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Christians, why is it so wrong for you to question your faith?

All too often when I see a Christian that says they're starting to question their faith - some other Christians either turn on them and insult them, are ready to write them off as damned to hell, or simply try to order them not to question, rather than being sympathetic and trying to help them find their way again. Some others simply say "I'll pray for you/them", which offers the one who's struggling no real sense of help or support that they really need at the time.

So what if someone has questions or doubts now and then?

I find that questioning my faith and my beliefs and seeking answers when something doesn't make sense ends up strengthening my faith and bringing me closer to the divine in the long run.

Usually I see Christians say they're questioning their faith when they've fallen upon extremely hard times and are hanging on by threads, losing hope and feeling that it may make more sense that God isn't really there rather than that he is and has abandoned them despite the fact that they've been "playing by his rules".

Is this not understandable?

This is just one out of numerous statements I've seen about someone asking how to help a fellow Christian who's questioning their faith:

"They are not capable of anything other than disobey God, then you blow them off."

Is this only sad to me that some would so viciously turn on their own instead of being sympathetic to their troubles?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are really asking two questions:

    1) Why do Christians think it's wrong to question their faith?


    2) Why are Christians so mean to each other?

    You should be aware that the level of biblical knowledge and theological understanding among Christians today is pathetically low. People don't understand the reasons WHY their faith is on solid ground. Consequently, they don't understand their foundation and can't defend their beliefs. This, I believe, is the root cause for both behaviors.

    1) Because they can't defend their faith, they are frightened of questions. Perhaps frightened church leaders have taught them not to question. All of a sudden, it's wrong to question--as if the creator of the universe is incapable of handling a few doubts now and then.

    2) Because they don't understand the biblical commands to love fellow believers, to listen to them, to minister to them, they apply the world's standard instead of God's.

    I hope this helps.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    For me, it seems years and years of growing up with the same ideals and then WAKING UP one day to realize it never made any sense, so why NOT question it? Or abandon it?

    Each religion thinks theirs is the better religion -- the only true religion.

    They believe blindly, because it's all they know. When someone steps out of the box and realizes fact from fiction; it shakes their foundations.

    Hence, the I'll pray for you garbage.

  • 1 decade ago

    There a misunderstandings about doubt and the role it plays in faith. Christians should question, but should not stop there but actively search for answers. These answers can be found in scripture or in theological study, but they do exist and by finding them because of doubting faith grows stronger.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Often, those who have doubts don't articulate - often don't understand what their doubts are, so prayer is the best thing we can do, for God to speak to them in Joel 2 dreams & visions, when they are asleep & their mind is not agitated & confused, etc

    Also - as many recent TV messages have said - all too many folk have just got saved, to escape Hell, & not studied the Bible to be able to help others

    Just time to post this: I hope it's the right link:-;_ylt=AmHSZ...

    Back later

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Study enough relgions and it's easy to see why, The only thing they agree on is theirs is the true church and everyone one else is wrong.

    The religious persecution of the ages has been done under what was claimed to be the command of God.

    -- Susan B Anthony, from Rufus K Noyes, Views of Religion, quoted from James A Haught, ed, 2000 Years of Disbelief

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know what you are talking about and have seen it first hand in my life. Many say you are going to hell etc. etc. etc........I think it has more to do with narrow mindedness than being Christian. I'm sure that there are those of all faiths that think they have all the answers and when someone doesn't agree they show their true colors and small thinking. Too bad because one of Jesus's messages was that we are all part of the one father. All of us. Love thy neighbor as thyself doesn't mean to tell them what to do and how to believe. I'm sure the father will discuss that with them one day.........

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with it. I have not seen the questions you mention. I don't see what is wrong with praying for someone. I always recommend that people read, research and really spend time in prayer and/or meditation to decide what THEY truly believe. I have never said anyone is damned to hell.

  • It isn't. I usually tell those who are doubting that it's normal to be skeptical, and then I tell them what's worked for me.

    The way I see it is, if I don't question my faith once in a while, it grows stagnant. I can't let that happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not necessarily wrong to question your faith. Satan HATES when we follow God. When we commit, Satan is determined to put doubt in our lives, to try to win us back to Him. Every time you doubt, put on some Christian music, pray, or dive into the Word of God, and He will put your doubt to rest. But other Christians should not turn others away or "condemn" them just because they are in a spiritual flat. We should be uplifting, not judging. Keep your faith strong. God bless you :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to add: If God wanted us to follow blindly, he would not have given us the ability to doubt or reason.

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