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How much Money does it cost to buy out your Military Contract? or what about dishonorable?

Hey, I'm in the Navy. Now most people outside of the military don't understand why some of us just wana get out. I've been in for about 2 years. I keep pushing myself to go to the 4 years and I probably will do it even though im writing this but anyways. I heard you can buy your contract out I was just wondering for how much, It's almost not worth it though but rather worth the wait for the new gi bill. but now a dishonorable of course I wouldn't want that on my record but really all you can't do is vote, own a gun, and get a good job so to say??? That's it? I'll tell my friend to vote, I'll borrow a gun, and I'll start a business I mean I'm trading on zecco and td ameritrade it's only a matter of time before I figure the money thing out. What do you think?


woah woah woah, Hold on the navy is a breaze I just wana get out because I don't wana be one of those chiefs that has nothing but the navy. Plus theirs better ways of making money. Anyways I'm going to finish my 4 years so hold yall's horses I just wanted to know if you could pay your way out.

Update 2:

Pull over your horses and put the hazard lights on.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What do I think?

    I think you should honor your contract.

    I think you're a fool to think going to court-martial and getting a DD is a trivial thing.

    I think you're nowhere close to being as smart as you give yourself credit for.

    What do I know?

    I know that you can't buy your way out of a contract.

    I know you'd be best served by serving out your contract.

    I know a boatload of people who thought they knew day trading schemes that would make them rich. . .

    I know if you're a convicted felon (i.e., DD from court-martial), you can not possess a gun. That doesn't mean own. That means possess. Get found with one in your possession, and it's "Hello, Cellmate. . . I'll wear the high heels and dress tonight, thank you" time.

    How do I know this?

    I discharge around 1000 enlisted Coast Guard people every year.

  • HDH
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No you can't buy your contract. That's civil war era information, friend. Quit listening to the barracks lawyers. Or whatever they call them in the Navy.

    And you're halfway there. It is NOT worth risking a Dishonorable Discharge. Yeah, you can't bear a weapon, or get a good job, but there's the small matter of DISHONOR which you are leaving out.

    I've been there. I've done that. I KNOW how hard it can be. They ask a lot of us. I'm not going to sugar-coat it, sometimes they ask too much of us. If you seriously cannot handle it, seek help from a Chaplain or mental health professional. Because you don't have to go it alone, when the @#$% really hits the fan, your strength can fail you. You need to rely on the strength of your unit or the service in general.

    But even if you seek and receive counseling, you still need to act right, be where you need to be, when you need to be there and keep trying, regardless of how sucky the situation gets. Regardless of the cost. Because that's what's asked of us.

    Source(s): Six years in the Army 12 months in Baghdad, Iraq 15 months in Kirkuk, Iraq
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    "Did Republican NO Bid contracts to Halliburton and Black Water ( via our tax money ) undermine our Military?" No. And under Democrats (like Bill Clinton) Haliburton was still getting no bid contracts. Why? Because the only other company in the world that could do what Haliburton does is a French owned company. What do you prefer our government do? Give our tax dollars to some foreign owned company, or an American company and keep our tax dollars spent here? "The Military is quite capable of doing every thing that Halliburton has done in Iraq for example ; and the Military is much better at it ." No they are not. Our military is trained and equipped to fight wars. That they do excellently. We cant have them being distracted, or spare the manpower, with the jobs Haliburton does.

  • 1 decade ago


    The only way you can "buy out " your contract is if you hit the lottery. Since that is not going to happen....There is no amount of money that you pay someone... it would be more of a atter that having 2 million in the bank makes you a liability...

    You just asking this question shows you have no business sense at all.

    You think a dishonorable discharge stops you from voting ot getting a good job?

    Think again. It is a Felony record for you. That is what a dishonorable discharge means. No loans, nothing.

    Your social Security number will be connected to that felony, your drivers liscence, passport... public records.

    I feel sorry for anyone having to serve with people like you....

    I do not mean to be mean but sheesh

    Source(s): Army Veteran Wife of soldier currently in Afghanistan
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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a retired career military and work in Personnel, and I certainly never heard of anyone being able to buy out their military contract. Dishonorable discharge should not be an option for you but there are many types of discharges under 'other than honorable' and do not carry the same stigma as a dishonorable discharge.

  • USNS
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You're pathetic. Hearing this, I hope you get a dishonorable discharge so the rest of your life you can regret being too much of a puss to finish two years of service left on a contract YOU SIGNED.

    Twenty years from now those two years won't seem like they were much at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    there are some of us that were in the military that understand why you want to get out, as far as buying your way out, well thats just a daydream unless you have won the $200 million powerball, or are David Robinson, otherwise you will be looking at a hardship discharge, which it sounds like that is not the case.....

    is there something in the next two years, that you need to do, that can't wait? its not worth a BCD to carry around for life just so that you don't have to wake up early, keep your hair cut, keep your uniform clean.... etc...

    and btw it is an urban myth to believe you can automatically get a bcd upgraded to a general discharge.

  • 1 decade ago

    first i understand you want out. many americans will never have the courage to volunteer to do what we live through day in and out. but on the other hand you took an oath on your own. how could you just want to back out and leave you fellow men to do it on their own. you have only done half of your enlistment and it really aggravates me that you only want to stay for the gi bill cus now your here for money and thats not what its about. just talk to some one your 2 years will go by. you cant buy your way out i do not know where you heard that. i know in the air force there is a list of reasons you may leave early but not sure of the navys policy on that. dont get an dishonorable i understand it doesnt sound fair you volunteered for something many dont and you could get that but that is the way it is. i have 11 months before i separate and i will leave then no doubt cus i served my time and now i am moving on to enjoy the liberties and freedom our country has i fought for it now i want to live it same as everyone else. just hang in there time will go. thanks for your service in the navy i have seen some video clips and i am thankful i chose the air force.

    Source(s): air force
  • -
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Quit your whining and get back to work. A contract is a contract...

    You know, there was a saying while I too was in the navy and it goes a little something like this:

    "A bitching sailor is a happy sailor"

    Source(s): 10-years US Navy
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Amazed that I found this question already answered! Its like you've read my mind!

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