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Does anyone have a link to the Republican Health care reform plan?

I don't seem to find one,just obstructionist actions against the one offered by the other side of the aisle


Take a chill pill,boys and girls,I was just looking for a meaningful link ..Jeez....

Update 2:

Looks like Sunshine has read the same stuff that I have !

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They haven't offered one. I think they sent out a one page memo with no numbers and no practical analysis. When Bush was in office, he talked about a plan called "Affordable Choices Initiative", but the GOP never did anything with it.

    This is the only memo I can find on it. It has bullet points like this:

    "Encourage states to create a Universal Access Program by establishing and/or reforming existing programs to guarantee all Americans, regardless of pre-existing conditions or past illnesses, have access to affordable coverage," but it doesn't have any plan for how that would work. Useless.

  • 1 decade ago

    here's one that was unveiled back in May.. though i believe many Republicans, including myself, would prefer there not be any kind of health care reform.. but rather a reform in how our federal government takes in tax dollars. cause, i'm positive that if an individual were allowed to keep more of the money they make, they could most likely afford healthcare and we wouldn't be having this conversation.. so how about focusing on the fiscal inabilities of our federal government? because THATs where the problem lies. there's already programs in place to take care of those who wouldn't benefit from less taxes taken from their paychecks (if they have a paycheck at all). how about fixing those programs? why overhaul the entire system? better yet, why overhaul the entire system with the federal government in control when they've already proven with Medicaid/Medicare (among other failed socialized programs) that they cannot provide appropriately?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properly Nixon tried to get a countrywide medical coverage software lower back in 1972, he replaced into blocked by a democratic majority congress. A democratic majority congress blocked Hillary Care in 1993, while they refused to deliver any charges out of committee. Democrats interior the abode, All voted against beginning the SCHIP State youngster's medical coverage software in 1998. Democrats voted against giving senior electorate prescriptionn drug insurance in 2003 in actuality, each and every important reform of wellbeing care provided that 1966, replaced into executed by republicans and in each and every case, democrats tried to dam the reform. you have a president who holds a city corridor assembly, to speak against incorrect information approximately wellbeing care reform. Then he flat out lies and speaks approximately $50,000 dollar amputations, while they only value $2,000 money. there are particular problems with wellbeing care that must be fixed, yet no one is attempting to restoration purely the themes. a million. Uninsured people -- positioned them on medicare 2. Pre existiung situations - bypass a regulation asserting coverage firms can not bar all of us for pre latest situations. 3. value - bypass a regulation asserting all of us can purchase any medical coverage at the instant provided by any coverage corporation, on the comparable fee the coverage corporation is charging for that plan now. IE: you ought to purchase into the comparable plan great companies like Dell supply, or into the Blue flow plans provided to State government workers on the comparable cost. B, value - for people who can not have the money for coverage, the two positioned them on medicare or subsadise thier medical coverage purchase. Bingo, that solves the majopr themes with out thoroughly over hauling the total device. As mush as they say, we are actually not attempting to get a single payer sustem, they are certainly attempting. they could not attempt to bypass it in this invoice, yet they are making helpful that they lay the floor artwork for this way of device.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's see:

    Take the best health care system in the world... and then have the government run it?

    They do such a good job with the Veteran's Hospitals, don't they?

    And the costs they predicted for Medicare and Medicaid were so accurate. I'm sure the costs they're projecting for Government run Healthcare are just as accurate.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As you can tell by the responses above, they've got nothing. The one issue they bring up is Tort Reform, conveniently forgetting that they already passed major Tort Reform in 2005.

  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why would they waste time making one when there's a 0.00000001% chance of it passing?

    Where's your health care bill?

  • 1 decade ago

    They don't have one. I heard that they do, but they won't release it because they say the people won't understand it. I'm not kidding about that either. My guess is that any "plan" they have to continue letting the drug and insurance companies charge anything they want.

  • D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We are obstructing you from committing us to communism. I don't expect you to understand what I mean by this which is why I don't trust you liberal loons with ANY decisions.

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