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What is going on in our country with our own food?

I live in southern Ontario Ca, and it is the most rich and beautiful part of Ontario for farmland, we have rich black soil and we grow crops from apples, peaches, potatoes and just about everything you need to eat healthy and nutritionist balanced meals.

I am not a farmer but I have enjoyed eating well at the corners fruit stands and have been able to feed the family with healthy low cost foods. This is all about to change now as the farmers can not compete against the free trade

Now I go to the farm stands and question them why they are leaving the fruits on the trees (peaches) bumper crop this year and delicious! product being left in the field just to name a few.

I go to another farmer and ask why his product is still in the fields to be pl owed under?

I watch on the news that these farmers can not complete with the free trade our government is imposing on us instead I am forced to go to grocery stores and buy smelly, flavourless outrages high cost produce and fruits that have travelled for weeks in the bottom of ships (which by the way is ruining our oceans and waters) when I get the product home, I find it is musty, rotten inside, and not fit to eat and has to be thrown out or taken back.

I am appalled at how the system works and I ask why are we allowing the governments to force us into something that is not only unhealthy, but costly and putting our farmers out of work and losing their farms.

Does this make any sense to anyone and why are we allowing this to happen right under our noses

I have nothing against free trade but let us be reasonable, why are we being forced to buy foods that are extremely costly and in poor value when we have the best right here in our own country?

Do we really need more black cement and pavement for parking lots instead of rich farmlands for crops? Are we really just fools being lead by the governments who's only interest is greed of money?

Are we willing to sit back and just accept what they are throwing us What are the changes we need to take, how do we tell the government that we are canadians and we choose to eat what we grow and refuse to eat what they are stuffing down our throats. How can we change these outrages acts and demand that the government to be more supportive of the canadian farmer and businesses.

Who runs our governments anyhow and why do we sit back instead of banding together to support our own country.

Come on canadians, we need to stand up and take action in demanding that we have some say in what we wear, eat and drink!

I am happy to buy the things that we don't have in our country, but I don't understand why I need to buy and pay extra for to what I need to throw out, not to mention what makes us ill with all the preservatives to make the long trips.

It may cost a little more now to help support our farmers, but in the long run, we are eating fresh from the fields to the tables.

What is your take on this problem and how can we keep what is ours, ours?


thank you for the spelling correction, however, you totally missed my point. I am saying that our crops are not in our stores period. I would gladly pay extra to eat the foods grown in right here in Canada, but I would like that chance

I also do not need a lesson on how the food gets from China, Asia and so many of the other countries. I am also aware that free trade is good to some degree, but I am not sure that most people really know what is going on, I put the question out there for common-sense people to address the delemia and to become more aware, it is not an arguement that I am asking for, just give us the right to buy our products and keep what is good and working, working! The age old arguement of free trade will always be an on going thing, but again, why do we need to buy goods that are simply superior to what is sold on the shelves, perhaps you don't care one way or another, however, I am sure that most common-sensed people once enlighted would surely opt to eat fresh!

Update 2:

ty all for ur answers, I received a lot of good answers, however I fear I may not have been as clear as I should have been. I am aware that some of us are forunate enought to grow our small gardens and even some who are not apartment and small home owner can not go to our local grocery stores and buy fresh oppose to buying from counties which transport inferior foods and cost so much more. I am happy to buy mangos and such that we do not produce here, yet I must buy fruits and vegetables that the farmers are not capable of shipping as per the high expense. I do not see the point in buying our own products from such as China which is laballed Canadian and needs to make the trip back home.

We as canadian, need to consider this outrages and consider our health important enough to demand that if we grow it here, lets sell it here. After that, we can sell our extras as export. I am sure the all would benifit, I no longer wish to buy infected lettuce when it is grown in our back yards etc.

Update 3:

Come on canadians, let us wake up and see what is really going on. We have the greatest land for growing healthy food, but we are not persistant in telling the government that we choose to buy canadian and eat healthy, fresh and feel confident that local grown is safer and cheaper.

Let us support our own country first, then welcome free trade to the things that is not harvest or made in our own backyards.

If we close a blind eye to what is going on now, I am afraid the future will repeat itself to our expense. We need our land to support our foods and again may I say, "we all ready have enough black pavement and concrete buildings, soon this may be all we have left when our land is gone and we have no choices left or say in the matter.

Let us not be to late in demanding that we keep what is ours and good for our country.

How can convince our government to inport and export that in excess and all will prevail in success!

