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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdoption · 1 decade ago

I'm 12 weeks pregnant, how do I give my baby up for adoption?

Before everyone goes jumping on the bandwagon and calling me selfish, allow me to explain my situation.

I take offence to people telling me I should have kept my legs shut, because my private life is my business and in no way, shape or form could I be described as a girl who 'sleeps around' or is 'easy.'

I am 21 years old, pregnant by a male ex who I had a brief relationship with in my own denial about my sexuality- I am an out-and-out lesbian woman, and although my family and some of my friends take great offence to this, I finally tired of dating men to 'please' their ideal of the life that they wanted for me; unfortunately their refusal to accept my sexuality was the death knell for my previous relationship with my girlfriend, and the driving force in setting myself back up with a male ex in an attempt to 'straighten myself out' and a relationship that proved disastrous.

I WAS using birth control pills when I started dating Lee, we were careful in that respect, and clearly they didn't work. We broke up within a few weeks as it was clear that neither of us were interested in the relationship, and I started to stand up for myself a little more. I became involved in LGBT meetings at work, Equality & Diversity projects, and started to surround myself with people who supported me and accepted me for me. So far, so good.

After a few recent weeks of constant nausea, exhaustion and morning sickness, I did a home pregnancy test and it proved positive. I could only see three choices ahead of me:

1. Termination.

2. Keep my baby

3. Give birth, and place my child in care.

I am aware that I am well within the time constraints for a termination, and have researched it as an option. However two years ago, I miscarried a baby girl at 21 weeks, just days after the ultrasound scan where I had seen her moving and waving and been told she was a girl, and decided on her name. I went into hospital for a partial termination to 'remove' the rest of my little girl, and returned to work within a week and never spoke about it to anyone. My ex and I broke up under the strain, as I became irritable and snappy and self-loathing, and under these circumstances and the well of grief that I still carry around with myself, I could never, ever consider a termination unless for medical reasons, and even then I would probably struggle with it as a choice. I know that right now my baby is about 5cm long, with fingers, fingernails, functioning organs, and that's enough for me to know that personally, I couldn't do it.

Secondly, keep my baby and bring it up. That's the option that, reading through a lot of this forum before I braved posting on it, most of the baying mob are going to spit at me to do. I would love to, I would truly love to, but I don't own my own home, I live in rented accomodation which I am going to have to leave shortly as Statutory Maternity Pay will not even cover my rent, let along anything else, and I cleaned out my savings accounts moving into this house in the first place when my church-leader parents kicked me out for being gay. Funny, I thought the church's outreach was everyone, but clearly homosexuality is a shameful thing for the daughter of a sunday school teacher, and she wanted to distance herself from it. I will be living with a work colleague, and completely unable to financially support a child, even with child maintenance allowance from the father. People who say poverty is temporary have never had a 'friend' steal hundreds of pounds from them. They've never been hauled into court over their council tax. I'd bet they've never begged friends for a fiver to buy some decent food with to feed their baby. Would it be fair on me to bring my baby up, in a studio flat (one room, like a kitchen with a bed in) and God only knows what I would do for work. There are 44 women in my place of work, not one of them is a single mum. I do shifts, 15 hour days and nights on a fixed schedule, and there is no flexibility for single mothers. There is the option for 'part time' working, but that still includes one 15 hour night shift a week. Easily overcome if Lee wants to look after his child, but he has absolutely no interest other than financially supporting me, and I cannot force this child on him. I am aware that he has responsibilities, but they are not, as far as I know, legally enforceable, in that I cannot make him look after my baby one night a week while I go to work. I have no family who will support me, and cannot foist a newborn child onto friends. I could find a childminder, but simply put, I won't be able to afford it on part-time wages.

Option 3- give my baby up for adoption. I grew up in a family where my mum and dad were both foster carers, and saw a good 100 kids come and go over the past 15 years. Some stayed a weekend while their parent was in hospital, one brother and sister pairing lived with us for 13 years and are completely stable adults. My mum and dad have just adopted

21 Answers

  • Ferbs
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all: Not selfish. Look at the efforts you put into trying to change who you are to satisfy others and consider their feelings first. This is even before a baby was involved. So kudos to you for working through your own personal challenges and finding the truth in your life.

    Secondly: Not selfish. You have considered all the options and can look back on past experiences like the miscarriage to shape your decision making. If only everyone could assess their history like that, there would be fewer poor decisions.

    You really are informed about all the challenges you would face in raising a child AND it's impact on that child.

    Lastly, you have seen the benefits of adoption as well, I'm sure, the challenges of taking in children whose short lives have been made difficult by circumstances beyond their control. Your'e not blind to the pros and cons of adoption.

    Your decision seems very well balanced and I'll be honest, if you were in Canada, I would brave the onslaught of insults and attacks and offer our home as a potential family since we are ready to adopt again. This is because you are at an old enough age where you are trying to balance the emotional pain of letting your child go with the logic of adoption, in your case.

    There is a very fortunate family in the UK who will benefit from your decision and hopefully, you will be able to keep some sort contact (if you wish) so that you can take part on some level.

    You are will be vilified and attacked by some who seem to have a hard time sharing their view without be cruel. So the length of your post is appropriate. Thank you for not aborting

    Please contact an adoption attorney or licensee in your area to get all the information you need. The birth father needs to be considered in the process and they are the best resource for all the steps you need to take. That is why I will refrain by getting too detailed on the process. We're not in the same country.

