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Hey ladies... I have a question, maybe more of just venting about having another miscarriage?

Ok...I have a 7 yr old daughter and a 3 yr old son. I had a miscarriage in July and now I am 6 weeks pregnant. I am totally freaked and scared of having another miscarriage. I keep taking tests to make sure the lines are dark. (I know, i worry way too much). I went to the Dr yesterday, He said everything was fine. They didnt try to hear a heart beat or anything. I have an ultrasound scheduled for 5 weeks from now. I am not throwing up or feeling nauseated. I do have other symptoms though.... How can I calm myself? I am totally worried about another miscarriage

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am so sorry for your loss. i had a miscarriage in march and have no children. when i got pregnant again this time i was terrified because there is no way of knowing that i can carry a baby to term. i am now 15 weeks 3 days and still have my days filled with worry. no one can guarantee you this baby you just have to have faith and take care of yourself. i went to the dr at 5 weeks and had low progesterone which scared me, but i was on supplements and then when i had to stop taking them i freaked everyday until my next visit which was monday and heard the heartbeat again and felt much better. no matter what anyone tells you, you will still have that fear. you just have to try to think positive and leave it in God's hands (if you are religious). feel free to email me anytime. i hope everything goes well with this pregnancy congrats!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know just how you feel, and it's very unfortunate that once you have a miscarriage, the joys of pregnancy are never quite the same because you always are at least somewhat afraid to let yourself be happy completely because you also are scared to be disappointed! i am a major worrier...But taking tests wont help you any because even after a miscarriage happens, you will still test positive for quite a while should get your HCG levels taken and then taken again 2 days later to make sure they are steadily doubling! but what i did that REALLY helped is that I rented a fetal doppler (which you can't really use to hear a heartbeat until 12 wks, but sometimes as early as 10)'s about 40$ a month, and you can listen anytime you want and be reassured that everything is fine! I can't tell you how many days that got me through my worrying!!

    Source(s): 17 wks
  • 1 decade ago

    As someone who has had two miscarriages before getting my 5 yr old all I can say is to try not to think about it and be as stress free as possible as stress can cause complications during any pregnancy.Also this may calm you down a bit my doctor told me when I was 6 weeks along that most miscarriages do not happen past that point so what I did was I just started counting week by week and saying another week down I know every one worries about all the things that can go wrong but think positively and positive things will happen.I am sorry for you previous loss.Take care and get lots of rest.

    Source(s): mom of a 5 yr old 2 yr old and 37 weeks pregnant
  • 1 decade ago

    I was the same way. I had a miscarriage before this pregnancy and when I got pregnant I was so worried that I would not be able to carry this baby. I know that it does not help right now, but once you see the heartbeat, you will feel better. I did. I cried so hard when I had my ultrasound and saw that little heart just beating away! Just try to stay calm and take care of yourself and try not to stress. Good luck and congrats to you!

    Source(s): mom, 12yo boy, 9yo boy, expecting little Jaxon 11-19-09 Another Boy!
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  • 1 decade ago

    I understand completely! It's so unnerving. Do things that remind you of more relaxing times. Focus on an image of when you were totally at peace with yourself and the world around. Keep reverting back to that place when you start to lose control. Take hot bubble baths. Make your mom take the kids and just take care of you. Read your favorite book. Deep breathing and low key yoga poses could help too. And remember, you don't have any control! No matter what happens, nothing you did could have changed this. I was always beating myself up while I was pregnant. Keep your chin up and stay confident that you have a beautiful healthy body that is fully capable of nourishing this little life inside of you. Believe in yourself! Good luck!

    Source(s): Been there!
  • allie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    well statistics say that the average amount of miscarriages are a one time accurance due to abnormalities when the cells were dividing and the baby would not have lived if born. you had two healthy pregnancies before the miscarriage which is another indecator that it was the one time fluke. rest as much as you can and drink plenty of water. try and relax because stress is not healthy. good luck and happy pregnancy

  • Shara
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Just be grateful for every day that goes by without one.

    It's easy to take a pregnancy for granted, and I know that my prior miscarriage (My first pregnancy) serves to remind me of what a blessing that it is that my current pregnancy has been healthy so far.

    I know a girl who just miscarried her 2nd time. Her and her husband have no children so far...My heart breaks for her, and at the same time, I'm scared for my own pregnancy.

    It's really hard not to be worried, but you can't live in fear. Just be thankful daily!

  • 1 decade ago

    You have stay calm!!! I had a miscarriage last year bc i was soooo stressed! You can not think negatively. I understand wat ur going thru bc im 4 months pregger and i had a miscarriage b4. You have to stay positive and be happy for the babys sake. Every pregnanacy and baby is different! Remember that.

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