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Why do bad things happen to good people?

This was a question that someone asked and question was deleted. I typed out a big response and I didn't want it to go to waste so here it is if you wanna read it. :)

The question was:

I don't believe in God. My mother and her brother and sisters went to church at least 5 times a week while they were growing up because my grandfather was a pastor. But I just can't find a reason to believe in him.

Why do little beautiful children have to die in horrible ways?

Why are there murderers and rapists strike without getting caught?

Isn't God supposed to "always be there be your side" ??

If he's "by your side and keeping you safe", why do innocent people die everyday for no reason?

Give me your insight, I like to hear from people that are in the same position as me, but I would be glad to hear what anyone has to say.

My Answer:

That's a really really complex question, but it all stems from a misconception of who we are. All of us are born as sinners. Because of the fall, we are hopelessly desperately wicked and from the moment we are born, we rebel against God, and ignore Him. Also, you have to realize that we are sinning against an infinitely holy and perfect God, and therefore our punishment should be equally severe. Here's an analogy that might help show you what I mean:

What happens if I squish a bug on the sidewalk in the eyes of the law?

Pretty much nothing

What happens if I kill a cat in the eyes of the law?

Some jail time maybe, and fines or something like that

What happens if I kill a homeless man downtown somewhere?

Definitely jail time, maybe 15-20 years or something like that.

What happens if I fly to Washington and assassinate the president of the United States?

Life in prison if not the death penalty.

What changed in all these situations? It was who the crime was commited against. The greater the stature of the person against who you commit the crime, the greater the punishment, so when we sin against God we have an incredibly great punishment in store for us.

However, God is completely loving as well as completely just. So He took that fine of death and the wrath of God for us by dieing on the cross for us in Jesus. So now, if we choose to believe and accept him and repent of our sins, we are promised a place in heaven, so we go to heaven not because we were good enough, but because we were hopeless and God forgave us.

So all of us deserve death and Hell and every breath we take is an undeserved gift from God. If you understand our condition this way, you can cope with what happens to people, though it doesn't make it any easier on ourselves. Now to answer your questions:

Why do little beautiful children have to die in horrible ways?

They don't have to, but this is the result of a fallen world. People are murdered because the person that murdered them was a result of the fall, and they are desperately wicked. God does not kill these people, but it is allowed as a result of our choice, and our free will. If God never let anything bad happen we would have no free will.

Why are there murderers and rapists strike without getting caught?

You are assuming that the ultimate judgement has to come on this Earth. No matter whether they are caught and punished here on Earth, every sin must be paid for. If they are never caught on this Earth, and go to the grave without repenting and trusting in God, then they will pay for what they did eternally in Hell.

Isn't God supposed to "always be there by your side"?

If you are a Christian, then yes, that is His promise to us, but if you are not, then no He does not promise this. However, Him being by our side does not mean we wont have trials and hardships. It simply means that He will be there through our hard times. The Bible says that "God only chastens those He loves", so the Christian walk is not an easy one.

If He's "by your side and keeping you safe", why do innocent people die everyday for no reason?

This is kind of encapsulated in my answer to 1 and 3. It's a result of the fall, and God does not promise physical safety, only spiritual salvation. Think of all the Christians around the world being tortured and murdered for believing in Christ. God is with them, and they are faithful to Him, but that does not mean they will be physically safe.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I read all of it and it was very interesting, and you are completely right, and i forgot what where its at i think its somewhere before or after Jesus dies on the cross, he says, "If they persecute me they will do the same to the ones that follow me, but do not fear, because you shall have everlasting life after this life, and those who persecute you shall have damnation in the eternal flame" something like that, so if you are a christian you will be persecuted in this life.

    and this is a little analogy (not sure if its an analogy, or just my motto) but i use this as my signature for phone and Email,

    "Thinking that the world will treat you right because you are a good person, Is like a vegetarian standing in front of a Bull thinking he won't get hit"

    An yup i like your answer

  • 1 decade ago

    It's called Karma. However, you cannot believe in karma and not believe in reincarnation. The two go hand in hand. EXAMPLE: If a mass murderer kills 14 people and gets 14 life sentences in prison, that is not equal justice, because the murderer only has one life. So reincarnation says your karma will come back to you in future lives. So these good people you speak of have done bad things in previous lives, they are just paying for it now.

  • 1 decade ago

    try to read Revelation chapter 6

    the answer in verses 10 & 11 is clear the world is full of wickedness not God that made cars but the driver need to follow instruction not to over speed, the rapist, the killers are agent of satan and he used them so the people of little faith will blame God; the judgement for these evil doers will soon come.

    Source(s): book of life
  • mavis
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There are no good people, we are all sinners and all people deserve to go to Hell.

    God looks upon all hearts and knows our thoughts.

    God says that there are no good people and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags in His sight.

    We must turn to the Lord Jesus Christ who is perfect and without sin.

    He covers all those who will embrace Him as their Saviour and then it is His Goodness and righteousness that God looks upon and sees.

    Not ours. We have none.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why not just tell the truth, bad things happen to good people because that is life and god doesn't exist, only the natural world does.

  • 1 decade ago

    bad news man. religion and faith is based on consolling people while instilling culture. bottom line is there is no light at the end of the tunnel. there is no happy here after. when you die thats it. game over. no three lives for a quater. no nothing. the world is completly randomn and things happen for no reason at all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a man on a stick can't repay my supposed "fall", when he could have just changed the rules at will instantly

    I could go on and on but your logic is handicapped

  • Ernie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The same reason good things happen to bad people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Or, a simple answer like: "Life isn't fair," would have done the trick.

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