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Lawyer X asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why did Palin step down as governor?

Apparently to pursue a career as a poet. Shatner does Palin:

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because she finally figured out that she is a moron and a disgrace to the republican women everywhere too.

  • 1 decade ago

    She wants to do bigger and better things or maybe shes tired of our poor excuse for a media giving her and her family a hard time. As the media does not cover anything negative about Obama but will say anything about Palin or McCain; a man who has done more for his counrty than any canidate I know of. Douche bags like katie couric can really affect someone's life..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She's had enough. She can't withstand the pressure of ethics investigations. As long as the heat is on someone else instead of her and those she controls the lives of then she's a pitbull. When the darts are caught and fired back at her she becomes a Chihuaua. She retreats. Just like she will in 2012. MEDIA...get used to them because they are here today and they'll only be stronger and hungrier come 2012. Obama supporters aren't apathetic, disinterested, or regretful. We're just watching and waiting.

    Obama 2012

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She got elected to do a bunch of stuff for Alaska - like get their Natural Gas pipeline going - and like a typical republican she did nothing. And then McCain got her for his VP and she continued to do nothing for Alaska.

    Now Alaskans are starting to ask the obvious questions of why she did nothing - and lawsuits are starting to pile up for the putrid way she ran everything. She's a totally trashy, trailer house sort of person - so many parts of her government were run "politically" - and that invites law suits.

    A very typical republican - stupid yet so stupid she doesn't know how stupid - full of crap and entirely useless.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hypothetically speaking

    1. She couldn't take the heat coming from the media

    2. She has too many corruption charges

    3. Trying to gain cash on the expense of her new found fame

    4. Dreaming about running for the presidential office in 2012

    These are my personal speculations but we still need to see

  • Tobby
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Palin is preparing for her future. She will run as President in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    She has cited the ethics complaints that has cost her $500,00 in personal legal fees and the state 2 million dollars.

    I don't think it was just that though i think that with the mounting criticism and the drop in her approval ratings she has realized that Alaskans don't like bad press.

    Alaska is a secluded state with a very low population before she was picked to run with McCain nobody was talking about alaska and before she was picked her approval rating was over 80%.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seriously, she's testing the waters for going into radio syndication but that bunch of "poetry" she did at her welfare speech was something else. LOL

    Source(s): .
  • 1 decade ago

    She says she basically wants to be a campaign manager now if I understood her correctly. Being in the public eye might be too much for her and her family to handle right now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow! Captain Kirk is a pudgy dwarf. Who knew?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think she is gonna try a run for president in 2012.

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