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Baptism, God, Names, and other very serious questions?

A while ago I changed my name, legally, and only just now while modifying the last few identifying documents did I realize something.

My baptismal record still holds the name I was given at birth.

How can I fix this? Do I have to be re-baptized? Am I unbaptized right now?

Was my immortal soul ever protected by the old ritual? I mean... the name I was given was very much not the name that I should have been given... Did God realize that at the time and lead me to the proper name because He baptized me under my real name in His records? Does God keep baptismal records?

I wasn't too worried about this until it dawned on me that this is actually rather complicated. And given that it wasn't a matter of merely changing my name in a minor way... should I just go through the whole process again and never even acknowledge the original baptism?

If it helps at all, I was baptized Anglican. It was back when I was a toddler, and now I am an adult.

A hundred and one thank yous to all who can offer any information or suggestions on how to find the correct answer. Any hateful remarks or flaming will be utterly laughed at and enjoyed as Internet junk food.

11 Answers

  • I am an atheist, but if I were religious, I would be baffled by all the crazy rules that all these crazy religious have. How would you know which was the right one?

    You are a single life form on a planet with trillions of other life forms. Your planet is one amongst millions, and your star is one amongst a hundred million stars just in this galaxy. Your galaxy occupies a pin-point in the night sky, and every pinpoint you see in the sky contains BILLIONS of galaxies. The number stars and planets in the universe is incomprehensible, and if even 1% of those planets have life, and only 1 % of the planets with life have intelligent life, the you are talking about a god who takes a personal interest in millions of trillions of beings.

    Do you honestly believe that you are going to be bound by this god to some rule invented by a bunch of ignorant, bronze-age goat herders who thought sickness was caused by evil spirits?

    Live a good life, be kind and considerate, clean up after yourself, and try to make a positive difference in the world. If you do all these things, and face this god and are told you have to burn for eternity because you didn't get water splashed on you, then I say bring on the fires. Why would I ever want to genuflect or worship such an abominable creature as that?"

  • 1 decade ago

    Baptism is a symbolic ritual. You are following the example that Jesus gave us by being baptized, but it is purely symbolic, it is not the thing that saves your soul.

    Changing your name does not change the fact that you have been saved or the fact that you have not accepted the free gift God gave you by sending his son to pay for your sins and mine.

    I grew up in a Baptist household and I was raised to believe in "believer baptism". My wife was raised Lutheran and grew up believing in "baby baptism". We had our children dedicated at birth and they will be baptized when they make the decision. My mother-in-law is convinced that they will go to Hell if they die before they are baptized. I would have to say that my son who is 10 has more of a relationship with God than she does. I would be less concerned with him going to Heaven than her.

    At any rate. God knows who you are, no matter what name you use. If you feel that the baptism you went through as a child isn't enough, go ahead, be baptized as a believer. Either way, it's just water. What do you believe in your heart? Have you acdepted Jesus' free gift of salvation? You know in your heart if you are Truly saved.

    Source(s): I am saved.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Since God knows every hair on your head, it stands to reason that He also knows your name ( whichever names you have, He knows them all ).

    Christians baptize for 2-reasons:

    Jesus' example and His clear instructions:

    1. ) Jesus set an example for us when He allowed John to baptize Him in the Jordan River ( Matthew 3: 13-15 ).

    2. ) Jesus also gave us clear instructions on this matter when He commanded His followers to baptize new believers ( Matthew 28: 19-20 ).

    The earliest Christians took this example and instructions to heart and made it their practice.

    When people responded to Peter's convicting message about the crucifixion of Jesus by asking what they should do, Peter answered, " Change your hearts and lives and be baptized, each one of you, in the name of the Lord Jesus the Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. You will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit " ( Acts 2: 38 ).

    The key elements in baptisms is:

    1. ) That people repent ( change their hearts and lives ).

    2. ) That they are baptised with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    3. ) That they realize that the Holy Spirit is present in their lives making them children of God by Grace through Faith in Christ.

    4. ) That they are added to the fellowship of those who believe in and belong to God through Christ.

    The cleansing with water is associated with cleansing of the heart. Being baptized is being clothed with Christ ( Galatians 3; 26-27 , and Zechariah 3: 3-5 ). )

    Baptize means to dip or plunge. The is no Biblical instruction of in a river only. The later Church has some who have practiced baptism indoors, in a smaller amount of water. The Lord is pleased, regardless of the location where a person is baptized ( church building, swimming pool, river ), as long as they Are.

    One debate is is about how old one should be when baptized. During Biblical days..... children and slaves were baptized because of their parent's or master's repentance. No more legal slavery now in America. Children are usually done at the age of understanding Baptism teaching and upon repentance.

    In 1- Tradition of the church....only adults and infants of believing parents are baptized.

    In the other tradition, both believing adults and the infants of believing parents are baptized. When the infant comes of understanding baptism and requests to be baptised again, they may.

    Both traditions emphasize the true meaning of baptism as a confession of faith in and the identification with the death and resurrection of Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Both traditions view baptism as an initiation into Christ's Body, the Church ( 1 Corinthians 12: 13 ).

    Baptism is both right and good, and True followers of Jesus the Christ will follow His example and command this rite as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I were you I would get re-baptized in my church, a renewal of sorts, they do that, (with new godparents if your old ones reek), and have a brandy new baptismal record.

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  • 1 decade ago

    God will know you no matter how many times you change your name. If you want to be re-baptized to receive a new certificate with your new name then go ahead.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you are okay. You are who you are, and we all change throughout life. The point is, you were baptized, and that is all that matters.

  • 1 decade ago

    god baptized yourself and soul in the holy spirit not your name. your name on earth has no relevance in your faith or beliefs it is really just so others on earth have something to call you and get your attention. remember in revelation jesus tells us "he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes i will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone, with a new name written on it, known only to him who recieves it." basically what i am saying is that your name is a man made idea. god knew you before the womb, before you were birthed and named by human parents, therefore god knows you by your true name that he gave you, and probably doesn't care how many times you change your "legal" name.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If possible contact the church you were baptized in as a child and explain what has happened and what needs to be done. You are still baptized

  • 1 decade ago

    Um........baptism doesn't save anyone. No rite or ritual does.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If there was a god this would not confuse him. But it's all make believe so don't loose any sleep over it.

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