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Did you know the new healthcare plan by the Finance Committee taxes device manufacturers $4 billion?

Better yet, do you know the reason why?

Well it's pretty sneaky, really!

Device manufactures make such thinks as EKG's, CAT Scanners, Lab Test Equipment, every surgical instrument ever made, x-ray, etc. And guess who pays for these devices? The patient. Each patient is charged a use fee based on all the devices in the room with the exception of major devices called "capital equipment." Those are billed in the service, such as MRI, CAT scanner, lab test, etc.

And who are the patients? 80% are the already insured. IOW, 80% of the patients are going to pay for the taxes on the Device Manufacturers, which will help cover the uninsured that will be covered on the government plan.

So you might ask yourself, "Why don't they just tax us instead?" Answer: "You would then know." They don't want you to know. This way, it is almost hidden and they can say they are not taxing you, but taxing those great big rich medical companies.

The problem here, unlike the Pharmaceutical companies, most of the best Device Manufacturers are based right here in the USA. No we don't import devices from China or Japan yet, as we are the best at making these things... next best is the UK. Not China, not Japan, not India... only the USA. Believe me, that pacemaker inside your chest was most likely made by Medtronic (Minneapolis, MN), the world leader... ditto that stent that allowed you to avoid open heart surgery... the same products 120 other countries use.

So what will our companies do that are taxed so much? Clearly they will sell and concentrate their efforts at locations that will make them the most money... IOW, outside the USA. And with each device, it is governed just like a drug so it goes through FDA testing. These are called "Trials." Many of our schools, doctors, and teaching hospitals are given grants by the device manufacturers to do these trials. Once concentrated in other countries, the dollars will go there and to their medical institutions.

Isn't it a shame that a "Finance Committee" would screw us instead of control our/their finances.

Folks, it is nothing more than a tax and will drive one of the few high technology companies that are still viable here in the USA into other countries. Who the heck is running the show here anyway?



No mmm_soylentgreen... this is the real deal. Even a number of democrats are against this. Of course some of these are in states that employ a number of device manufacturing employees.

I think what you'll see is a big concern about making it hard for manufacturing companies to compete, but the truth is that it's a sham to find some way to pay for this plan without most people knowing where it is coming from.

Also understand that Device Manufacturers do not have the lobby that the Drug manufacturers do.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    as usual you're right on target....funny thing is, here on Y!A, you would think this UHC is free or as they also would try to have us believe, obama is going to "lower" costs....hmmmmmm. another point to consider besides cost, how many american jobs could be lost in this country as a result of this, i thought this was one thing the left complains about......

  • 1 decade ago

    What again??? or is it Still????

    Hiding taxes and fees so that the total bill for a project appears to be lower than it is is considered an art form in Washington. These hidden fees drive up the cost to you and me, the consumer, for most every item you can think of.

    If the government followed honest accounting rules, the same rules you and I have to live by every day when we balance our checkbooks, we would have thrown the bums out years ago.

    But as long as we sit gullibility by and let them blather on about how 2+3 is really only 3.6, because that's what we want to hear, we will continue to see this "creative cost accounting" that causes numbers to appear "as if by magic"

  • 1 decade ago

    isn't bribing cops and judges illegal?

    when did American citizens decide that lobbing is ok? isn't it the same thing?

    IMO,the people that people vote for in a demon-acracy government should not be allowed to take "extra" cash or "favors" except the pay check issued to them as the office they hold allows

    i don't get how people so easily roll over and give blood next time you get pulled over for speeding, offer the cop some cash to excuse you from a ticket, 3 things can happen,

    1. the cop laughs and gives you the ticket anyway,

    2. cops agrees


    3. you get arrested and charged with bribing an officer

    but Politicians have Lobbies? some how there is a difference?

    Source(s): silly sheep will stay blind until it blows up in their face
  • 1 decade ago

    Like every other rumor I've heard, I'll withhold judgment on this until it's actually been confirmed. The plan was just released today, and is probably over a thousand pages long like every other one. I'm going to give it a little time before I form an opinion on this. Remember the death panels that turned out to be a complete fabrication?

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's to get the cheapskates to put up the money for their own workers' health care instead of foisting its costs off on us taxpayers. Good! I'm sick to death of the "poor little American companies" argument. Small businesses are general exempt from these kind of levies and big businesses should be forced to quit scamming the system.

  • 1 decade ago

    no rob, i did not know that, maybe we should call all tax increases

    due to health care reform, OT, obama taxes.

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