 3 there are alot of attractions at animal and the magic kingdom part, but i wasn't really trying to sound rude (sorry) i see nothing wrong with going on vacation without your children i just though he might enjoy it at that age. if i could suggest Vegas that is "adult paradise" we went for our homeymoon and i loved every minute of it. very cheap too. can't wait to go back.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It all depends on you and if you'd rather have your three year old out in school at least half a day while your home with a newborn. Or if you rather be through with changing diapers all at once. I mean it sounds like an enoyable time in your life when you would be able to be careless...but I think that at 2 1/2 years old you should take your kid. He will enjoy it just as much, if not more! Or choose another place to go. IDK just my opinion...

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