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What is going on with our government and our food?

What is going on in our country with our own food?

I live in southern Ontario Ca, and it is the most rich and beautiful part of Ontario for farmland, we have rich black soil and we grow crops from apples, peaches, potatoes and just about everything you need to eat healthy and nutritionist balanced meals.

I am not a farmer but I have enjoyed eating well at the corners fruit stands and have been able to feed the family with healthy low cost foods. This is all about to change now as the farmers can not compete against the free trade

Now I go to the farm stands and question them why they are leaving the fruits on the trees (peaches) bumper crop this year and delicious! product being left in the field just to name a few.

I go to another farmer and ask why his product is still in the fields to be pl owed under?

I watch on the news that these farmers can not complete with the free trade our government is imposing on us instead I am forced to go to grocery stores and buy smelly, flavourless outrages high cost produce and fruits that have travelled for weeks in the bottom of ships (which by the way is ruining our oceans and waters) when I get the product home, I find it is musty, rotten inside, and not fit to eat and has to be thrown out or taken back.

I am appalled at how the system works and I ask why are we allowing the governments to force us into something that is not only unhealthy, but costly and putting our farmers out of work and losing their farms.

Does this make any sense to anyone and why are we allowing this to happen right under our noses

I have nothing against free trade but let us be reasonable, why are we being forced to buy foods that are extremely costly and in poor value when we have the best right here in our own country?

Do we really need more black cement and pavement for parking lots instead of rich farmlands for crops? Are we really just fools being lead by the governments who's only interest is greed of money?

Are we willing to sit back and just accept what they are throwing us What are the changes we need to take, how do we tell the government that we are canadians and we choose to eat what we grow and refuse to eat what they are stuffing down our throats. How can we change these outrages acts and demand that the government to be more supportive of the canadian farmer and businesses.

Who runs our governments anyhow and why do we sit back instead of banding together to support our own country.

Come on canadians, we need to stand up and take action in demanding that we have some say in what we wear, eat and drink!

I am happy to buy the things that we don't have in our country, but I don't understand why I need to buy and pay extra for to what I need to throw out, not to mention what makes us ill with all the preservatives to make the long trips.

It may cost a little more now to help support our farmers, but in the long run, we are eating fresh from the fields to the tables.

What is your take on this problem and how can we keep what is ours, ours?

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    If the corner market is cheaper and tastes better, then it's surprising that the grocery stores are winning it out.

    Try organizing a boycott of those stores that you hate. Nothing hurts an opponent like cutting off its funding and support, and nothing should scare a government more than a grassroots non-violent uprising.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's probably the government getting involved in the food production and dictating to farmers what they can and can't do with their crops. Soon Obama will be telling us what we can and can't eat, too.

  • smiddy
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Did your government positioned it in there? It became extremely the producer who positioned it in there to maintain the colour and stability the pH. Do extra careful examine earlier you initiate making unfounded accusations. by the type, each and every thing in each and every thing you consume, breath, or touch is poisonous in extra, even water and Oxygen are poisonous.

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