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Can an incurable disease be cured?

I know what christians believe, or should believe, but what about everyone else? All people invited, and All I'll do is explain my stand, and leave this open for all answers. Christians believe God alone can cure any disease, whether it be cancer, leprosy, aids, etc, and even raise someone from the dead which a disease caused. God said that the name of Jesus is above every name, including these I have listed and all I haven't. For anyone who wants to know, the references for this are listed here: Ephesians 1:21, Philippians 2:9-11, Revelation 19:16, and some of the scriptures promising healing any disease; Psalm 103:3, Psalm 107:20, Matthew 9:35, Matthew 10:8 ( Jesus' command to His disciples ), Matthew 12:15, Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:22-24. and Mark 16:17-18.


I must respnd: God didn't create ANY disease, they are caused by Satan alone. He authored sin, and sin brought disease.

31 Answers

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Western Medicine isn't the be all end all

    Because they claim an illness can't be cured Doesn't necessarily mean it is correct

    In the US alone 106.000 people die each year through wrongly prescribed prescription drugs

    If a Christian believes a Deity can cure them and they have unshakeable belief [ or they may term Faith ] in this and get cured Doesn't this show the power of the mind

    What mind creates mind can also change

    There may or may not be the intervention of a Deity but unless the person has this unshakable belief It is very unlikely to work

  • Oberon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    From a secular position, yes they can.

    To call a disease incurable is only a temporary label until the cure is found. Sometimes, nature provides those cures, sometimes science has an "accident" and stumbles upon them.

    I firmly believe that there is no illness in which mankind faces that does not have a cure. It's all a matter of locating it.


    "I must respnd: God didn't create ANY disease, they are caused by Satan alone. He authored sin, and sin brought disease."


    God is the creator. Nothing can be created unless by the hand and will of God. Even Satan is submissive to God. Satan can not inflict any human being with any disease, test, temptation, etc - without the consent of God.

    Satan also did not create sin. Sin is the result of the disobedience of mankind to the will of God. Satan is the tempter, but nothing more. He can lead you to sin, but he can not create nor make a person sin. That is all dependent upon the will and actions of the sinner.

  • Rubym
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are diseases that at any given time are 'incurable' and then things change. Cancer of any kind was 'incurable' almost always as recently as 50 or 60 years ago. Now many people can go into remission.

    Most Christians, except Christian Scientists and a few others believe God and Medicine can work together.Many hospitals are run by religious groups, many Catholic or Protestant, some Jewish.

    In the long run, it is God who 'cures people', but he might do it by helping on some level doctors and scientists to find medications or treatments. But in most cases God does not directly intervene and miraculously cure cancer, AIDS, or whatever. And I think sometimes it is not God's will that somebody be cured for whatever reason, through medicine or through prayer. A Christian should always pray that God's will be done. That might not be for the patient to recover, or at least not in a miraculous way.

  • CJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ridiculous. Only a very very few people believe that "God alone can cure any disease". If more people believed this bizarre concept then we would be living in the middle ages, and there would be zero motivation for doctors, vaccinations and hospitals.

    Instead we would be setting up chapels where we could go to have God set our broken arm and put a cast on it. Or maybe instead of getting our kids vaccinated against polio or small pox we could go pray for them to be immune, and if they die or become crippled it will be because they didn't have enough faith.

    Sounds lovely, eh?

    Finally, in terms of who created evil:

    Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    If you believe that everything is part of "God's perfectly laid out plan" then evil and illness are parts of his "plan."

    Buddha said: If God allows evil to exist, then he cannot be good. And if he cannot do anything about evil, then he cannot be God.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it happens all the time.

    An "incurable disease" is just one for which we don't know a cure. That doesn't mean it can't be cured. The body has great regenerative powers and can often overcome what we otherwise consider "incurable". Sometimes "incurable" cancers just go into remission on their own. Sometimes a person just happens to have the right defenses to successfully fight an "incurable" virus infection. We build up immunities and our genes have random differences in them that could, once in a while, make a difference in warding off an ailment. Even in a worldwide epidemic of some fatal disease, there will be a small percentage of us that survive. The survivers will pass on those genes, and that same epidemic won't happen again. Perhaps a slightly different one might, but not that same one.

    Of course, the Bible explains everything with "God did it", but that's because it only reflects the knowledge and culture of a more primitive society. In reality, such cures have nothing to do with any deities.

    Religion is superstition.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are more and more diseases which modern medicine claims are incurable. Medical doctors are so chained to man-made medicines that they overlook and outright slander true natural cures.

    In reality there is no such thing as an incurable disease. God set healing in many plants and herbs. Yet modern medical doctors, which are run by the drug-making industry, outlaws them and slanders them to keep you ignorant of them and dependent upon their deadly 'medicines'.

    For every disease there is an herbal cure. God did not create diseases. This came about because of man's sins and Satan/Adam has that power.

    There is nothing God cannot and will not cure, by faith. But without faith, do not look for it. thus many so-called 'christians' have no faith, and cause the world to think it is a lack on God's part. No such thing. God can certainly heal any and all diseases. by His stripes we are healed. But if you sin and rebel, you lose out on the benefit.

    Source(s): KJV Scripture
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes an incurable disease can be cured because God is able to deliver you out if you believe. Like God cured people in the Bible. You see the HIV/Aids is incurable but the Lord delivered Dewayne Woods. If you have God on your side you're not going under. God is able to protect and keep whats his.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine was on the highway and witnessed a really bad auto accident. He stopped to help. One of the victims was dead. He prayed for the Lord to restore his life to him and especially if this man did not know Christ so that by living he could come to know Christ. All of a sudden this man took a deep breath and was brought back to life. This was with no paramedics there yet.

    I have witnessed many healings. Praise and Glory to God!

  • soxul
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Christians on here are saying that yes, because Jesus will cure it for you. I would like to know why, then, would jesus give it to you?

    And the answer to that question is no. If it's incurable, it can't be cured. Because as soon as a cure is found, it is no longer uncurable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Almost any disease can go into spontaneous remission, especially when treated with expert medical care.

    a positive mindset helps recovery, so in that prayers said by any religious might help because of the placebo effect but this is not a miracle.

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