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Could the universe be a simulation?

Technically couldn't the entire universe just be a massive computer simulation. I know this sounds eerily like the matrix, but on a serious note. From the point of view of someone composed of this computer code they would see it all as a consistent seem-less world in which they have freedom, but they are bound by the rules of the code, aka the laws of nature.

The people inside could not fathom a world 'outside' the universe, it would appear to be a higher dimension to them. And looking back on their universe using all their instruments of study, they will be faced with a giant universal explosion, a big bang. As the outsiders would see it, the 'big bang' was the start commands of the program and the begin of the simulation.

Furthermore, could it be a recursive process? Could we, as human beings, eventually create the technology to generate a simulation so real, so much like our own universe that it generates within it, planets, systems, and eventually life?

Would this generated life be as real as us? If it was based on the same fundamental rules governing our world. And would that make us gods and universe-creators?

14 Answers

  • *RED*
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer - its those falling stars that keep hitting me in the head, that reminds me at night...

  • 1 decade ago

    If it was a simulation SOMEONE would be controlling us. Which it might be; however, I don't think we have much of a simulation. We have the option of "free will" to really just do whatever we like. I am not quite sure if you have played The Sims 3, that is how that game is based. The "big bang" is just so hard to comprehend. You start as this little spec, then the forces of atoms+electrons join together. Bing! Bang! Boom! You have yourself a caveman roaming the earth. Doesn't that sound a bit odd? Personally, I believe that someone, God, created this life. It makes more sense that way then the scientific way. (Just my opinion)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    We are in a sort of computer, Nature is like a computer, we follow the genetic code and because we are part of this code, we can never fully understand what we are a part of. We can create computers and coded worlds within them, and yes, in a sense we are the gods of those worlds. But I don't think we in something as simple as a computer ourselves. And who knows? Maybe our god is in some kind of greater reality himself? And we're all living in these realities within realities, packed inside each other like russian dolls with the painted patterns on the dolls getting more and more complicated as the dolls get bigger.

  • 1 decade ago

    it totally is! EVERYTHING has a law behind it, from the makeup of cells and atoms, to the scientific laws, to the chemical reactions that make up our emotions. every action has a reaction, etc.. etc.. really it all could be considered "code" in computer language

    something DID create all of this "code" that makes things the way they are. however I personally think it was some sort of god figure and not a guy making a computer program. i believe this "god" guy created all of the laws of the universe and it set everything in motion.

    Source(s): drugs.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I came across some interesting odds facts a few months ago. This one made me crack up with laughter..... 'Now that we have created the 'Sims' game, the odds are more in favor of us also being Sims, than not.'

    It's a crazy old world. ROFL.

    On the quantum level, the Universe is holographic in nature. A hologram is unusual in that if you break a holographic image up, you don't get a smaller piece of the bigger picture, you get a smaller, fuzzier version of the whole picture. *grins*

    Which means that all parts of the Univers is contained in every subatomic partical, so if you change one subatomic partical, you change all of it.

    Practicing Shaman.... quantum physics rocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's tempting to think that seeing as how humans look for intention behind everything even if there is none. I'm wondering though, what would a disordered universe look like?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everytime I stub my toe, I somehow know that The Universe is not a simulation.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are already more rudimentary versions of programs that do this. I have heard of students using programs that share, swap, and combine different fragments of code to simulate evolution. By your example, the programs have "reproduced", and so "created" new versions of themselves - ie, kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just take the blue pill Neo.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    the question is, who could do such a huge simulation?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you broke the code.

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