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Does this seem like Nixon all over again?

The White House is attacking a news network. It's Fox this time. For those that lived through the Nixon administration this should be familiar. I am now wondering what Fox is going to uncover. As they got close to Nixon's criminal activities he started attacking them and for a while many bought his BS.

I'm thinking this is much more than his healthcare plan. And I don't think it is because Obama has GE (NBC, MSNBC) in his back pocket. While GE has a ton of military contracts for aircraft engines and such, they always have. At best their medical equipment division with the CAT scanners and x-ray machines probably won't buy their loyalty as much as promises of the universal healthcare shared records that GE has a shot at developing.

IOW, I don't think this is competition between Fox and NBC/MSNBC that Obama is trying to help but trying to cover up something that Fox is close to.



Yes, Chop, I did live through the Nixon years. And like the textbooks you read, you completely miss how it was during the time. It's easy to get confused when reading history as compared with actually living through history.

For instance, we didn't know Nixon was doing anything illegal. There were attacks but not specific attacks on Nixon. The news media turned up the heat. You also have to understand this didn't happen in a few days like history would lead you to believe.

So Nixon retaliated. Those attacks were not specifically about the Watergate scandal and most were unrelated. Only near the end when he was exposed and everyone knew he was a crook did we know.

So it isn't about something that Obama did or suspected of doing in the past... I'm saying if it was like Nixon, it's going to be much larger than any bail out or healthcare plan.

Update 2:

It could be he's stuffing his pockets with millions of dollars from bail outs, or had criminals breaking into opponents offices like was done with Nixon. It may be big and it may not, but the point is Obama is doing the same crap that Nixon did when the heat was being turned up.

I see Obama as running scared. Remember well before Nixon was caught, he was saying, "I'm not a crook."

Update 3:


I agree... overboard... and exactly my point. This is very extreme for a president. We haven't seen the likes of this since Nixon. On top of that he is doing it to the cable news station that has the largest market share of all cable news.

It would be like telling everyone that Wal-Mart sells defective products so don't buy there again. The fact that Target, Sears and a dozen other stores carries the same products is lost on the rant or fear.

So you look at the person making the claims and ask, why are they lying to us and why are they so scared.

Obama thinks the America people are so stupid they cannot determine the difference between news on Fox and commentary. However, I see their point if they think most people are like Obama's followers. They are so easily fooled. See this clip of who Obama thinks he is dealing with:

Update 4:

Chop... you're jumping to conclusions. Don't be so defensive of Obama. I'm not saying he committed crimes like Nixon, worse or better. Just that it is just like what I saw with Nixon. First he was fighting attacks. Next he started fighting the news media. And it got so bad, most of us were believing Nixon might have a point. But even so, Nixon seemed like he was going overboard. Much like the ones that think we didn't land on the moon or 9/11 was an inside deal.

If I were advising Obama, I would say, "What in the world is wrong with you? Ignore it and focused on what we have to do." That's the same advice most were thinking Nixon should have been given, but AFTER the fact we found out why he was so overboard. He did have something to hide and they were getting closer and closer and he started to crack.

This might be Obama's crack or just very poor advice telling him to attack the news media.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You young man are quite confused of Dick Nixon, He stood up and ended the VietNam War, 50,000 lives lost, many i knew. Dick Nixon stood up for his self and his honor and his integrity. Our Great President re-signed from office, rather than face the lunacy of the of the Socialist, Ronald Reagan put them all to death. I am extremley concerned someone, anyone would compare this piece of **** to Richard Nixon, History will report Dick Nixon as a great President. I was there, I know Richard Nixon as good, VietNam as bad, My brothers as dying, what do you want from me. Get the Liberal White House off our backs. luv ser, been there done that. luv ser

    Source(s): History of my life. luv ser
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm only going to focus on the first have of your post that actually has to deal with the question:

    Obama's advisers had said that they don't view Fox News as a credible news organization. At no point did Obama say that he was going to shut them down or do anything, just they this administration doesn't agree with their message. That's the first point.

    Second point, did YOU live through the Nixon years? Nixon used contacts within the federal government to spy on his political rivals. He sent guys to break into a doctors office in order to steal dirt on some guy who he thought was out to get him. Nixon had his "plumbers" whose goal was to scare members of his administration into not leaking the legal activity he was up to. What Obama didn't wasn't really all that classy, but it wasn't illegal and he didn't "attack" anyone. You think that's like Nixon? Really?

    EDIT: What do you want Obama to say? Because Nixon said "I'm not a crook" then Obama must now be a crook? He either says "yes, I am a crook" or "no, I'm not a crook" and either way nothing will make you happy. You are accusing him of being more corrupt than Nixon with absoluetly nothing to back it up.

    Sure, you are right that people started acussing Nixon as facts came out, which is why you need to wait until there are facts before you start sounding a little crazy on the interwebs. I was assuming we were talking about Nixon as he was in the process of being kicked out of office but if you want to talk about before, no one was messing with him for a long while until this stuff started to break. What makes Obama so different that you can tell he has done something wrong before any sort of Pentagon papers or Washington Post?

    Partisan much?

  • 1 decade ago

    Rob, a very important question. Just raising it alerts people to the potential for an administration to attempt a gagging of the media. Glad you asked this. When people debate, the exchange of viewpoints allows us to clarify our perspectives and hopefully uncover any inaccuracies. This has been accomplished pretty well, here, by discussion between you and the posters (Chop, mostly). Based on the information presented and available it is clear to me that people do not want any government control of the press, whether that is by the Congress, Executive, or Judicial branches of our democratic republic. So, yes, any government focus on Fox News does seem like Nixon all over again. I was a younger man then, but I still remember how the "tricky" things that our President did during those difficult days, regardless of what other good things he may have accomplished, tainted our great country. I sincerely hope the present government, elected by the people, does not repeat this behavior. All the best, Rick

  • Yes it does and Obama needs to be more focus on the real issues and not Fox News! He is trying to be a dictator of all the media, the only difference between Obama and Nixon. Obama better at lying and not enough people to call him out on his bull! Obama is nothing but lies, from where his was born, to his lifestyle before he became president, from his friends and his true intentions. He tells the rest of the world, I'm sorry for the way the USA has been and things are going to change. He is trying to make friends with the world. So when the UN calls for a one world government, Obama can be the President of the World!

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  • 4 years ago

    ordinary. via putting X via their call. After Obama i will on no account vote Democrat back. I voted for Reagan in 1984 and McCain in 2008 and could be vote casting for the Republican candidate (would not remember who) in 2012.

  • Sami V
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It sounds a bit like going overboard!

  • 1 decade ago

    hi rob, we both lived through the nixon years and i agree with

    you it does seem like nixon all over again.

  • 1 decade ago


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