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Lv 55,594 points

Honest Rob

Favorite Answers17%

Straight shooter from Texas.

  • Does this seem like Nixon all over again?

    The White House is attacking a news network. It's Fox this time. For those that lived through the Nixon administration this should be familiar. I am now wondering what Fox is going to uncover. As they got close to Nixon's criminal activities he started attacking them and for a while many bought his BS.

    I'm thinking this is much more than his healthcare plan. And I don't think it is because Obama has GE (NBC, MSNBC) in his back pocket. While GE has a ton of military contracts for aircraft engines and such, they always have. At best their medical equipment division with the CAT scanners and x-ray machines probably won't buy their loyalty as much as promises of the universal healthcare shared records that GE has a shot at developing.

    IOW, I don't think this is competition between Fox and NBC/MSNBC that Obama is trying to help but trying to cover up something that Fox is close to.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Did your local NBC stations report the "Can You Hear Us Now" protest?

    None that I found here in Texas. This was an event where protestors assembled in front of local news outlets that have biased reporting. The main theme was NBC lies, but there were other journalists included in some of the protest signs.

    I'm just wondering if any of these media outlets didn't hide the fact they were being picketed by protesters for lying?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Do you think Muammar Gaddafi would have a good health care plan?

    I seemed to understand Gaddafi more than I have the Democrats and think possibly he could be a good spokesman for the Democrat's healthcare program. Would this be a good choice for them?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't Obama FIRST cut out $500 billion of waste and fraud in Medicare that he claims he can do?

    Isn't that's what should be done first before starting on another program?

    IOW, fix what is broke first before bragging how you will build something new that won't get broke.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Chase Bank overdraft practice. Is this fair?

    I have an account at Chase besides another bank. I do most my banking at another bank and only use Chase for my Safe Deposit Box, a credit card, and insurance premium payments. When I have an insurance payment that is going to be drafted I deposit cash in the account on the day before. It also has an overdraft protection that will charge my credit card.

    Here is what happened:

    I had $43 in my account and they charged me an annual Safe Deposit Box fee of $48.00.

    IOW, I was $5 short. So they charged my credit card $50.00 to cover the $5. It wasn't a charge, but a "cash advance" at 19.24%. So they will charge me 19.24% on $50 per year to cover a $5 charge that apparently will be on my card until it is paid off.

    That's not all... they charged me a $10.00 fee for processing the cash advance.

    You will see below, that they do not address this behavior:

    Is this something I should bring to attention to senator or representative?

    I feel like I am pretty unique since I don't use that account much and it much like a dormant account, but still, I am shocked how crooked it seems. The interest on the $50 alone will cover the $5 charge in the first 6 months alone. And of course the overdraft charge (although I have protection) is twice as much as the overdraft.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Baucus has insurance co investigated for causing fear but he's NOT investigated for $500 billion Medicare cut?

    Why can a congressman censor a company for scaring people, but he can't be censored when he scares people?

    He said, "It would cut Medicare and Medicaid spending by about $500 billion over 10 years, but Baucus says that would lead to greater efficiency, not reduced benefits."

    That's scary, as he has not given the detailed plan how it would create greater efficiency.

    The public believes Baucus is lying as well, with a Gallup survey just this week saying that 60% believe the Democrats’ “reform” plans can’t be accomplished without tax hikes or hurting the quality of care.

    The truth is, Baucus was first to be accused of scaring people, by Investor's Business Daily when he said, "...every day, 14,000 Americans lose their coverage."

    The article does the math and said, "A little math shows this is just a scare statistic."

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is Obama dragging out Afghanistan so the Democrats can claim it was just like Vietnam and we lost?

    Remember Kennedy saying we were in a quagmire in Iraq just three weeks after we went in. I tend to think they are itching to make it like they did Vietnam.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • You trust U.S. intelligence that Iran's long-range nuclear missiles are five years longer than first thought?

    This is the same intelligence that told us Iraq had WMD's. Why is Obama trusting them? Are you willing to take the risk? What he has planned for the short range missiles is already what Bush had in the works... nothing different.

