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Richard asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Government heath care end of life?

Under the proposed government heath care plan will grandma be force to read something like this.

Read page 21

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To PrivacyNowPlease!

But most of you are complaining about can be easily covered by a tweaking the current system. And what make you think the government will cover “experimental” procedures? Trust me someone someplace who you don’t know and can’t sue will decide which treatments are “experimental”. With the current system you can sue, you can recover “damages”.

As far as letting people die for the lack of health care, the government does that every day. I can show you what life would be like under government run health care. There is a government run health care program, it’s call IHS (Indian health services) the government must provide health services (health care) to Native Americans free of charge.

I live near a reservation, the health they get is terrible even the director knows that

Update 2:

“Dorgan, whose state includes several Great Plains tribes, agrees IHS needs more money. But he also calls the agency "unbelievably bureaucratic" and scolds it for not getting rid of incompetent workers, losing track of important medical equipment and not responding to patients quickly enough.”

What make you or anyone think the government will run health care for you or me any better than they do for the Native Americans.

If the government wants to cover people, why not just pass a law that would allow people to sign up for the SAME health insurance that congress has?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have to wonder if Obama has an investment in the funeral parlour business... he is so anxious to hasten grandma down the hill.

    he makes a lot of excuses for this bill.. but anyway you read it.. it certainly does hint at.. die or else...rather than all the good things the government can do for our elderly who did after all build this land and keep for spoilt generations like Obama!

  • 1 decade ago

    The end of life counciling provision has been removed from at least one or more of the Health Care Reform proposals. No, the government would not force any one to read that material. Hospitals do often require patients to sign a "Consent for Treatment" upon admission which may ask similar questions about the patients decisions on recessitation and the use of life support and to whom the Hospital should request permission from if the patient is unable to communicate their wishes. As that information booklet explained a person may not be able to give consent for treatment and the closest living realitive may be required to make difficult decisions without knowing what the patient's preferences would be. A living will is a good idea to ensure that your preferences are known and followed.

    The Industry makes profits decisions at the cost of peoples lives.

    Canceling policies of good faith leaving the insured person without coverage to die answer is "we regret the nessesity"

    Denied a kidney transplant with the claim that it was "Experimental" then bowed to public pressure to allow the transplant just hours before the 17 year old girl died.

    The family seek to sue CIGNA for wrongful death

    The only thing the for profit Health Care system is providing is a false sense of security while premimus are being paid and the client is healthy. When the client actually needs the coverage for Medical Bills they are often forced to sue the very company to get what they had been paying for while they were well.

    There was outrage over the death of Neda, an election protester in Iran.

    Where is the outrage for Nataline Sarkisyan who died for the CIGNA Health Insurance profits?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Anyone over the age of 60 will be forced to read this. Not only will this be a withholding of healthcare from seniors, it will also lessen the load on the bankrupt Social Security system. Right now there are 35 million retirees. In the next 10 years, there will be 70 million retirees when the baby boomers retire. Government plans to get rid of millions of them. The casket business should be a winner!

  • 1 decade ago

    The whole point of having the counseling available..NOT to allow people to make a living will advanced directive so they can express their wishes as to what THEY want done in extreme situations. Stop the scare tactics and grow up.

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