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Which of Palins views do you disagree with most?

Energy independence, national security, smaller government, lower taxes, For the people who oppose her ideas, what makes these ideas a bad thing for you personally?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People answering on this forum should be running the government,

    for the most part they seem to be as smart as a lot of our politicians.

  • I would say energy independence...Drill baby drill is like curing a cocaine addiction with crack. I am for energy independence, it's very important and that is why I disagree with Palin's view on it.

    National security, I don't believe in preemptive war and intolerance for other cultures. Nor do I believe building fences and blaming everyone else for our problems will help anyone.

    Smaller government sounds good in general, but be specific, tell us what you want to shrink. Al Gore did a very good job of shrinking the federal government in the 90s, but he didn't give anything up, he just streamlined things. The closing of bases by daddy Bush and Clinton made some tough choices, but was very helpful reducing the tax burden on the American people, both of those things helped balance the budget in the 90s, and the American people didn't lose any services. Palin likes to say "smaller government" but doesn't specify how, but history shows it will be things like, hey, we can save money if we quit doing health inspections. Hey we can save money if we close public schools, hey we can save money if we close national parks and sell them to mining or logging companies. Yet somehow they will still blow the budget building fences, star wars projects and anything that will help the oil companies, and who knows, with Palin she might start a guns for kids program.

    And her lower taxes. First of all, it's mostly for the rich, not for me. 2nd she never says how she'll pay for the tax cuts or the national debt. When she does that, maybe I will agree with her, but she hasn't.

    Those are just some of the reasons, I have many more. I'm personally offended by her frequently by her suggesting I'm not as good of an American as people from small towns or her kind of church and such. I'm a combat veteran, and people can say what they want about me, but I've earned the right to hate them for it. I also firmly believe in a persons right to believe what they will and worship as they please, but she likes to legislate her own beliefs and that infringes on mine and others. These are serious problems just in her views.

    I have bigger problems with her that go far beyond her views though. I don't think she is competent, and she has not shown mental capacity to solve problems, nor has she shown any ability to work things out with people who don't like her. She really doesn't not seem to understand the world at all. Those are dealbreakers when I choose a leader.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately you failed to list the one I would disagree with. Specifically, her willingness to use - and support of - an interventionist foreign policy. Conservatives in large numbers have lost their bearing in this department, and Palin is no better. She supports American empire and military aggression (and the threat there of) as a means of imposing American desires on the internal affairs of other sovereign nations. There was a time (which I hope will return) when true conservatives felt very strongly that our military existed for the same sole purpose as our central government - to protect American Liberty.... not to free foreign populations or keep oil flowing or remove dictators.... on and on and on!

    Read the Congressional speeches of a true Conservative like the late Robert Taft. Or better still, read the Federalist Papers to understand the roots of true conservatism. If Palin could adjust her view on foreign policy, I could support her.

    One last point: How in the world can Palin support smaller government when her view of foreign policy and war are tailor made for increasing central power? So called "Conservatives" like her (and a host of others) are completely self contradictory in this department. They are also self contradictory when they hold up the Constitution and say they think the Federal Government should obey it to the letter, then turn clean around and support undeclared war! It's one of the most amazing examples of double speak I have ever heard.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, there is the "Drill baby drill" philosophy she has. I believe that we need to be looking to alternative energy sources, not fossil fuels. They are polluting, expensive and scarce, whereas solar, wind, geothermal, etc. are cheap and abundant.

    Second, she kills small animals from a helicopter. I can't respect anyone who kills animals for sport. In my opinion, the only real hunter is someone who goes after a bear with a Swiss Army knife!

    Third, as evidenced by her position on abortion, she would bring to the White House a level of theocracy that made the last 8 years miserable.

    Finally, a word about some of the other posts.

    I do not fear Palin. She is not smart, refreshinig or anything worthwhile. In fact, I wouldn't even give her a moment's thought if it weren't for the select few deluded people on the extreme right who think she has a smowball's chance in Death Valley in the 2012 Presidential's.

    Funny thing, the loudest critics of Palin at this time come from the Republican party. They are embarassed by her. She is as liked by her own party as Ron Paul is. Please people, listen to your party leaders. She can't win.

    However, I do hope she runs. Especially with Jeb. I would love to see Obama get a landslide victory.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Energy independence: Opening the wild life refuge for drilling. Her idea of independence is basically drilling for more oil. You do realize its not a renewable source of energy.

    National Security: What the hell is her idea of national security??? I know what her Idea of foreign policy is "you can see Russia from land in alaska"...dumb...

    Smaller Government: I'm for neither smaller nor larger government, but practical government.

    Lower Taxes: We actually did better economically under Clinton with higher taxes then Bush Jr.

  • izzo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Her personal appearance is the only trouble with this lady ,she better to stay at home ,because she is a good home wife !

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree with her present view about not running for President, but I think that can be changed.

    I think she is one very smart woman and the reason people put her down is fear. This fear is being fostered by the liberal media as well as the Washington fat cat politicians.

    The gravy train these politicians are on will be stopped dead in it's tracks if tax cut Sarah is in charge. The lobbyists are scared to death of her as well.

    She might actually be the best thing for America, ever.

    She would be a breath of fresh air in a very nasty and polluted plate, and I don't mean air quality, I mean by greed.

  • Roy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The whole thing boils down to the abortion issue. The fem libs can't handle Palin's opposition to it and the little adolescent boys who want to get in the fems pants and be politically correct are following along like little pseudo-intellectual attack puppy dogs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is nothing less American than the relationship she is trying to foster between church and state.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't disagree with Palin/ Jeb Bush 2012!

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