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Cherith asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

What are symptoms of a tear on the diaphragm?

thank you to anyone answering, my husband had motor vehicle accident a year ago. He started getting pain in left hand side near rib age about 3 months later, he had severe bruising on his left leg. Now has a small protrusion that pops out when he breathes in.on same side. He's had x-rays but didn't show anything ( cracked ribs etc. ) It's not getting better, can't sleep on left side and hurts when he's driving especially when going over bumpy roads. ..


Thank you both for your answers .

I would like him to go to the emergency room..but he insists he's not that bad ( the doctor has given him Gabapentin ) which bothers me because its for nerve pain and shingles..he hasn't had shingles.... anyway, been trying to get hold of doctor since friday...

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    respiratory distress or failure, abdominal or chest pain, herniation of organs, pain, cough, bowel obstruction, diminished breath sounds, etc. There are many and this is a very serious problem that can lead to death if it's left unattended. The only way to fix it is by surgery. It sounds to me that maybe your Husband needs to have an ultrasound or a cat-scan done to rule it out and find out what is truly going on. Good luck and I hope the best for you and your Husband.

    Source(s): I am a Paramedic.
  • 5 years ago

    Tear In Diaphragm

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A torn diaphragm will cause a multitude of problems. Repairing the diaphragm with glue will affect it's flexibility and cause the slide to hang up. Turning on the choke, opens an additional fuel supply causing the engine to run faster due to the rich mixture - the slide will be hard to lift due to the glued diaphragm - the good slide will lift easily causing an unbalanced intake between the 2 carbs. Each cylinder will run differently because each of the carbs will be tuned differently and fighting each other for dominance. No adjustment will be able to adjust each carb to match the other through the entire power curve.

  • 6 years ago

    my husband has been complaining of having a hard time to breathe, he has ashma, so i told him that his pump wasn't working anymore, he needed a stronger one and to go see his doctor. Well he did, the doctor send him for an exray and was called back to his office and was told he has a tear in his diaphragm from lifting something to heavy. He is waiting to go for an ultrasound before surgery. He sits there and I can see him struggling to get a breathe and it really scares me, now its the wait for the call.

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    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    symptoms tear diaphragm

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    What are symptoms of a tear on the diaphragm?

    thank you to anyone answering, my husband had motor vehicle accident a year ago. He started getting pain in left hand side near rib age about 3 months later, he had severe bruising on his left leg. Now has a small protrusion that pops out when he breathes in.on same side. He's had x-rays but...

    Source(s): symptoms tear diaphragm:
  • 1 decade ago

    He needs to go back to hospitial immediately and explain what you have. If this is not seen to then it could result in death.

    A torn diaphragm isn't likely to appear on an xray as it as a muscle not a bone.

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