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Does racism play a major role in the opposition to President Obama?

Former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday that racial politics played a role in South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress last week and in some of the opposition the president has faced since taking office.

"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American," Carter told NBC News. "I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African-Americans."

"That racism inclination still exists, and I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of belief among many white people -- not just in the South but around the country -- that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance, and it grieves me and concerns me very deeply," Carter said.

47 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, I'd better say that I'm a Brit and an outsider looking in, so I'll apologise in advance if I get things wrong. I've no doubt that there is *some* racist opposition to Obama, because some people are, always will be and always have been racists. However, we have to be careful not to accuse of racism everyone who objects to something a person of another race/colour does. "Racism", in fact, is often a handy tag to stick on the opposition, when a better approach would be to consider the actual criticism and see if there's any truth in it.

    From what's been reported in the UK newspapers, Joe Wilson shouted "You lie" at the President during the health care debate - and apologised immediately afterwards, the apology being accepted. I understand that Maureen Dowd of the New York Times was the first to claim that this outburst was racially motivated, saying that one word was there but unspoken : "You lie, BOY". So the racist bandwagon got rolling, at least from the UK viewpoint. I also gather that many people have now sent financial contributions to Wilson's fund and this is also being taken as evidence of widespread racism. However, a better attitude would be to consider whether those contributing are opposed not to a black President, but to a President keen to bring in such reforms. We in the UK, while not denying that racism exists in certain quarters, also know that shouting racism every time a black man is criticised is often an intimidation tactic - and obscures the real issue at stake.

    Edit : I personally had never heard of Joe Wilson until this happened and so I don't know if he has been guilty of racist outbursts in the past. However, I do know that Obama was elected by a massive majority. I therefore doubt that the USA has suddenly become anti-black, though a lot might now be anti-Obama. I seem to remember reading that a lot of people became anti-Carter as well and voted him out !

  • 1 decade ago

    it does not play any part that is known what you are seeing is the american people not being able to back policies that they feel would be harmful to america and it would not matter if they were black or white look at the opposition that came Carter's way or the feelings toward Bush i guess those must have been racism in nature as well, not the simple truth of people exercising their rights oh i forgot washington forgot that they work for the people not the other way around

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a fallback of the Liberal crowd that can't understand any other reason any one would be opposed to what is being pushed through by this administration, even though it goes against everything that the opposition stands for. They believe that their way is the only way, that any opposition is somehow misinformed or "scared of change"... they are like Frankenstein.... They charge ahead without looking beyond their desires, not realizing that the goal they are pursuing could give birth to a monster that cannot be contained and is utterly destructive. They are so secure in their own perceived intellectual prowess they cannot fathom the dissent from anyone "less educated" or perceived less intelligent than they are.... The words "I think" are often preceeded by the lack of actual thought processes.

    Angelina... One of the "symptoms" of being an alcoholic is denying the fact.... I can deny being an alcoholic... and legitimately say that because I don't drink more than two beers a week.... BUT others don't see that, they see the denial and say I must have the problem because I have a symptom of it... the refuse to listen beyond what they want to hear. Just like the racial debate today, you hear what you want and deny that any other reason is valid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me see if I can put this in a way that will not be misconstrued or twisted. There are many Americans (predominantly those who did not vote for Pres Obama) who have real issues or concerns and have been looking for a vehicle (tea parties, or marches to Washington) to express their legitimate concerns. However, the right wing fringe has descended within their groups and blurred their message. They come with guns, posters calling for Obama's death, etc. and that cheapens the legitimate message that most of them have. Yes, racism is real. It is alive and well and to sweep it under the rug so we can't see its' ugly head is what has contributed to race being the number one problem in this country....for decades. Contrary to the other answers you received, racism is a disease and it isn't just a Republican disease, it is an American disease and it's past time that we stop the name calling, death threats and conspiracy theories and have an honest debate even if it means agreeing to disagree.

