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Christians, why do you care if non-Christians who are strangers to you go to hell?

If they are not loved-ones or friends that is. How does my going to hell affect you?


I actually have saved a person from drowning (former lifeguard). I saw her flailing in the water gasping from air and then I saw her go under. Have you ACTUALLY seen someone's soul in hell? Kinda hard to do if you're not there.

Update 2:

No difference with the getting hit by a car analogy. How can you compare these things to something you cannot be sure exists and have no experience with?

Update 3:

Oh, so insulting and threatening those who you cannot recruit, those who cannot subscribe to your line of thinking spiritually is "loving" and "nice"?

Update 4:

Honestly, how many of us have not heard of Jesus, or have any knowledge of Christianity, and the Bible? Do we really need to be told over and over and over?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because I believe Jesus loved you enough to die for you and he asks that we do the same. Why else do you think I hang out here to be called names and poked fun at for my lifestyle and beliefs? I don't know any of you people personally, but I wish you could all know God the way I have come to know him. I don't want to force you to believe something, but I really do believe God has so much to offer you if you follow him. Sorry that bothers some people, but that's certainly not my intent.

  • Tim
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because we are called upon to share the Good News. Whether you believe or not is not the point.

    Charles Spergien I think said it best. He said that if everyone that God wanted to save had a stripe down their back, he would go around London lifting shirttails. But since God did not, he had to preach to everyone. I am sure a lot of folks he preached to did not believe, just like today.

    Besides, I would have thought you would like the idea that people actually care about you and your well being. I know I do, even if they share with me a faith or a philosophy, or a political position that I disagree with. As long as their heart is in the right place, it is nice to see and talk to people who care.

  • 1 decade ago

    The real truth that no one will admit to is simple. It is not concern for their fellow man, it is not a feeling of need to help anyone. It is the fact that if someone else in the world knows about God and the Bible yet refuses to believe, there will always be a small portion of doubt in the mind of the believer. This makes it impossible to have 100% faith in something and compels the believer to convert the world.

    Source(s): Free your mind from man made gods!
  • Rubym
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I was taught you never should want or hope or say anybody should go to hell. I was taught to pray everybody goes to heaven, whether you like them or not, know them or not. It might not affect you directly, however the way I was taught, to hope or want somebody goes there, does have an effect, because it possibly can be a sin in itself. Even if it isn't, it should be every Christian's hope that people are saved. That does not mean cramming your religion down everybody's throat, however.

    Only God can judge and decide who is saved and who is not. Even if Christians say "He or she is not a Christian, they can't be saved." I think it is only in that last second before death, and possibly only God knows what their last thoughts would be, is the person accepting Him before he or she dies.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because you are in fact loved ones, although we may not know you, Jesus taught to love everyone equally. There's a well known passage in the Bible that says 'Even sinners love those who love them.' Christians do not want to be sinners. And also one of the greatest commandments is 'Love your neighbour'. God loves everyone, he wants every one to repent and turn away from sin and back to him. And isn't great how people can show love for other people that are not close friends or family?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well we Christians are good people and care for more then just the people we know. If you saw a guy about to be run over by a car would you save him or ignore him since he is not someone you know?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is the Spirit of truth who has come to convince the world of sin, and and of righteousness and judgment; and they who are not in Christ have had their opportunity.

    I have no sympathy for the devil, and they who our helping to destroy the moral fiber of this country are like Balaam and Balek, who have brought a curse against this godfearing built country, with all that Sodom and Gamorah stuff.

    And they who are not on the Lord's side, have a command toward you and yours; as it is written after the first or second admonition reject, Titus 3: 10.

    God says He takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked, and i don't eat rotten fruit.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to delve into some unconscious psychology to get this.


    The whole Hell doctrine is based on revenge and hatred for the world.

    But those feelings are not acceptable to a professed Christian.

    So they are projected onto God.

    They worship a God which will destroy the hated world and which will punish the unbelievers (the impure, or whatever). It's not just Christian fundamentalists. It works the same for fanatics of all creed.

    This also explains the prevalence of an insistence on the apocalyptic in these types. They are not fearing the end of the world, they are rejoicing at the idea of the destruction of all that is outside their narrow vision of purity!

    Here's the payoff. God punishes. They declare themselves all-loving.

    Source(s): Nietzsche, Freud.
  • 1 decade ago

    True love is wanting what is best for everyone even if they are complete strangers. Eternal damnation in Hell is not what is best for anyone. Eternal bliss with God in Heaven is what is best for everyone. Christ gave us the example of what true love is: sacrificing everything for people who aren't just strangers, but for enemies as well. Therefore, since Christians (are to) practice true love, they want everyone to avoid Hell and go to Heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll quote some R&S regular (think it was heathen princess, but I'm not sure): "Trying to find logic in the fundies? it's wasted effort. What are you exactly looking for, if you know beforehand there's none?"

    BTW, Christians: My Gods, my tribe, my loved ones ain't in your Heaven. Why the Hel would I want to go where they are not?

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