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chinaman asked in TravelAsia PacificPhilippines · 1 decade ago

Now that Sen. Noynoy Aquino is running...?

Whether Sen. Noynoy Aquino would be a formidable adversary in the 2010 Presidential Election is not a question.

Question are:

1. Do you think he will be an effective President, or he would be a false Messiah, a sacrificial lamb, for others to gain power?

2. Will Kris Aquino be an effective Presidential Spokesperson? Maybe Boy Abunda can be deputy...hum.


Our beloved country needs not just leaders, but no non sense leadership. We as a Nation have been passed over by Time. Imagine Vietnam that is ravaged by 20+ years of war is now doing well than us. Crooks is politics should be stopped, they are termites that eats away the House of Cards.

The House of Represent-The-Thieves, are mostly represented by bandits, hooligan, gambling lords, drug lords, illegal loggers, you name it they have it for a price that is.

It is High Time for Filipinos, to stop looking at popularity in choosing our candidate, we as a Nation have been shamed faceless in the Modern World! No one in Public Service would say it is a FREE SERVICE, most often the wages of their,politician's, service are unthinkably high.

We have been crucified long enough, we are not cows to be milked, nor should we be lame ducks, and pretend there are no real issues and problems. On 2010, go out and Vote! Let us just hope they would count it right.

Update 2:

Educated Filipinos are so damn tired of having the same people running the Government. Politicians love the prestige, the power, the money, the junkets, but they do not have anything to show for it. The usual BS of the past, is still the BS of the present I guess it is human nature.

Perhaps if we have 3rd Level Eligibility (CES) Exam for Candidates for Elected Positions like the Presidency down to City Councilors we could weed out the real nuisance. Good intention is the mother of disappointment and hope.

May dangal pa bang mapag-uusapan sa bansa na ang may kapangyarihan ay salat sa kahihiyan?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope that voters will not vote for a person due to the strong surge of "emotion." Sen. Aquino may have become a popular choice recently due to the death of former president Cory Aquino.

    Let's put aside these emotions for a while and think straight.

    Not to attack former president Aquino's administration - but it has also been plagued with problems (corruption, coups, blackouts in the whole metro, inflation, etc.)

    On a side note, I appreciate President Cory's decency and "motherly image" in contrast to that corrupt/spoiled brat type - shown over the news on various occassions.

    For those opting to vote for Sen. Aquino-they should look into his credentials and what has he done for his constituents. In fact, we should look at the credentials of the candidates we intend to vote.

    tayo din ang mapapasama kung magkamali tayo ng desisyon dahil nadala tayo ng emosyon.

    I hope this country learned from its mistakes from EDSA 2 and 3.

  • 5 years ago

    Your premise or argument alone is completely IMPOSSIBLE. How could the picture of Marcos be place in a Php 500 bills when he is already dead and not the President of the Republic of the Philippines. If between the time of 1964-1986 this bill came out, yes I would keep it and use it to buy my necessity but now that we have President Noynoy Aquino as the head, I do not see the placing of Marcos in any Php 500 bills today. It is like asking if we can mate a sheep from a pig. Which to me is completely impossible. In my own observation MARK, I think politics/current events is not your area of expertise, I suggest you stick to your own brand of asking question on ENTERTAINMENT SCENE not this. You are mixing too many cocktail to the drinks, we might die on it. Why not just compare SARAH G. to TONI G. and who do you think sing better between the two? I would also ask another question which pertain to Philippines money: is it right to place people who is currently the head of the country or we just stick to the old form to place those who are dead heroes that is usually in the smaller denomination? Take a closer look at the US monetary form, it has not change for a hundred years. From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Jefferson to Abraham Lincoln et al. No current or past President of the US was ever place in the US monetary form. Why? Because they want the integrity of the money and maintain the stable US economic growth. I personally do not agree on putting the faces of the any current President of the Republic of the Philippines in our money from here on. What is the use? We are settled to see the faces of Rizal, Bonifacio, Mabini and others. Next time we know, it has the face of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. But I will not ask it since you already have one right here.

  • 1 decade ago

    YEAH I will vote for him. Who else is much better than Noynoy? If you are asking if he will be an effective President, puede na rin. I for one, do not like him to run for the Presidency, I rather choose Roxas for that position. But the current change so we opted for what it is now. He is still raw, kung baga sa itlog malasado pa sya. Unlike his father Ninoy Aquino Jr. who rose from field reporter in Korea at 17, Mayor at 24, Governor and Senator. His father has a lot of achievement compared to Noynoy. I find one opinion here who got lots of vengeance against the Aquino, branding them as communist etc...etc. that the late Cory government then was incompetent and useless etc...nobody can duplicate what Ninoy done by coming home and die. Would anyone here can do that knowingfully well that he will be shot right there in the airport, would one go home? I do not think so. Maybe just stay home and open his cellphone and text his friends.