    Pres Obama is a citizen of the U,S., he was born in Honolulu, he was legitimately elected. He is not the antichrist, nor is he a racist, or a Marxist, or a Socialist or a Muslim or Hitler or Nazi or any of the other outrageous names people call him so they can feel better about hating him. Now, after after folks have dealt with that, we should begin a dialogue. This could be a teachable moment. Until an alcoholic openly admits to being one, he can't begin the healing process. I don't know about Joe Wilson. I believe he was swept up in the "uncivil" behavior that the right wing fringe brought into American politics and became an accepted part of the Republican party.

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  • 1 decade ago

    do you really think that it's fair to just label someone as "racist" when you just don't want to listen to what they have to say?

    Joe Wilson called Obama a liar because he thinks he's a liar... DUH.

    Obama is a liar just like every other politician!

    unless you've been stuck in a cave your entire life you should know by now that is what politicians do. they are greedy and they crave power.

    and once it is in their grasp they will do anything to keep it.

    even lie to innocent americans.

    he lied in his speech multiple times. i guess some people would like to say he "technically" telling the truth... which i would agree with.

    but the majority of people would just call it a white lie.

    stretching the truth so thin it is practically not even true anymore...

    there is nothing in Obama's healthcare plan to prevent illegal immigrants from getting health insurance. nothing. yes it doesn't say they are covered but there is nothing to prevent them from getting it either.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Its easy to put everything we don't care to admit in a category as Racist.

    Carter a very failed ex president seemed almost surreal when he was

    president~Jimmy Carter failed in many attempts to deal with the middle

    east and his peace accord at Camp David was a joke.

    No~I think racism is used way too much to justify the very inexperienced

    and failing Barack Obama administration~~ACORN is just one of the

    issues this country has to hold President Barack Obama

    Yes~truth be known~~Obama is worse then George W. Bush Jr.

  • 1 decade ago


    That is a ridiculous proposition.

    To assert that, you would have to show that the 49 MILLION people who did not vote for Obama last November are "racists."

    Do you know how ludicrous that is????

    Add all those who voted for him and are having "buyers remorse" because they thought he was a moderate and now he has been proposing things that are much further left than they ever dreamed.

    And all the people who didn't vote but hate these policies.

    Come on! That's a bunch of crap.

    The left is using the race card because they got nothin'.

    The opposition has won the arguments.

    This happens every time someone beats the lefties.

    The race card is the last resort of losers!

  • 1 decade ago

    Jimmy Carter's mouth was always too bloody wide,don't you think ?Pulling the" racist" card is always the last defense in a weak argument.I think Obama is a racist and I base my statement on his books,his preacher (for 22 years),his friends ( Van Jones for example)and his racist remarks in the Crowley, Gates arrest,and his "apology" which again dragged out the race card. .Obama and his followers scream racist everytime someone does not march to their tune,trying to scare people to go along with whatever they propose,I wonder if soon it will be illegal to disagree with any of Obama's plans ,it seems that is the only thing that will satisfy him.Remember the 60's slogan and "Question Authority" ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everybody summed it up pretty well here, it's not the color of the skin, but the policies at issue. The media is the catalyst for creating the racial slant to the issues and the President's proposals. Americans just want the issues resolved.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely not and once again he shows his penchant for bad judgement. Playing the race card is irresponsible for a former President but luckily his words don't mean as much because he is a left wing loon.

    I am NOT a racist but I disagree with the President on what I think are complete differencess in ideology. I would disagree if he was white...then what would Carter call it?

    Do I repudiate a President that wants to take more of my hard earned money so that others who don't make as much as I can "get their share". YES. My solution for those folks is to get another job. I did when I needed to, why can't they?

    I think that by Jimmy Carter invoking racism as the reason for dissention makes him a me and my conservative friends our dissagreements have nothing to do with his fact, he can live in my neighborhood if he wants, I just don't want him forming public policy!

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