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Would you buy a used car or a new car in KSA ?

I have seen lot of people here, expect for some expats the love and care they have for a car... well far below average.

People don't seem to take care of their vehicles.

Question 2 - Do you take care of th vehicles, e.g clean, service at the right time, fix any default immediately etc.


I love my vehicles, just like my dad. My dad is extreme, he drives less, but polished and cleans the at lear 3 times a week. A Spot of dust in his car, he wash the entire thing.

I wash mine, once a week, but I repair anything almost immediate and put all the original parts even though it cost me more.

Update 2:

Saudi Dude has a point. So here is scenario I am giving you a 55,000 Riyals in your hand. What will you do.

Update 3:

Ok Saudi Dude, So you rather buy a new vehicle, rather than going for a used SUV or used high range car like BMW, or Benz

Update 4:


We all agree that we would buy a new car rather than a used car.

It also points out that, here the cars are badly maintained.

8 Answers

  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ive only once bought a new car (while in univeristy cause the payments were extremely low, it was a tiny tiny japanese car.. hahaha) and my mom encouraged me to buy it cause the former car I had dubbed "whomp-bam-mobile" due to my older brother tearing out the gears on the automatic drive by forcefully shifting gears in the automatic.. this car wouldnt do diddly but slam into gears.. so my friends named it "whomp-bam-mobile".. my mom felt sorry for me, so we traded it in one day under a trade in scheme this dealer was offering and I got my brand new car for only 5000dollars back then.. i was so proud.. .. but now, me and my husband only purchase good quality used cars.. we have a very good close friend that is an excellent mechanic and we take him along to test all the cars we are interested in.. Weve had very good luck with cars we found.. Thank God!

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband doesn't trust most of the used cars here, so we bought a new one. We need a reliable car since we drive a lot on the highway. I think he would have considered a used car if we lived in Riyadh and don't go out of Riyadh much.

    My husband does take care of the car. He takes it for servicing and washes it, etc. we haven't had any major problems yet alhamdulillah.

  • carl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    .......with that money you can afford to buy a new one and new one is better, no worries and no added unforeseen expenses just in case for repairs required just like for the used cars......For a limited budget, a used car is better and more cheaper. The problems with used cars, you don't really know the history of it even if the apperance and the engine is quite alright, there'll still be problems to be experienced afterwards.....

  • TSD™
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No one will say "Used one" if he can afford the new one ..

    i'm turned to be careless after 250.000 km - now it's 317k -btw : it's 2004-

    thanks for ur Questions dude :)


    sell my car with about 16.000 and add it to "your" 55 K and buy a New Camry 2010- Auto transmission-they released an amazing color- with 72K .. my cousin bought it 3 days ago from Jeddah :)

    Source(s): Zizo
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  • 1 decade ago

    NEW ONE ;-)

    when somethings wrong with the car we fix it immediately and wash/clean the car every sunday =D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    after witnessing saudi driving, there is no way i'd buy a used car in saudi arabia

    we'll probably be buying new cars in the US and shpping them over to saudi arabia

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    New car if you're staying for a long time and Used or rental if you're staying for months. We take care of our car. Actually my dad does he calls his car his baby and he even named it.

  • 1 decade ago

    new, but i guess with the messed up streets a used car would be better.

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