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  • Samsung Galaxy Tab WiFi Help?

    I have an 802.11 b/g router AP set to g in my home network. I have my laptop and Samsung Omnia run WiFi through my Home AP and have no problem with the speed. I have connected my Galaxy Tab to my Home AP and it can acquire IP and can change IPs when I connect and re-connect. Even only Galaxy Tab is connected on my Home AP I get a very slow speed of 4 kbps out of 786kbps of my DSL.

    I have successfully connected to my neighbor's open network WiFi AP and it was so much faster at about 256 kbps. I thought perhaps the WPA security is messing my speed so I disabled it, but still the speed I am getting is the same. Signal strength of my Home AP is higher than my neighbor's. I tried setting the channel from Auto to specific but still the speed did not improve.

    Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How hard is it to grow up with Autism?

    My only son and only child, 3 years old, was diagnosed to be with Autism and with Global Development Delay. As a father I could not express how sad I am in front of my wife who needs support who is crying her heart out. We found ourselves in deep waters that could not even comprehend as to what future my son will have to face. Hearing the doctor's assessment do not not ease away the anxiety for any parent(s) to swallow a bitter pill that brand your child as AUTISTIC. He will start Occupational & Physical Therapy, ABA and Speech Therapy this September and I know that each child is different, I do not worry much about my own life and worry most about how my son will go about his own. I cried without sound in hope that my wife will not see through me, to be supportive as I can. I have heard that some children with autism grew up to be professionals like doctor and even a court room judge, I don't know perhaps the doctor just want to sugar coat the pain we feel which is not anyone's fault. I would like to hear from Grown ups and how are they now. Any points for a Father like me would be very much appreciated.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • which is the most trusted brand for Air Conditioner?

    Looking to buy split type Air Conditioner. Which is the most trusted brand among the two Samsung or LG?

    1 AnswerKorea1 decade ago
  • How much should one earn to support family of 4 in Australia?

    How much should one earn in Australian Dollar to be able to support a family of 4, rent & utilities, etc. and live comfortably in Sydney?

    5 AnswersOther - Australia1 decade ago
  • 3rd Level Eligibility Exam for 2010 Political Candidates?

    Third Level Eligibility Exam in the next step after Civil Service Exam Professional, or other known as Career Executive Service Officer (CESO) Examination conducted by the Career Executive Service Board for government employees, to be eligible in Director Position up to Under Secretaries of Agencies.

    Do you think it is high time that we have similar examination for Political Candidates in 2010? Surely Tax Payers require high quality of Agency Directors up to Usecs. Why not have similar exam for people who intend to run for Presidency down to City Councilors? We are entrusting our Tax Money with these people and the future of our children, so we definitely need higher qualification for our Politicians.

    5 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Now that Sen. Noynoy Aquino is running...?

    Whether Sen. Noynoy Aquino would be a formidable adversary in the 2010 Presidential Election is not a question.

    Question are:

    1. Do you think he will be an effective President, or he would be a false Messiah, a sacrificial lamb, for others to gain power?

    2. Will Kris Aquino be an effective Presidential Spokesperson? Maybe Boy Abunda can be deputy...hum.

    15 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • UVVRS (Vehicular Coding) on selected streets?

    For Manila Motorist, will you be in favor of the following?

    1. Coding implemented of selected National and Primary Roads, and still be able to use Secondary and Tertiary Roads to reach your destination?

    2. Coding implemented as in Item 1, but with quarterly payment of some sort of Pass or Permit say about P200- P300.

    3. Regular Coding Scheme.

    4. Any Suggestions?

    Coding have plague the Metro Manila Motorist since BF took office. I have to keep on rushing the morning and get home late every Thursday because of the Coding, which is not totally effective for all Metro Cities, and balance out for all 5 days. Implementation is one sided, Government Officials should not be exempted so that they will feel the impact of coding.

    1-2 President and Vice President (Monday)

    3-4 Cabinet Secretaries (Tuesday)

    5-6 Speaker and Senate President (Wednesday)

    7-8 Senators and Congressman (Thursday)


    2 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Should MMDA Chairman Bayani Fernando Run?

    Should he run for President or any National Position for next year's Election will you Vote for him?

    Personally I wouldn't because his policies makes Filipino lives miserable and that his traffic management scheme like the ever famous U-Turn Slots like in EDSA and Quezon Avenue have left more than just ordinary traffic collisions. Quezon City has the highest vehicular accidents and one of the major causes is the Concrete Barriers on poorly lighted streets.

    Those ugly Pink-Blue Foot bridge have not contributed in beautifying the Metro and most of these foot bridge are without roof, just imagine people going up and down the stairs with Umbrella on a rainy day. Not to mention it violates the Accessibility Law for disabled and of course the elderly who have to climb the steps.

    Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Scheme (Coding), is a band aid fix, and creates vague effectiveness since the vehicular volume of say 1-2 (Monday) is different than of 7-8 (Thursday) such that it can not be generalized like a magic bullet since secondary roads and tertiary roads are often not congested. And those who can afford just buy a second car which makes the Scheme ineffective and cause nuisance to the Motorist.

    Other than that I find him unfitting to intelligently handle the country.

    What is your opinion?

    7 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know a foundry in Manila that do art sculpture casting?

    Can anyone point me to a foundry where can I have my sculpture cast in bronze? Foundry that specialized in sculpture lost wax casting to be exact.

    1 AnswerPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Ladies what would be your reaction to this scenario?

    Suppose you met your ex-boyfriend who love you dearly after 5-6 years. And in that meeting both of you are already married...seeing him with his wife and would you feel and react, in a thought that it could have been you in the wife's place?

    8 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Mobile Bluetooth Headset to PC?

    I saw Bluetooth Headsets for mobile phones at Cdr King, and I am just curious if would their headsets intended use for mobile phones work on PC using Bluetooth Dongle?

    Any information would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy Prepaid Mobile Phone SIM Card near Morial Convention Center?

    Can anyone tell me where can I buy Prepaid Mobile SIM card near Morial Convention Center, and how much would it cost?

    New Orleans1 decade ago
  • Swine Flu news at New Orleans?

    My wife will be going to New Orleans for a convention late this June. Just would like some information about Swine Flu (A-N1H1) condition at New Orleans or alert if any?

    3 AnswersNew Orleans1 decade ago
  • If I had CMAS 1 Star C-Card, and the Dive Shops in the country are mostly PADI, will I be allowed to dive?

    CMAS Certification is cheaper than PADI, and where budget is constrained, will having a CMAS-Americas 1 Star (Open water) C-Card be recognized by Dive Shops?

    1 AnswerPhilippines1 decade ago
  • Need info about travel distance of Airport to Convention Center Blvd.?

    Can any tell me the travel distance from Neil Armstrong Airport to Convention Center Blvd., near River Walk Market Place? And cost of Taxi. Tanks

    1 AnswerNew Orleans1 decade ago