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Lv 6
madart asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why can't some people see there is a serious problem with the current health care system?

I read responses on here in which people don't seem to realize their is a problem. They don't understand that it isn't just people who are too lazy to work and people who spend money on silly things other than health care?

Those of you who are in the camp: Have you or a close family member had a serious and/or chronic illness in the last 10 years? Have you every had to buy insurance as an individual because your employer did not offer health coverage, and then gotten seriously ill?

I could be wrong but I would guess you have been fortunate enough to never have been in that situation.

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think they care about truth... they only care about undermining a black man who was fairly elected to the Presidency.

  • 1 decade ago

    While your scenario is touching, I am more afraid of a government that is already over $10 trillion in debt taking on such a massive expenditure. It could spell economic ruin for the US.

    Obama claims that any program has to be deficit neutral. Oh, really? Well, let's say he gets his way and he gets some sort of government insurance. And let's further say that this government insurance somehow goes into the red (I know that a government program costing more than it was projected is sooooooooooooo way out there, but let's just imagine that it happens). Well, what then?

    1. Raise the fees on those paying into the program? That defeats the point of providing affordable insurance.

    2. Cut off people in the program? That defeats the point of making it universal.

    3. Raise taxes? Well, now its not self-funding or deficit neutral.

    If you want health care reform, then why not start by trying to improve the system we have?

  • 1 decade ago

    A health reform is necessary, just not Obama's.

    I do agree with the fact that people that are seriously ill and cannot provide for themselves should get help.

    The thing is, Obama's health plan is too unorganized, too...all over the place, you know? Instead of leaving the health industry entirely to the govt, we should polish off medicare so that more ppl that need it are able to get it.


    For the lady that is anti everything Republican.

    Change for the sake of change is never a good thing, change should come slowly as it is needed. If we rush into anything foolishly we may worsen the situation.

  • 0rion
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    well there are a few things that factor into this.

    one, as a group, the american public have always. ALWAYS been wary of something that the government suggests is good for them.

    two. alot of people do realize that the health care needs to be worked on, but are afraid of what kinds of things the government will change. possibly take away from them that they have gotten used to.

    third and most important, is that to this date, there hasnt been alot of translation of what all this proposed health care bill will do. people are driven on assumptions from what they hear, they dont go and seek out the information from the horses mouth. one because most people dont know where to look and two because the "horses mouth" in this case is a document that is about 800 pages long.

    in regards to this. a couple of news stations have gotten together whole crews who have in short, translated this information, and have that actual document with them when they go on tv, and read from this thing and then explain what it meens. only a couple have done this. i watched one tonight. that Cooper 360 of which i actualy asked a question myself about on yahoo answers. go check it out if you watched this program its good stuff.

    and by the way. someone who states a random fact like "because 80% say so" should elaborate on what they meen instead of remarking with a one word sentence. that says to me that they dont understand the information if they cant explain what they meen with more than 9 syllables

    Source(s): pays attention and reads.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only problem with our system is cost, so tell me why you go off on this sky is falling tangent as if there is more to what's wrong with the most superior health care system in the world than there really is ? How about this revolutionary idea, instead of scrapping the whole system in favor of a single payer national system (which has clearly shown to be a failure in other modern industrialized countries ) we simply address reducing the cost ?

    God bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    We(Conservatives ) do understand there is a problem.Its not a crisis as Obama puts it,Health care isn't going to dry up tomorrow(like they said about the stimulus)

    Why isn't Obama listening to the Republican ideas? Tort Reform,etc.

    There has to be a reason why He wanted this pushed through,in such a rush,without letting any of us read it.What happened to His promise of transparency?

    he said He'd put everything on the internet so we could read it.

    Well we read it(something He didn't want us to do) and we disagree with the whole idea of HR3200.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps there are people who think we need to fix the existing infrastructure before dumping more money into the pit.

    It's not that they don't see the problem, but they see a different solution.

    And yes, I buy my own insurance out of pocket. I can tell you about my shoulder which the Navy had operated on six times previously, and it wasn't until I had a non-Navy surgeon rip it apart and fix it on my own dime that it's actually fixed.

  • donk35
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There is a very large problem with your reasoning. You must read the current version of the bill and UNDERSTAND IT. All those fancy clauses and confusing phrases are there to confuse the public, just like the administration wanted it.

  • Alex C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    My grandfather was shot in the leg and taken prisoner when the Japanese attacked Corregidor in WWII. He was in a labor camp in Tokyo until the war ended. And know he gets the "benefits" of the VA. There's some personal experience with government run health care. It's TERRIBLE.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And what makes you think that the Democrats solution will not only address this issue but also change it for the better?.

    What if Obama-care turns out to be worse? the cure worse that the illness?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure there's problems but nothing some regulations won't fix. No need to let the gov't beak yet another system, (Medicare, Medicaid, post office, SS, etc etc. Small tweaking sure, overhaul? Why?

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