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P B asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

If you picked up your 3 year old from day care and she was crying because someone hit her, how would you react?

I just asked this question but people we more remarking on what I did rather than answering the question. How would you react?


It was a little bad boy ( 4 years old) whom I've seen misbehave before.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First I would comfort her and calm her down. Depends on who hit your child if it was another adult or teacher i would probably come unglued. But if it were another child I would speak to the teacher about what happen find out how it was handled make sure the the other child's parents were informed about it and leave it at that. If this is a reoccurring problem then there is more that needs to be done definitely. But that is what you are paying the daycare for right? So let them handle it if they are not doing it in a way that you think is correct then maybe it is time to find a different place. Remember at 3 years old kids to not have the reasoning ability that adults have. They just react. This probably won't be the first time that this will happen. That is why you have to make sure that it is being handled immediately and correctly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am assuming another child hit her. In that case my first reaction would be anger (it's my baby you're talking about!) but quickly after that I would think, it's a child who hit my mine, how can I blame him/her? Children, especially at that age, are still learning boundaries and they often react without thinking of consequences.

    If an adult hit your child I would be furious and I'd make sure the day care would be put in it's place. No day care has the right to hit your child, if anyone is them to discipline them in such an extreme way it's the parents, and no one else. What do we really teach our children allow them to be hit by adults who should be role models for our children? I would take my child of the day care and report them so they will be prevented from doing this any other children.

    I hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son doesn't go to daycare, but my reaction would be pretty mellow if the hitter was another child that didn't have a history of picking on my son. I mean, I wouldn't be happy that my son got hit, but kids will be kids. When I would become an issue is if my son got reprimanded for being hit or if it happened subsequent times. I'd still talk to the staff about it and ways to prevent it from happening again, but I'm not going to go ape crazy unless it's looking like it's going to be a recurring issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    kids are kids. Yes there should be supervision and yes they should be watched constantly. If your overprotective of your daughter she will be weak when she goes to school when she is older.

    Remember it could have been another 3 year old that hit her! What u going to do bully a 3 year old. She needs to be able to stand up for herself and remember your 3 year old could have started it. I would not be quick to jump to conclusions.

    Yes u should have a word to the owner/supervisor but i would not take it further than that.

    All these chumps saying to take further action need to remember these kids are toddlers! And no u can not sue a toddler!

    My son is 4 and well behaved. When i started sending him to daycare he started coming out with words i have never heard him say before and rude ones at that. I do not blame the toddlers! I do not blame the supervisors! It is what kids do and parents need to realise that.

    Its how u teach your child the basis of politeness and respect at home which stops them continueing using those words.

    As far as being hit at daycare. Kids are kids and where does all this litigation stop!

    Always remember these day care centres need insurance to stay afloat. If a 3 year old hits another 3 year old and one of the parents decides to sue a day care centre. More than likely that centre will close. Multyply that scenario times a million day care centres all around the country and at the end of they day there will be no day care centres open because no insurance company will insure them.

    Parents need to understand to be careful what u ask for when suing these centres. Otherwise you will all have to look after your own kids if they shut!

    Kids are kids accept it! It only takes a second for a kid to whip out his fist and smack another child. Considering these supervisors dont know how the parenting is at home how could they percieve in a split second that a child is gonna whip out his fist and smack someone.

    Oh but let me guess its all about the money u want from the litigation not whether there was any wrongdoing!

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would first find out the age of the person / child that hit her. I would not have went in and showed myself. One thing about children is that some of them (a good majority of them ) hit. they have to learn that that is not acceptable. the way that you described how you as well as your husband acted does not show your child how to respond to a situation. Also you should not make an assessment on another child like that...that is not nice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are the parent so naturally you will be upset. Little kids tend to over react, as you know, so it was probably an accident. Ask the people in charge if they saw anything and if they didn't then there is nothing you can really do. Just tell your daughter that it is ok and was probably an accident and that she should just avoid the kid who did it. If they saw it then have them confront the kid and apologize.

    If your daughter says it was one of the people in charge that hit her raise hell.

    Source(s): I have worked with young children for 3 years.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would more angry that another child had the opportunity to hit her than her actually being hit, lets face it, kids will be kids and they all go through a hitting phase at some point.

    As you said someone in your question - thats quite vague. do you mean someone as in an adult?

    If an adult EVER laid a finger on my child I would not think twice about pressing charges.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off I'd realize that these are children and they don't always control themselves the way adults do (not that adults always do either) and then ask if anything was done to let the other child know that hitting is not acceptable. Things happen when there are children involved so as far as being angry at the daycare, the only reason to be angry is if there is no repercussion for the hitter.

  • 1 decade ago

    First.. is this normal for your child.. Some child over re-act..

    If it's not hear her side then ask the teacher what happened.. Never teach your child to hit... And or to let someone else hit her.. But ask that day not the next..

  • 1 decade ago

    I would stay calm, ask my child what happened, and then ask the day care personnel for an explanation. It could be that one specific child is picking on your child. Perhaps it was a one-off thing. At any rate, the issue needs to be addressed.

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