It is not to late today, tomorrow may be to late!!!!!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wow you are very well spoken and i share many of the same views as you, you would be interested in the new movie coming out called "Food Ink."

  • Your arguments make no sense. How can we say that the farmers are not able to compete, and yet you say that all you can find is (correcting the spelling) outrageously high priced foreign fruits and vegetables? It's one or the other. either the food is high priced, or it undercuts the local producers.

    When there is a bumper crop, farmers complain that prices drop. Of course they do! When there are low yields prices rise, that's called supply and demand.

    Also, it's worth noting that the vast majority of our imported food comes from the US in trucks and trains, not ships, but that's neither here nor there.

    Lastly, the government is not 'imposing free trade' on anyone. We have had a NUMBER of elections, both federal and provincial, since free trade came into being in 1988. It's not new, and the people have had many opportunities to vote to repeal it if they choose. They haven't, because it's good for the country.

  • 5 years ago

    i will understand why, the youngsters that are attainable across the international are infants/little ones who're orphans and desire properties. Now i'm no longer asserting that infants domestically do no longer desire properties, however the problem lies with the state and why does the youngster/toddler desire a house. multiple the time the youngster has been traumatized (abused the two emotionally, bodily, mentally or sexually) and introduced away by making use of the state. Then after the state gets rid of the youngster from the abode and places the youngster right into a foster abode, the state provides the mum and dad (organic and organic) the perfect to work out the youngster. Now, this would not recommend that the mum and dad are starting to be their act at the same time, multiple situations the mum and dad do no longer prepare for conferences and or they show up severe/inebriated. that's a real shame with the aid of fact in case you have different little ones on your loved ones, you have a duty to them to no longer reason greater trauma on your infants you have at abode. I want there strengthen into an less complicated thank you to undertake little ones right here interior the U.S. additionally, this is lots low value adopting right here than across the international. yet like I suggested, you have have been given so lots greater loopholes right here to bounce by way of.

  • 1 decade ago

    This answer is coming from a resident of Southern Ontario. It's a pleasure to answer a question from one of my compatriots!

    There is a local peach grower who used to sell to Del Monte. He is giving up the orchard because Del Monte is buying from a cheaper supplier. You have to watch your labels. I was shocked to see that some Del Monte products actually come to us from China! I have never purchased food from China and after the melamine scandal I can't understand why anyone would.

    I think, apart from some specific examples like this peach grower, you might be overgeneralizing. My employment brings me into regular contact with local produce growers. I am most familiar with the area around Leamington and the produce business is definitely good. Of course everyone knows that Leamington produces 80% of all the tomatos and tomato products consumed in Ontario. In addition to that, Leamington has a huge export market. So Free Trade has been very good to Leamington.

    In fact, I would have to say the Free Trade has been good to Canada as a whole. I'm old enough to remember the Free Trade Election of 1988. Since that time, the value of Canadian exports to the USA has more than doubled. So Free Trade has been a net good for Canada.

    In fact, we have Free Trade agreements with 9 countries including Mexico, Argentina, and Panama. The value of our exports goes up every time.

    I agree with you that imported food is always inferior to local food in taste and quality. My parents always say that you can skimp on a lot of things but never skimp on food that goes into your body! Why would you eat an inferior tomato just to save 25 cents? We always buy only Ontario produce and we are lucky that we can even go to local growers and get most of what we eat.

    On top of that, we buy local even in the winter. Of course you can't get fresh fruit but we simply eat canned or dried fruit. You can't get fresh vegetables but we simply eat preserved or vegetables that keep well in the cellar. It's so easy. I don't want to eat Romaine lettuce that was shipped to me from halfway across the continent in January. I can eat any number of squash dishes from a variety of squash that will give me twice the nutrients at half the cost.

    So there are my thoughts on the subject. In summary: buy local and eat better!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I totally agree with your thoughts on food supply. it will not be long before we are under total control of other countries, if they control our food supply, they control our country, with no bullets or bombs involved. yet, much of the problem lies in our own people, developers buy up land, then turn it into housing and more shopping centres. We are told that this is our best interests. It is not, but people are to ignorant and uncaring to take any action. I live in BC: the exact same thing happens here. Try for the 100 mile diet.

  • ZERO
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    you need to ask this in politics

    if you dont i will c+p it myself

    i totaly agree its not right

    u should get an alotment and grow yourself

    i have its great

    one of the most satisfying things ive evr undertook

    Source(s): 25 from scotland
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