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Remove black Magic Spell Cast by Jealous woman?

I was married to a man who cheated on me with a very weird woman, who knew he was married to me and was ok with it, I left him because of that and he ended up staying with her because she gives him money. I have been having a lot of bad things happening to me, depression, nousea, iritability, my thoughts are jumbled up, I can't think clearly and my mind is everywhere, I feel dizzy, weak, extreme back pain, pain all over my body, lonliness, writhdrawing from everybody to the point that now I can honestly say I don't have a friend in the world, etc. I suspected magic but it was news to me when I got my cards read for the first time and the phychic told me that this woman is the one that did magic on me. The phychic told me that this crazy woman is "very jealous" of me and put a "bad luck spell" on me, that makes me not acomplish anything that I set out to do, etc. The phychic told me that she offers a service of giving me an egg to put under my bed and once I bring the egg back to her she would be able to see exactly what this jealous woman has done, and meanwhile the phychic would burn a candle for two weeks and say prayers for me. I don't know about the egg and candle thing, I know that the phychic has to make a living but I really don't have money to do this, please tell me what I can do to stop or reverse the spell and prevent this jealous woman from harming me or my child again? Should I contact the jealous woman who put the spell on me and what exactly should I say to her? Only seeking answers from people who have knowledge of this, voodoo witchcraft black magic. DO NOT RESPOND IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can help

    There is no magic, or demons, or any of that crap....grow up

  • 5 years ago

    How Do You Spell Jealous

  • Seriously counselling would be a better option you sound very depressed and have had a hard time. With a bad relationship break up, this so called physic is a fake, do not waste your many your being taken Advantage because of your current low self esteem. Putting an egg under the bed should be a clue to this persons fakers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with the first post.

    Fighting black magic with black magic isn't the answer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know what I'm talking about, first of all.........and here it is:

    Get saved & have Jesus enter into your heart. All darkness will flee (including any & all curses)

    This is truly the only way to break free from a demonic curse

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Go to a magician to get the spell removed or give you protection duh! another option is that you can pray to god!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I do not know your relationship to Christ. But, if you know Christ, or have known Him in the past, or if you wish to know Him you can get help from Him(if you have not known Him seek out a pastor to help you). Witchcraft is very real and an abomination to God. Satan and his workers only have the power over us, that we give them by our actions, and words. This woman has power over you, because you have given it to her. You have furthered this problem by consulting a spiritualist instead of God.

    You can fix it though. First go to Christ in prayer and repent for doing this, ask HIM to take the power away from this woman, and pray for her(don't curse her), God teaches us to pray for our enemies. Once you have done this, believe God has answered your prayer, your faith will remove the curse she has placed on you. Your prayers for her will either save her or condemn her. And, if Satan begins to make you have doubts in the grace of God to remove this curse, rebuke Him in the name of Jesus, and send him packing, otherwise you will allow him to erode your faith, and bring the curse back upon you.

    Source(s): The Bible
  • 1 decade ago


    Stop believing that it can harm you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Eggs are used in folk-magick cleansings from Central and South America, and also in some places in Europe. Generally speaking they are rubbed all over the body to absorb negativity by a healer, then cracked into a cup of water and read for signs as to what may have been causing the negativity in the first place.

    I've only ever come across the passive place-the-egg-under-your-bed thing in more modern, non-traditional sources.

    But honestly, if I'm paying a spiritual practitioner for an egg cleansing, then they should be cleansing me - not giving me an egg to take home.

    Setting lights, or candles, is also one of the most universal forms of healing. Catholics do this all the time - however spiritual practitioners will do it more proactively. Candles are annointed with oils that have been mixed to have specific spiritual effects, the candle is then dressed and prayed over. The person for who the candle is to work's name is either carved into the candle or placed under it on a paper that has other symbols of what the intended effect would be. So setting lights for you would be something that a reputible practitioner would do - but it's also what a shyster would say they would do too.

    You may want to read this article on con-artist psychic/spiritual practitioners to see if any of this rings a bell:

    The "you're cursed" is a classic line to get money out of people. This article will show you other red flags to look for.

    In the meantime, get yourself a good Uncrossing kit. Lucky Mojo has fantastic kits and the practitioners that work at the shop can give you really good advice and talk you through it's use (although it already comes with really specific instructions):

    If you're unfamiliar with what Uncrossing means, then read this article:

    If you want a recommendation for an absolute 100% for real spiritual practitioner who will read your situation and give you detailed advice on how to clear up the situatio for a nomimal fee, I would refer you to Dr. Kioni. (His website is kinda cheesy, but he is the real thing - I go to him when I cannot handle a situation myself. I've also referred many others to him who have all had good results.) If the situation is such that you will need his help to clean up the mess should there actually be one, he can also work for you. I'm not sure of his rates, but be assured that if you hire him to work for you, the work WILL get done...and powerfully.

    But just have the initial reading done to see if the situation is actually due to crossed conditions or if it is more mundane.

    Source(s): oh - and for those who think that just believing in Jesus is enough to keep you free from crossed conditions that others may send at you...tell that to all the hundreds of thousands of Christians the world over who deal with the evil eye, jinxes, and other forms of malevolent work and have rich traditions for ridding themselves of it. Central and South Americans are primarily Christian; Europe is primarily Christian; and there are hundreds of methods of spiritual cleansing and protection from these places for dealing with black magick. Do some research and take your head out of the white-bread sand. Just because your middle-class suburban gated community doesn't have curses flying back and forth, doesn't mean that other communities don't deal with this on a daily basis.
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