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Do you think those that attacked Bush for not finding WMD in Iraq were racists?

Most of these same people didn't like Reagan either. Both Reagan and Bush were white. Do you think it was just because they were white?



Joseph the Second:

Don't you mean "Stupidly" instead of "Stupid?"

Update 2:


I don't know mamanook. Bush was never convicted or tried of anything that he was accused of, so I think it is just racist that accused him, simply because he is white.

Update 3:


I think you're confused what a lie is Point Pleasant. The CIA, Spain, Germany, Israel, and France told Bush Iraq had WMD's and he reported what he was told and congress gave their vote to him to act on that intelligence.

Here is an example that may help you. If Hillary says that Bill didn't have sex with that woman because that is what he told her, that is not a lie. But if Bill says that he didn't have sex with that woman, then that is a lie.

I know it may be confusing since even to this day people think Clinton was impeached for having sex with that lady, but he was impeached for lying.

Update 4:


mamanook, you may be the ONLY one that thinks Obama is not a socialist. It's so very clear. I think it's obvious that you've been duped.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    NO! what would race have to do with it?

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course not. It was a reasonable criticism, Reagan was far from perfect too. It had to do with the things they may have said or done that some people think were wrong, nothing in the world to do with race.

    The leaders of our countries are not perfect, infallible people who mustn't be criticised. They work for us, and it is our job to question what they do and how they do it, it has nothing to do with weather they are convicted of anything, apart from anything else, someone has to be accused before they can be convicted.

    You do know that ,many of the people in the world who disagree with various things that Bush said and did, are white christians just like him, don't you?

    So, no, it's not racist to disagree with Bush, it's just sensible:)*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I think that most of the people who attacked him where white.

    Interestingly enough I watched two long videos today of prominent liberals demanding we take Saddam out, and guaranteeing the American people that he had WMD's, and was pursuing nuclear weapons.

    We are talking about people like Hillary, and Al Gore, and John Keary, and I think Ted Kennedy.

    Later, when it was popular, they recanted. There were many videos of liberals agreeing with going into Iraq, before we did.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Geeze, Honest Rob. Is this something that is really THAT hard for you to figure out? The portion of our citizenry who possess morals, intelligence and respect for the truth, "attacked" W because he was a lying sack of $#1t. The 'people', and believe me- I use the term loosely- who have called President Obama a fascist, a nazi, a Muslim, a racist, a Communist, a terrorist, a Socialist and every other derogatory name that their teeny tiny little minds can manufacture, and are screaming bloody murder about how President Obama is 'taking away their rights' are quite another kettle of fish. So again I ask- this is definitely beyond your ability to grasp? Really?

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  • 1 decade ago

    If Bush didn’t find WMDs in Iraq, like he said he would, then he lied to use all! Do black people hate him because hes white? Yeah... probably. Do whites hate Oboma because hes Black? I think so. There’s all this fcuking racial dilemma going about. People are always going to pick on someone because of their differences.

    Source(s): Fcuk Politics!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, not at all. People attacked Bush for not finding WMD because this proved that there was no reason for invading Iraq in the first place.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, not racist. They were partisan.

    Partisan politics are not afraid to play the 'race' card if they think that it will further their partisan agenda (which is to get elected...)

  • 1 decade ago

    No the were Liberals who ***** way to much. Its allways the republicans fualt.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nah... There's only ONE Name for what Bush DID: "Stupid". And there's NOTHING racist about THAT. :(

  • 1 decade ago

    they are not racist, just unhappy people rob.

  • 1 decade ago

    no they just didnt like him

    them and most of america

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