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Does anyone here honestly remember why Affirmative Action was created?

Seriously, if you can recall why the policy was created, then you should, in fact, understand why it still stands, in theory. While I have mixed feelings about it's current need with respect to people of color, I'm not so sure it should be done away with. Currently, whites are quickly racing toward becoming a minority in this country and may need the protection of the policy themselves in the coming decades.


Wow, the answers are very interesting. What many of those who answered don't remember, seem to understand, or care to understand, is that the policy was created by white men to address a problem created by white men. White men ran everything during that time. It is human nature for people to herd with those who are most like them. Even if you try to diversify your workplace as a manager, your natural inclination is to hire people who have similar educational backgrounds as you, similar pedigree and look similar to you.

To deny this is foolish because it happens in black communities, asian communities, hispanic communities and white communities. It just so happened that it was the whites who were running everything.

Update 2:

Think about TV in the 70's and even early 80's. There were only a few television shows that featured people of color. TV Commercials never featured people of color (think of 7 UP as ground breaking in this respect) because it was thought that a white person would never buy a product endorsed by a black person. That might have been true at the time.

Times have changed a bit. But still, upper management and boardrooms in most major companies aren't that diverse. The policy wasn't created to give people with less qualifications a chance (although that seems to have been an inadvertent side effect) but rather it was created to force employers to seek out qualified people of color AND women (especially white women) to give them an opportunity they would not have ordinarily been offered.

Yes, someone suffered when the search pool was widened. But people who weren't being considered because of their race had been and still are suffering for many years.

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I remember why it was created and I can tell you that it still needs to stay in place a while longer because in the south in particular, there is discrimination all over the place:

    Affirmative Action basically was created to right a wrong, It was created to force employers to hire more minorities and therewith allowing those minorities to get into well paid positions---look at the African American middle class and you do know that the majority of blacks are not lazy or dumb, they are educated and work hard. So this Affirmative Action did give them the opportunity to finally climb up the social ladder--and Affirmative Action needs to stay---it neends to stay to prevent a relapse into the olden days and it needs to stay to help those minorities who are currently fighting for their rights: the hispanics. Just because we have Obama as president and Eric Holder as Attorney General does not make racism go away--and a lot of people are racist without realizing it--they are more the type of people who look at the stereotypes and not at the individual person.

  • 1 decade ago

    Affirmative Action was created at a time when nearly all top management jobs were held by white males. It was a time when schools were just becoming desegregated. Minorities and women had a difficult time getting hired and were never promoted. The biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action have been white women. There still are glass ceilings and a need for affirmative action. If someone has a problem working with minorities or women, they are not qualified for the job they are applying for.

  • 1 decade ago

    White people don't need affirmative action and neither do people of color. What we need is a better public school system so that people from poor neighborhoods don't receive a sub-standard education. Also, there are cultural issues that plague people in lower-income groups that shouldn't be ignored. It's hard for a child to succeed in school when they're surrounded by drugs and violence. I don't think it has anything to do with race. I've seen poor white children who faced the same exact problems.

    Source(s): I've was a tutor for my university's office of minority affairs. The students were great, but their preparation for college was horrible.
  • 1 decade ago

    Because the job that I am at now, I was told I was the last on the list of 35 people to get in. I have been trying for six years to get my job and was told every time that it was too bad I wasn't a black female, then I'd be put first on the list. HOW IS THAT FAIR. Do you think jobs are a privilege or a right, that's the bottom line. They are a privilege, why would someone who has four years of college and four years of military be turned down for a job because a black female with two years of community college was pick simply because of the color of her skin.

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  • I think you're right, whites may need it in the coming decades, but i think it will be done away with at the very moment that whites will need it themselves.

    Our country is being over run with politicians who believe in social justice. Obama himself said that he doesn't believe in reparations because they don't go far enough. The white man apparently has a lot of sins he has to pay for. whether he committed those sins or not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my ex worked at a supermarket, in customer service. she was told to put a red X on the corner of every application she received from a black person.

    those applications were immediately shredded by the manager.

    racism still exists. those who don't like affirmative action can thank morons like her boss for it's continued necessity.

  • 1 decade ago

    If all people are truly created equally then there is no need for Affirmative Action....but you know as well as I do some people wouldn't get a job unless their employer was forced to take them, even though they may be less qualified for the job than others that applied, just because they have to make their quota for a racially diverse workplace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To slant the playing field in favor of minorities ,women and homosexuals in an attempt to redistribute a perceived advantage of white males ( and they've done a fine job)

  • 1 decade ago

    If only it mandated and enforced equal pay for equal jobs, then I wouldn't really have an issue with it. But mandating companies hire x amount of minorities, without stipulations regarding their pay is ridiculous. If companies were forced to pay a minority the same amount as a white man for the same job, maybe they'd hire quality workers, instead of the first black/woman/disabled person to walk in the door (who inevitably will be fired for poor performance).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thought at the time it was to garner votes for the Democrat party. Now I am sure of it since it has been extended to Hispanics. If they extend it to Asians I will reconsider but probably come to the same conclusion.

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