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REALLY need some advice about ex, PLZ!?

We broke up about 3 months ago. They are moving to another state and even though it was going very well between us (all of this was set in motion before we met and they REALLY want this opportunity), we both knew it had to end. I realized I was crazy in love and wanted to do whatever it took, so I offered the long distance option, denied, then I offered to maybe move to the same state and was told that they weren't sure what could happen, that is was a "possibility" that we could be together, but that they needed to focus on their career, etc. One of our last actual conversations entailed them telling me that they were pretty much over it, they were sorry, they loved me, but it was bad timing and then they hung up on me!

They went away for the summer, training for a job, we did not keep in touch. I was extremely hurt by all of this.

NOW my ex started texting me about a month ago congratulating me on doing well for myself. I simply just thanked them and that was that. Then, they show up in town and txt saying that they want to meet before they leave again, I say that that will be ok, but then they text that they will be too busy and won't be able to meet after all!!! I'm so confused by this! I really am still in love with them, but not sure if they are interested or not? Was it just a friendly gesture? I want to ask, but afraid of getting more hurt again.



Yes of course just one person! :)

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Were I in your shoes, I would keep communication with your ex very casual if you communicate at all. Sounds like s/he has a classic case of cold feet and is not interested in getting over it at present. Your ex sounds too flighty to take any offers of getting (back) together seriously, and frankly you deserve better than someone who bolts for the hills at the first whiff of adversity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay. Well ask yourself, would this be a person that you would want to spend the rest of your life with?

    If the answer is yes: Go for it! If it's meant to be, it will be.

    If the answer is no: It will be okay. There is someone out there for everyone. Just keep looking.

    I don't know how much you love her, but if I were you, I would ditch this girl. She texts you back after a long time feeling sympathetic for YOU, asks you to meet with her, then stands you up?! Hint hint: She's not worth it. Plus, she hung up on you! She is all jacked up in the head. I'm sorry, but if I were you, I would FORGET ABOUT HER.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    You kept saying "them" but Im assuming its just one girl? Sounds to me like she is using you. If the love was mutual she would either A- Give the long distance relationship a go or B- make a clean break with no contact. The last thing girl should be doing is leading you on. I think she is maybe contacting you when she is lonely. Its hard, but I would suggest you move on. Whats the point now? She has rejected you twice now, take it on the chin and move on. The fact that she ditched you again when she was in town says it all. Seek your happiness elsewhere, my friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would move on. I know it sucks, but he/she is making it impossible to carry on a relationship like you clearly wish you would, so it sounds like moving on is for the better.

    Unfortunately because the situation is the way it is, and regardless of the reason at the end of the day he/she doesn't want to be in relationship with you anymore.

    I'm very sorry to be blunt, and I'm sorry for what it must feel like. But you can't force someone to be in a relationship with you or want to be around you. You should move on, you're hurting yourself.

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  • 5 years ago

    My advice for you is to seek God's word and comfort by reading the Bible and praying with her for her and your baby with your best family members and closest friends. Maybe there is a local church you could drop in on. Try out a few different chuches until you feel most comfortable and then "hang out" there. You will find others in need of comfort and it will help you to help others.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are brave in sharing your problem with us. For that you will benefit by learning from our experiences. As for me true love cannot be force nor can it be cheated nor can it be bribed. You said you love her but you have yet to learn the true meaning of love. Love is not only confined to one's feelings for another but the ultimate meaning of love is 'sacrifice'. Would you be angry if she is happy with someone instead of you. Well if you truly love her then you should not. Instead you should be happy for her for her hapiness is yours too. Seems silly to suffer for others happiness. Well that is love. And you will received the same in return.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suggest you not let this person back into your life. They are playing games and not being considerate of you. You deserve better treatment than you are getting from them, and should reserve your specialness for someone who will treat you right.

    Best wishes and good luck.

  • Try getting that person alone for a while and talking things out. Ask that person if they have truly lost all fellings for you or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    not to be rude but you need to get the story straight is it more than one person or just one girl?

    you used they & them toooooo much!

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