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Police procedure question...?

My friend recently found out that an employee of hers ( who has been with her for 9 years) has been committing credit card fraud against her for a while now. last month alone she has found more than $900 worth of unauthorized charges on her credit card. She is currently working with her credit card company and some chain stores to discover the depth of the issue. The police are involved, and she WILL be pressing charges. The question we have is this: the police are planning on picking the thief up for questioning in the next few days, can she refuse to go to the station for questioning? If she does, will they arrest her? After they question her, is there a chance that they will immediately arrest her? The employee was immediately fired, and my friend has not talked to her as far as we know, the thief is not sure that my friend even involved the police.


Thanks for totally NOT answering my question, Tony. There are at least 2 chain stores involved. My question was if the thief can refuse to go in to the police station to be questioned about this matter.

I was also wondering how severe the charges could be...We know without a doubt that she made over $900 worth of charges last month alone. My friend has found more charges on her CC from previous months, but has not told me the value yet.

Update 2:

actually...the total has not been determined yet. Last month alone there was $900 at one store ( 9 seperate incidents of about $100 each) and several for $50 or more at another store...we know it is more than $1000 total, just not how much more--yet. My friend is in the process of getting records going back 6+ months to discover how bad things really are.

Update 3:

Are you smokin crack Ayydon? this person used her employers credit card to buy $1000+ of stuff IN ONE MONTH...this has been going on for a while...and you think he should just turn the other cheek? I totally support my friend in punishing her ex-employee to the full extent of the law.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Out of the 3 people who have answered you so far only Rover is correct. No she doesn't have to go to the station. The police can only arrest her on the spot if they have enough evidence against her to obtain a warrant. If they don't have enough evidence against her and that's why they're questioning her then they have to hope that she admits to it. IF she does admit to it then yes the police will arrest her at that point. As for the charges, this depends on your state. If this was NYS, she would be charged with grand larceny 4th. I would have to look at my penal law book which is no where near me at the moment to see for additional charges, like fraud. This falls under grand larceny though and not petit larceny (stealing of property less than $1,000) because even though it's under $1,000, it involves a credit card so it automatically gets bumped into the felony category. Again, this will depend on your state.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not know the actual answer to your question, but have had this experience personally. I was a victim of credit card fraud. It was a crappy guy that I dated. He opened a P.O. box and forged my name. He racked up 4,000 dollars worth of debt in my name. The way I found out was that I finally got a bill addressed to me, he was the co signer on a mastercard, it was a collections notice. This was not through work but personal so that is different.

    Ugh, what a nightmare. I contacted all 3 credit checks transunion, equifax, and experian. I had his name forged. I could prove that I did not make the purchases as I had to get work slips showing I was there. It was several different credit cards.

    The police were less than helpful, they did NOTHING. It took me 3 years of being persistant and tenacious to be certain all of this crap was not my debt, and cleared off my credit report. The companies were very nasty and disbelieving that this was not my debt, it took a lot of proof and convincing, being on the phone for 1-3 hours a day for 3 years, writing letters ect, this was prior to the use of computers. The police did turn the other cheek, because none of the 5 companies found it worth while to press charges, apparently that is too expensive to do, they just sucked it up as a loss. I was dumbfounded because I thought that over 500 was a felony, which it is and several were over 500. What a headache.

    I do wish your friend the best of luck and hope she has a different experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    well the answer to your question is that the police can Pretty much do WHATEVER the **** the damn well please they can detain her (and more then likely will, assuming there is enough actual evidence. do you know if the police have hard evidence or is it just circumstantial?)I am almost sure that she will at least be charged with identity theft witch is a felony and probably more then one count of it, and definitely some theft charges maybe theft 2 or theft 1 depending on if they count it as all separate thefts or all as one theft. but consider THIS maybe your friend should talk to her employee and maybe wait just a little before really getting the cops involved because honestly they don't every really help anyone, and i don't want to sound to poignant but "let thou who has not sinned throw that ******* rock maan" so basically have your friend talk to here employee (especially if she has worked for her for 9 YEARS) and maybe see if they can work out some kind of a payment plan or something or anything that could result in a whole lot of unpleasantness being avoided!

    -Think about it


    Source(s): umm jail
  • 1 decade ago

    Ya, she can refuse to go to questioning. And the police can't do anything to compel her. What they WILL end up doing, is working with the District (prosecuting) Attorney to attain an arrest warrant from a sitting judge. The police won't be able to arrest her until a warrant is obtained, because, the crime wasn't committed in their presence.

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  • 4 years ago

    the reality the bribe grew to advance into into offered to the boy is beside the factor. the reality the boy is a minor is punctiliously distinctive. Drug/Alcohol use may be able to be shown by technique of urine/blood looking out or hair sampling. The boy is a minor and his mothers and dads/determine(S) could desire to must be presented into the image. If the female is likewise a minor then he has each and every sturdy to guard his daughter and might checklist a restraining or distinctive variety of suitable order against the boy on her behalf. To teach the boy "abducted" the daughter relies upon on what the boy does with the daughter? Does he take her 'Away' from the custody of her father and refuses to enable her touch her father? which could be kidnapping. If she is an individual then that's not kidnapping (She's in charge for her very own strikes yet her strikes may be able to be viewed endangerment). extra advantageous guidance could desire to desire to earnings...

  • 1 decade ago

    if their is a chain store involved then the state will pick it up nomatter who dosent want to press charges state will get it

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