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ScorpRM asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Who Kept their kids home from school for the Obama speech?

For those who did, do you find your fear was justified? What was your intended message to your children?


Are these responses real?? None of the anti responses make any sense or are based in any fact. Bush and Reagan spoke to school children so it is not unprecedented. There is no proof that the old speech had any indoctrination and even the cited gripes by the media don't make much sense either, "What can you do to help the president"? The context was that everybody needs to do their part and work hard and contribute to make this a great nation. The problem? And why would anyone think ANY president to be so stupid as to commit political suicide by making it a political speech?

None of the fears seem justified or rational.

Update 2:

B.O- "there was no reason to keep children out of school. So your question is moot."

-Yet people DID keep their kids out of school or demand it not be shown. So how is my question Moot?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm really having trouble taking in the following statements from the right-wing nuts around this country. At one time, even though I knew there were some nuts in this country, I never thought that they could go so far as to keep the President Of the United States, Barack Obama, from talking to the young children of this nation, because they think he is recruiting them to be in some-type of nazi kids organization. These people, these church going fundamentalists, who claim to believe in God and Country, are afraid of the President of the United States for some crazy reason that makes no sense. This is insane!

    How could they let someone, or some organization, take over their own common sense. What is God's name could Obama say, in a five minute video broadcast to the kids of this country, that could result in parents revolting, writing letters, and protesting his talking to the youth of this country. His subject, to stay in school and try hard and to study so you will succeed in life, has already been written. Do they think he will deviate from the speech, maybe move his eyes like Charles Manson, and give them some kind of secret mind message. A message that only Obama and the kids will understand. This is insane!

    Was George Bush, when in a classroom, reading about a bunny from a childrens book on the day that this country was attacked, 9-1-01, really reading with the kids, or was he recruiting them for the C.I.A. Maybe as a future C.I.A. person to torture people for his devious campaign to attack Iraq, and then take over the world. How do we know he wasn't. It makes as much sense as Obama recruting them for his hedious childrens naxi society, where they will learn to "goose-step", and shout 'Hiel Obama" as they march down Pennsylvania Avenue. This is insane!

    This country needs to get a hold of itself. Have we been at war so long, that it just seems to be a natural occurence that their are kids being sent home in boxes everyday? Is it natural that we are fighting two wars at the same time, and no one is hardly paying attention? That the Veterans Hospitals are so full, that by the time a soldier with mental problems, such as PTSD, have to wait two years to get indept treatment, they are killing themselves and others. This is insane!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If I had children in tuition, I could maintain them dwelling. Regarding Bush speakme to colleges (Reagan did it too), they did NOT inform academics to have pupils write an reply to "how can I first-class serve the President" after the speech. Even if the White House has now transformed that, why used to be it there within the first location? What sort of minds suppose like that? Socialist, just about Communist. No, I could no longer wish my kids to observe, I do not believe this management in any respect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Silly Republicans. If you notice the only schools that did not show it were in the small minded counties of America, where all the small minded people live. They talk about Communism but they are creating it in their own households. LOL Those silly Republicans.

    Yeah Jake his speech sucked because you flunked out of high school and work at a car wash. Yup Jake his speech sucked to those that hate learning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's see. Kids, I don't want you to really know the truth about the world. I want you to grow up to be blind to the truth so you will believe what I tell you. Just think, you can grow up to be just like Shara Palin. Won't that be great. Another clueless idiot. Wow, you'll be a republican.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Schools in my county didn't show it due to the parents concerns and the teachers said all of the "preparedness" 0bama wanted was a burden on them and their school time.

    In my county the kids came first, the way it should be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    After they changed the curriculum from "cult of personality" and revised the speech; there was no reason to keep children out of school. So your question is moot.

    But yes, our fear was justified in the beginning, but we challenged it and they changed it to our satisfaction. Case closed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama's speech sucked. I think Obama should have stayed home!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Depending on my child's age I would have kept them home.

    Or if they were old enough gave them the option of watching or opting out.

    There is no reason Obama cannot address children at home and allow the parent full choice with no hassles.

    It show his arrogance and how he wan'ts to take away the family unit.

  • grob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    paranoid control freaks

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