    All the best to you and your child.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It sounds like you are going through a very hard time right now. Maybe you feeling like you don't want the baby is really you just being upset and angry at everything else you are dealing with and it's just being misplaced. When I've had a lot to deal with I know that I misplace my anger or hurt sometimes and don't realize it until things have calmed down. If you have friends or family members that you can trust try talking to them. Or find a counselor in your area. Sometimes just having someone to talk to helps. I hope things start to get better. I know what your husband is doing must be hurtful. As painful as it is now just try to look to the future and plan a better life and situation for you and your child. You both deserve better then what you're getting. I'm not saying it will be easy, but there is hope for something better if you're willing to go after it. Best wishes to you and your family.

  • Reading your situation I would say adoption would be the best choice. If you go through with an adoption just know what a selfless act you are doing and your baby will be raised in a good home (not that you wouldn't give it a good home). Your not being selfish at all. I think you just want whats best for your child. If you could find a better job or get more financially stable maybe you could keep your baby. I can tell you already love it. It's your life and your child you need to decide what's best for both of you, though I hope you don't choose abortion. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you can keep your baby. Adoption would be the hardest thing you would ever have to do but always try to think about what's best for the baby.

    I hope things turn out for the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do what you think you need to do, but just be aware of the consequences for the child and yourself. I know first hand what it's like to have attachment issues because of being adopted. I'm very glad my biological mother didn't abort me, but it's a horrible problem to have and is more real than most would like to admit.

    At least try for an open adoption. I think that many of my problems would have been less severe if I had known my birth mother when I was young and had an idea of why she gave me up for adoption.

    Really, you don't need to defend yourself to anyone on here. You're an adult and you and the child are the ones who have to live with the outcome.

    Source(s): I'm an adult adoptee who's currently pregnant...
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  • 1 decade ago

    Hi! I'm not going to judge you because I'm an 18 year old guy and I know nothing of being pregnant or struggling to be who you really are. I'm sorry for you that things had to turn out this way but you're in this situation now and you have to deal with it. As abortion and raising it yourself are clearly no option, you'd do well with keeping the child and giving it up for adoption. As you may know, this process is incredibly emotionally straining because you'll have carried the child for 9 months and then have to give it away. Chances are you might reconsider at the last moment, but right now you're confident so what you need to do is find a couple that really wants a child and a couple you feel good about and who you think are gonna give your baby a better home. You can find such couples through an adoption agency, through newspapers, Social Services and maybe you personally know a couple who is seeking to adopt. Then you go through the legal specifics (open or closed adoption etc.) with the future parents and their lawyer yourself. You can also choose to surrender the parental rights to your adoption agency and they will find suitable contendants for you.

    It's a long and hard process, but in the end you and hopefully your child too will know it's for the best.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    You have brought me to tears. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. This decision is a hard one. I'm glad you have decided not to terminate. But I think you should reconsider your reasons for giving the baby up. If in fact you feel like your situation will only get worse or never change by all means, give your baby a better home. But if your struggle is temporary, stick it out, get assistance from whereever you can, the state, Lee, his family, do what you can and it would look up eventually. God Bless You!

    p.s. If your final choice is adoption just google adoption, all agencies have a one eight hundred number for emergencies that help birth mothers. Call them, they will help you through the process.

    Source(s): mom, teacher, LGBT, seeking adoption
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You sound like a very reasonable person. If I were in your shoes, I would get financial help from lee. Bear in mind that while you may not want the responsibility of a child yet, you may in the future and agencies aren't always so eager to give gay couples the opportunity to adopt. That leaves you with the choice of ivf or an affair with a man, which seems like alot of hassle when you are already pregnant. I've heard of government programs that help with daycare expenses, you may look into that. I wish you the best of luck in whatever decision you come to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You clearly state that suffered after you miscarried. Giving your child up for adoption will be a suffering that will stay with you forever. With your miscarriage, there was at least closure. With adoption, there is no closure. It is forever. It is permanent. You will be scarred for life. Your child will be too. There is NO getting over it. As a matter of fact, the grief intensifies as you age.

    Seems like everyone easily encourages adoption, but they have not actually LIVED it. I have. I can tell you it is a slow torture being separated from your child. It is a hell on earth, that you never ever recover from. Before you make a decision on adoption, you need to speak to women who have been down that road, and have lived the loss. We are who you will be if you chose adoption.

    I would not recommend adoption to any young women. It is forever heartbreak.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i would keep the baby when i was 18 i was dating the perfect guy for me we had some problems and seperated two weeks after i found out i was preggers and we got back together but it dident work out and we split of cause and i was faced with the same delemma i chose to keep my baby and yes it was hard i also had to move to a unit from a house and had no choice but to leave my job as there is no point working just to pay for child care so i can work but i made it through and im so glad i did that baby is now 10 years oil and has three other siblings and a new dad so go for it girl good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll adopt your child. I want to adopt so bad and their are millions of children that need to be adopted. The catch? I'm a Lesbian I have been with my girlfriend for three years. If we were married it would make us able to adopt together but since we are gay.. we are screwed. I want a child so bad and obviously we can not have one together.. Good luck. If you love your child and you are not able to take care of them.. Give them up for adoption. They still get a life and most likely a better one. If you start looking now you can have an adoptive family picked up before they are born.

    Source(s): Wants to adopt
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