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Richard asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

What’s to keep an employer from dumping their insurance plan once we have Government Health Care?

Ok I’ve been told over and over again that if I like my health care plan I can keep it, but my heath care plan is paid for by my employer, (it’s one of the reason I work for them), but if it’s going to be cheaper to force the employees onto the government heath care plan, why wouldn’t they just drop their current plan?

So far nothing I’ve read in the bills or heard have said that they can’t do just that. In fact it may be cheaper to “pay” the government then to worry about penalties if their current plan doesn’t make the grade.

So tell me what is preventing and employer from dropping their plan in favor of the government’s plan?



What makes you think there won’t be a spending cap under the government’s plan? After all the government plan will have a budget and if they run out of money then what.

If you really want to see what health care under the government will be like, just look at the current government health care. YES there is a health plan that is run by the government for the people. You have to be a Native American to qualify for it but its “free”. Read this and tell me if you still think a government run health care plan is a good idea.

That’s the type of care you’re government is going to give you. I live next to a reservation and the Native Americans wait until the INS closes then they go to the emergency room for treatment, it happen so much that our emergency has extra staff on hand to take care of the rush.

Update 2:

Oh by the way I am a diabetic, I have high blood pressure, and liver problems, and yet I’m still covered and got covered with those problems. Yes they are all covered under my plan, in fact under my plan I pay NOTHING for my diabetic supplies my insurance covers all diabetic supplies. My high blood pressure medicine is $10 every three month my insurance pays the rest, and they pay all but $10 for my liver test. I’m very HAPPY with my plan and don’t want anyone messing with it.

Update 3:,2933,540965,00.html

just another line to a story about IHS

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is exactly the point. The idea is that it will force insurers to lower costs to employer groups in order to compete, and that will (in theory) make the company more competitive in the global market, where they're up against foreign corporations in countries where health insurance isn't part of their bottom line. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are talking about the real implications of how this bill will impact the insurance industry or business in general.

  • 1 decade ago

    What's going to prevent our Insurance Companies from dumbing us; lower the Life Time Spending CAPS; or even worst continue with tactics of not insuring individuals who are diabetic, have high blood pressure or simply pregnant. Most bankruptcies (60-70%) in America stem from those related to medical; and not due to lack of responsibility in financial handling. Already Insurance companies across the country are raising the amount of where now they are asking for $0.35 cent out of every dollar collected; and the level of service is declining.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    in case you suspect in loose industry fundamentalism, no private coverage ought to worry public coverage in honest and loose opposition. If government delivers a extra effective product at a low priced, of direction companies might fail. in case you're grounded in actuality, as quickly as known wellbeing care comes into effect the non-public sector isn't waiting to compete from the known public sector via character of the wellbeing care. it incredibly is the reason the massive Pharma and massive coverage are scuffling with the known public decision interior the wellbeing care reform. the government will write the guidelines yet rules to be written might stable regulations on the e book: no exclusions of preexisting situations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing really....You are making a VERY valid point.

    Places like walmart already tell its lower employees to apply for state aid rather than letting them get insurance from them...what would stop other employers from doing the same crap?

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's the whole reason we hate Obama Care. Because even though obama promises that this is not a government take-over, it will eventually lead to it becasue the govt. plan will always be cheaper. But Obama doesn't like it when people think, he likes toting his plan to the dumb sheep that voted for him who are impressed with his beautiful words. when one starts thinking, he becomes conservative.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is even worse than you fear. If you read HR 3200, you will find language that will force you onto the government option. If you or your employer make ANY changes to your policy or coverage, the private insurance will be cancelled. This includes things like adding or dropping a dependent or a spouse.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing. You raise a very valid point. Go to a town hall and ask this question of your representative and they will label you as an idiot though. hmmmmmm. There are so many questions about this bill that they either will not answer or will lie to us.

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