    Anybody who will sit as President will have his hands full. The Philippines has so many problems. Sangkatutak ang problema ng bansa. That is why I am surprised why everyone wants to be the President of the Republic of the Philippines. Sino bang gusto ng problema? I think nobody does. But having the sit of power right there in the Philippines is another story. He will be just ordinary President not even a false messiah or a sacrificial lamb for others to gain power. BECAUSE he will personally make sure that nobody gain absolute power because of his position.

    Sino bang matino besides Noynoy among the Presidentiables? 2 lamang in my own point of view si Loren and Chez but others are like the previous one who will promise everything just to be place in Malacanang.

    Let us separate SHOWBIZ from POLITICS. Kris is not going to be an effective Presidential spokesperson of Malacanang. Besides, I do not think Kris will take that position. She is smarter than we think. Siguro dahil na rin sa delicadesa. Do not mix politics with showbusiness, it is not right to eat pandesal and dipped to a ketchup. Yuk!

    You sounds like a true patriot. When you said our country needs no non-sense leaders. Noynoy cannot exterminate those terminates you are talking about. They are still going to be there even if he is elected or not in the Presidency. Kung ikaw ba ilagay sa mga sensitive position in the government would you steal? Everybody is susceptible to corruption isn't it? Sabi nga EVERYBODY HAS A PRICE. There are 2 ways of fighting corruption in our midst. Either you resigned so that you won't be tempted or continue as if nothing is happening. In Japan, those government officials who failed the government resigned immediately. Some even commit harakiri to redeem themselves. While in the Philippines, anong resign resign, wala iyon. They do not know the word or the spelling of resignation. Tuloy lang ang pangungurakot. That is why we need a true leader. I also think that change should show from the top. Imagine if we have a genuine and not corrupt or have no tarnished image of our President wouldn't you think it is a plus for our country and also for us Filipinos all over the world. Pero meron isang Filipino dito na sabi hindi daw kailangan maganda ang rating ng Pangulo natin bagkus tayo ang dapat magpakita ng kagandahan asal. But I do not believe that, it should start from the top. That is why we should put the right person to the right place lalo na sa Malacanang palace.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I really don't know anything about Noynoy Aquino aside from he is Ninoy Aquino's son.

    2. However I would like to say that Kris Aquino will make a horrendous spokesperson. She doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut! On second thought though, that would be a breath of fresh air when the press secretary is not trying to cover up controversial details for the president. Imagine sensitive details being out in the open. That could be nice. Different. but not necessarily good for the country's image.

    Boy Abunda for a deputy- he'll bloviate our countrymen to obliviousness.

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  • 1 decade ago

    In all of his years of being in the House and Senate he has sponsored or co-sponsored 14 pieces of legislation of which 6 were making declaration that a particular person from his mother's province was a good person. Only 2 of 14 had anything to do with the masses of Filipino people.

    Even if his mother was an effective leader the times are different now than when she was President. The needs of the people are different. I would support Boy Abunda over Noynoy at least he has demonstrated he can manage a business, manage people and succeed when the odds are stacked against him.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he would be an effective President.

    I can just see him now, riding on his private train with a red star on the head, and red flags flying in the wind from all closed cars, and everyone on their "homes along the riles" gets out with fists in the air as the train whizes by, with loud shouts of "Strelnikov!"

    Kris Aquino might have to go into hiding once her brother gets to the palace. He just might have the BIR go and run after his sister, to set an example that "walang kumpa-kumpare dito!"

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I think he will be an effective president. He has a good head over his shoulders and he will be able to pick the good, honest people to help him run the government. Highly unlikely that he will tolerate others who gain power just because he appointed them. He has nothing to lose if he kicks these people out so he doesn't tarnish the legacy of his great parents.

    2. Kris will always be Kris. She was that way when she was young. Being within the proximity of Malacanang will not change her - - - their mom was once a president. She will, whether you like it or not, be an unofficial spokesperson. Like she was the spokesperson of the family when President Cory Aquino Passed away. Boy Abunda may be a good spokesperson, and a good person at that. But Noynoy as president knows how to harness these people in different ways.

  • TonyB
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why are Filippinos attracted to politicians who are famous for being famous (like singers, movie stars, boxers etc)?

    Put those "qualifications" to the side and elect someone who is actually qualified to do something and who can get results for the country. If you don't, then you'll continue to get the politicians you deserve and the country will never improve.

  • 1 decade ago

    im not sure...i haven't heard any accomplishment na nagawa nya, ang maganda lang ung purity and may takot xa sa Diyos just like her mother.Cory never tried to steal any single amount of peso from our government AFAIK...but then again, we need a president who can do his job,ung tipong marami xang nagawa sa bayan before election,ung tipong meron naman xang maipagmamalaki by the time na kakampanya xa...sorry to say this, pero ung pagkamatay cgro ni madam cory malaking hatak nya sa mga tao

    like what they've said, kris will always be kris no matter what happen...

  • 1 decade ago

    Boy Abunda as the Sec. of Defense!

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