    The Strategic Forces Subcommittee has jurisdiction over strategic force, nuclear weapons, national defense and nuclear deterrence, space programs, and ballistic missile defense.

    Today Jim Inhofe, member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee said Obama's plan was a "major mistake." The three missile systems he intends to protect Europe with are the very same ones he cut funding to. This in no way protects the USA... only Europe.

    Only after 2013 will the USA be protected by the defense grid, but now Obama has delayed it until 2018, if he doesn't destroy it all together. These five years are the point Obama himself contends that Iran will have capabilities to hit the USA. And we will be without the shield that Obama destroyed today.

    This makes no sense, is dangerous, and have alienated our allies while doing very little to gain their advisories friendship.

    I think it is very clear Obama is out of his element trying to appease the Russians. Unknown to many Condoleezza Rice was a world renowned expert on the Soviet Union. She didn't just teach those classes as a professor, she was considered the top 3 minds in the world on the Soviet Union and their breakup. She certainly didn't think we should scrap our intentions in Poland and Czechoslovakia with the missile shield.

    Like I said, Bush already had in place what Obama claims is the new shocking intelligence recommendation. Use the existing land-based interceptors in Turkey and on sea-based platforms for missiles. These systems that Obama already cut funding to.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • For our economy to flourish shouldn't we go into Iran with all our troops?

    Seems like wars helped us in the past and we would be killing two birds with one stone.

    Seems like wars helped us in the past and we would be killing two birds with one stone.

    I say let's get all our troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq and go into Iran where the conflict really is.

    Certainly we can get the UK, Australia, Germany, France and Spain to help us. We could divide up Iran and probably send some Palestinians over there so they will quit complaining.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why didn't the police immediately arrest the Hofstra freshman that claimed she was raped?

    and then said it was a lie when confronted with the video made of her having sex with the 4 boys???

    This makes no sense. The 4 boys were arrested on charges... the police went out and picked them up, all the while they were saying they didn't rape anyone.

    However, here they had this girl that admitted she lied and made a false police report, the certainly is a crime. But instead they let her go.

    It now says she is in hiding. They had this girl in the police station and let her go knowing she was a criminal. Makes no sense.

    They even said, "She is a very troubled young woman in need of much help."

    Doesn't it seem that the boys could be let off so easily by saying, "He is a very troubled young man in need of much help"?

    Something is wrong in that town when they will arrest 4 black men for a crime but not the girl that charged them with it and was lying.

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Did you know the new healthcare plan by the Finance Committee taxes device manufacturers $4 billion?

    Better yet, do you know the reason why?

    Well it's pretty sneaky, really!

    Device manufactures make such thinks as EKG's, CAT Scanners, Lab Test Equipment, every surgical instrument ever made, x-ray, etc. And guess who pays for these devices? The patient. Each patient is charged a use fee based on all the devices in the room with the exception of major devices called "capital equipment." Those are billed in the service, such as MRI, CAT scanner, lab test, etc.

    And who are the patients? 80% are the already insured. IOW, 80% of the patients are going to pay for the taxes on the Device Manufacturers, which will help cover the uninsured that will be covered on the government plan.

    So you might ask yourself, "Why don't they just tax us instead?" Answer: "You would then know." They don't want you to know. This way, it is almost hidden and they can say they are not taxing you, but taxing those great big rich medical companies.

    The problem here, unlike the Pharmaceutical companies, most of the best Device Manufacturers are based right here in the USA. No we don't import devices from China or Japan yet, as we are the best at making these things... next best is the UK. Not China, not Japan, not India... only the USA. Believe me, that pacemaker inside your chest was most likely made by Medtronic (Minneapolis, MN), the world leader... ditto that stent that allowed you to avoid open heart surgery... the same products 120 other countries use.

    So what will our companies do that are taxed so much? Clearly they will sell and concentrate their efforts at locations that will make them the most money... IOW, outside the USA. And with each device, it is governed just like a drug so it goes through FDA testing. These are called "Trials." Many of our schools, doctors, and teaching hospitals are given grants by the device manufacturers to do these trials. Once concentrated in other countries, the dollars will go there and to their medical institutions.

