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Lv 6
ARBOB asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

We had a gettogether last night with some friends and?

neighbors, and of course, the subject turned to healthcare. Concensus that came out of these discussions with both libs and cons. is that why doesn't Obama get some sort of "minimum" insurance coverage for the millions of uninsured, and leave the rest of us alone for the time being. How would he fund it? Second stimulus for banks, automakers, etc? No, put it toward these uninsured necessities for insurance coverage. B.O. and Congress wants to keep spending trillions and trillions with no accountability, so why not get some of those bucks to the uninsured? Make sense? Sure it does, so I guess that means the B.O. and his cohorts won't do it. Oh well, we tried. What say you?


HGfvg, what the hell are you trying to prove anyway, or at your just practicing your typing skills? Let it go, please. You're wasting precious time and space for important issues!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    a quick look at current socialist countries around the world will prove that socialized health care is, in the majority of cases, not financially sustainable.

    Not only is it NOT legal (it is unconstitutional) and NOT an entitlement, it will ultimately bankrupt this country.

    i just spent 12 months in the republic of Turkey where they have socialized care. Sales tax is 28% on consumable items in order to pay for all this "free stuff". Everyone is equally as poor over there....

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, he is doing just that. First of all, Obama wants to make insurance more available to all. And change the system so that it is cheaper, and also so that the insurance companies find it harder to get out of paying for treatment. The system he is proposing looks similar to that which works in Holland and Switzerland where private companies are involved in providing insurance. The uninsured will be forced to get insurance, and they will have the choice to have government insurance. But no company will be able to stop paying out due to pre-existing conditions.

    Second, of course universal health-cover sucks. That is why we in Western Europe have it. We think, hmm, our healthcare system sucks. I know, lets keep it. I guess that is the same with Japan and Canada as well.

    Third, Obama campaigned on reforming the healthcare system. He said he wanted to make insurance more available and he was elected by the American people to do this.

    FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage.

    FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet.

    That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, Cuba, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage.

    Click the links if you do not believe me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's a republican proposal now(a minimum care package for the truly uninsured) but the dems are not allowing counterpoints via repubs or the "blue dogs" right now because they want it their way. look, what you did at the supper table get together is exactly what our elected officials need to do. there are plenty of counter proposals out there that would keep this out of the hands of government. the american people know what they want and it's not government involvement...we want change and reform, but not the meddling of government. i want to say to the poster that said healthcare is a most assuredly is "not" a right and i will challenge anybody to show me where it says that in our founding documents...these are european concepts and philosophy that have no place in our country. under that thinking...what's next...a right to a house....well we tried that....gave mortgages to people who we knew could never pay back the loans and look at the mess we're in associated with that.

    ah, i can see our favorite british poster is back with his standard "cut & paste" post he uses to answer these type of questions. well since i woke up in a sarcastic mood this morning, i'll add that our friend from the UK has his facts wrong. first off the comment about children is a misnomer, and he knows this...the difference in the tally has to do with the how countries score these deaths and he knows this, second, you can provide all the euro links you want, these means nothing due to the fact that your country has to continually provide these mis-facts to keep the people from realizing the truth so your country can keep the status quo. sorry, you've made your bed, now you have to sleep in it !!! our healthcare costs are a direct reflection of "too much" government intervention, get rid of the mandates and the costs come down immediately. don't use the "we'll keep it" attitude, as i've said before, i have family and friends in europe and the UK so i get all the horror stories(i even have some to tell) and here in central fla. too many of the euros and brits are moving here for two reasons...taxes and healthcare. no matter who "i" talk to, it's always the same answer...your "our" plan is so much better is a total "lie" and unfortunately i'm getting annoyed at your attempt to say otherwise. i've read your profile, and i will say this, if you have to "cut & paste" every answer instead of answering questions on their merit, it proves and shows the rest of the forum your "elitist" and "psuedo intellectual" attitude towards the rest of the forum. if you want to try and have a debate, then debate, your "cut & paste" attitude shows your obvious contempt for spirited debate which makes your opinion worthless. arbob, i apologize for the seemingly contemptable attitude towards our friend from the UK and my further input in this respect, but i feel that i must set the record straight as this issue is too important for our very lives and country !!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    At my two families, family reunions, we had similar discussions. We like what we have and are not comfortable with the changes he and the Democrats are pushing. Why, indeed, does he and his followers not offer a minimum plan for the uninsured, and on top of that require those without insurance and working to purchase a policy? Our belief was that was to simple and less intrusive than what the democrats want. To bad, it makes more sense and would cost the american people nothing.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He can't leave "the rest of us" alone because health care costs are skyrocketing thanks to your beloved capitalist aka corporate american greed machines. The whole entire system needs to be fixed; it's not just a matter of insuring the uninsured. The uninsured are not responsible for all of the ills in the system. People need to read up on this stuff before making generalized statements that have nothing to do with the real matter at hand.

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't seen any details, but from reading the news it seems that a real overhaul is also in the works to control how big pharma and the the costs of care...but I too would like to see something for a basic level of care for everyone...nothing fancy...and let people get supplemental insurance if they want

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because people are dying on the streets......

    haha. what a joke.

    What happens when business owners that are already loosing tons of money forced to pay up to 8% in new taxes.

    If your payroll is $1,000,000 and your currently loosing $100,000 a year and not offering healthcare. If it passes next year, my family eats $180,000 in losses.

    I figure this is going to equal A LOT of job losses. For some reason jobs, are all thats important to business owners.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a Canadian, I really really love my healthcare system when I read questions like this.

    To Jake : yes, because the right to health care is on par with driving a vehicle. Mmm not so much.

  • jake f
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why doesn't he get a minimum car for all the people with no cars? Doesn't the government already provide insurance for those who can't afford? So, why not buy cars for those who can afford it but just don't want that expense?

  • Sage
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Barrack Huessain Obama does not hold to his word, havn't we figured that out already?

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