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You trust U.S. intelligence that Iran's long-range nuclear missiles are five years longer than first thought?

This is the same intelligence that told us Iraq had WMD's. Why is Obama trusting them? Are you willing to take the risk? What he has planned for the short range missiles is already what Bush had in the works... nothing different.

The Strategic Forces Subcommittee has jurisdiction over strategic force, nuclear weapons, national defense and nuclear deterrence, space programs, and ballistic missile defense.

Today Jim Inhofe, member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee said Obama's plan was a "major mistake." The three missile systems he intends to protect Europe with are the very same ones he cut funding to. This in no way protects the USA... only Europe.

Only after 2013 will the USA be protected by the defense grid, but now Obama has delayed it until 2018, if he doesn't destroy it all together. These five years are the point Obama himself contends that Iran will have capabilities to hit the USA. And we will be without the shield that Obama destroyed today.

This makes no sense, is dangerous, and have alienated our allies while doing very little to gain their advisories friendship.

I think it is very clear Obama is out of his element trying to appease the Russians. Unknown to many Condoleezza Rice was a world renowned expert on the Soviet Union. She didn't just teach those classes as a professor, she was considered the top 3 minds in the world on the Soviet Union and their breakup. She certainly didn't think we should scrap our intentions in Poland and Czechoslovakia with the missile shield.

Like I said, Bush already had in place what Obama claims is the new shocking intelligence recommendation. Use the existing land-based interceptors in Turkey and on sea-based platforms for missiles. These systems that Obama already cut funding to.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's just an unsurprising follow-up with the islamic agenda Mr HUSSEIN Obama has been putting forward: "no blank check for Israel", "end of war on terrorism", "America not a Christian nation" and especially "diplomacy with Iran", giving them a free hand with their nuclear program. And now dismantling the missile shield, giving Iran even more leeway to use them. If you were the leader of a country that wants to develop a nuclear program, that wants to destroy Israel, that has a history of using terrorist means, that wants to spread Islam throughout the world, wouldn't you be happy ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is some warped and twisted logic that assumes the US must fight everyone else's wars and always have a war going on somewhere. The missile shield in Poland was all about Israeli security, and had nothing to do with US security. it is high time we stopped fighting everyone else's battles.

    The explanation given for scrapping this defense system made no sense at all. it was a load of garbled doubletalk.

  • 1 decade ago

    dude, only the USA drops nukes on people

    others use them as a deterrent, it keeps us out

    but we use them, twice so far

    i bet, we nuke ourselves, probably in Michigan, and then we will Blame Iran, and people will completely buy it cause the TV told them, people will be so pissed off, we won't mind the draft that will happened shortly after

    Source(s): i'll meet you in Megido, Israel
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    U.S. intelligence

    Oh the irony!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree------------ we are in for it.

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