    Isn't it a shame that a "Finance Committee" would screw us instead of control our/their finances.

    Folks, it is nothing more than a tax and will drive one of the few high technology companies that are still viable here in the USA into other countries. Who the heck is running the show here anyway?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is Jim Clyburn trying to get on Obama's good side?

    He was the one that introduced the reprimand by congress today of the guy that called Obama a liar.

    Here is what you didn't know... Jim Clyburn was suppose to be in a foursome yesterday with Obama. He even organized the media to capture his event for the people back home. Guess what happened he was scratched. Yeah booted out of the foursome without explanation. This humiliation was humbling enough to get him to introduce the reprimand that took congress all day long to word it correctly so it will work within house rules (IOW, the guy that called Obama a liar wasn't covered by house rules since it was a special session that involved the Senate also).

    Worst yet, they are reprimanding a guy that already apologized once. And even worse than that, it looks like Obama did lie. The Congressional Research Service confirmed illegal immigrants could receive coverage under the bill.

    Just watch and see what happens... there will be an amendment or a change which will prevent illegals from getting healthcare that Obama claimed was already prevented.

    “Democrats twice defeated amendments that would have required citizenship verification of these programs, and the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has confirmed that illegal immigrants could receive coverage under the bill. As Americans have learned on the bailouts, stimulus, and now health care, the president's rhetoric does not match his policies.”

    It will be interesting to see why Clyburn was kicked out of the golf foursome with Obama.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • It is now 4 PM, Do you want to see what our tax dollars did today?

    House near vote to admonish Wilson

    His first apology wasn't enough. I say let's make him apologize every day for the next 30 days and get nothing done so our experience with congress doesn't change.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • "We'll have people with white hoods riding through the neighborhoods again"?

    The congressman from Georgia said the above would happen if they didn't rebuke the representative that called Obama a liar when he said the healthcare plan wouldn't allow illegal aliens healthcare.

    Do you agree this will happen if they don't take the time and spend taxpayer money to rebuke him publically in congress?

    I watched Obama work the union members into a frenzy using statements such as, "Labor's not the problem, it's the solution!"

    Like someone is saying labor is a problem??? How about lack of jobs is the problem!

    And another one that got him applause and fanatical hoots:

    "We're going to change the term 'Made in America' from a slogan into a reality."

    Is it that nonsense that gets his followers convinced to go with his healthcare plan? Remember he is paying only to the Democrats since that is his problem. He has enough of them to ram this through if he just convinced them.

    And finally he concluded with his race card of explaining how unions got started in the 1930's will all races coming together to fight the opposition. In that case it was the big bad corporations. Today it is the big bad conservative Democrats that wants to keep their job in the next election.

    Does playing the race card still work with you and if not, do you think it still works well with his followers?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do you feel relieved that congress is wasting tax dollars to scold the guy that called Obama a liar?

    I think this rates right up there with bailing out the largest auto company in the world and a Political Party that has full control of the House and Senate that can't even get their own healthcare bill passed.

    Anyway these fools are now finding out that they don't even have a "violation" since it wasn't in the House, but in a special joint session that is not covered by their rules.

    No wonder they are not getting anything done with this type of petty behavior. I'm embarrassed for them and I don't even like them.

    And no wonder 12 year olds are more involved in politics than ever before since their peer group is congress.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Do you think NBC, MSNBC, CBS and ABC are still considered mainstream news?

    I heard someone talking about that today saying they are not considered mainstream anymore and it made sense to me. I remember when they claimed they were not biased and many people agreed with them, but now almost everyone considers them leftwing. They also admit that 80% of their reporters are liberals.

    The Pew survey in 2008 showed that only 7% of the media considered themselves conservative. They asked this of reporters, producers, editors, and news executives. This is a 5 to 1 ratio of what is found in the general population, or viewers/readers.

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Do you think those that attacked Bush for not finding WMD in Iraq were racists?

    Most of these same people didn't like Reagan either. Both Reagan and Bush were white. Do you think it was just because they were white?

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago