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Lv 43,128 points

Nicole D

Favorite Answers15%

I am 27 yrs old. Two children. 7 and 3. My 3 yr old has autism. I am currently a nursing student

  • Got involved with a ex professor and it ended badly. He went to the police and said I was harassing him but I didn t . Have the texts to?

    Prove there Was no harassment. The detective called me today and said that the teacher is getting messages on FB on my behalf from someone and it makes me look suspicious. Not threats just basically name calling. I have to go into the station for an interview and he said that I m not in any trouble and he isn t going to arrest me but he just wants

    Me to take a look at the emails to see I see something that he doesn t. Can t they just track the IP address or whatever to see who it is? Apparently it s just someone annoying the **** out of him

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Blood work is confusing?

    Glucose is 64mg/dL, wbc 3.7 Thousand/uL, RDW 16.0% is my most recent bloodwork. Says glucose is low, wbc is low & RDW is high? What does this mean?

    My wbc is always low and lately my RDW is high

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • Bought an ice cream cake today at kroger and?

    We all ate some. Afterward we noticed on the lid it said March 10th. Now we are all scared we are going to get sick.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink6 years ago
  • Was at the playground with my kids today and I hit my head?

    Really hard. I was going up the stairs to the slide with my 5 yr old. As I went to stand up I hit the top of my head really really hard on the metal bar. My vision went fuzzy for a split second and then panic set in. I checked for bleeding and there was none. I went to the ER and they didn't do a CT Scan. The nurse made me follow her finger, walk back and forth, stick my tounge out. Close my eyes and stand there and tell her my name. I passed all of that so she said they weren't going to do a scan. It's 8 hours later and I'm freaking out what if I have a brain bleed or fracture? They didn't even check. My head is sore when I touch where I hit it. No vomiting, no bad headache, pupils are okay. Chances of delayed issues is freaking me out

    2 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • Freaking out over these symptoms. Anyone?

    Ever get this or have an idea of what it is? Last night when trying to go to sleep I would get like zaps of hotness and theny heart would race. I sat up and calmed down for a second and my heart rate went back to normal. I tried laying down again and I would get the jolt of hotness and the racing heart again. Sat up and used the restroom. The heart rate was normal. This happened for a couple of hours until I fell asleep. I've had several EKGs all normal. Had an Echocardiogram two weeks ago. It was normal. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases6 years ago
  • My pulse pressure is always between 20-25?

    Should I be worried? When I increase salt I can get it above 30 but within an hour or two it goes back down to about 24

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases6 years ago
  • Why is metroprolol prescribed if?

    I don't have a RHR higher than 70? I do have normal blood pressure to low blood pressure. Was given for Vasovagal presyncope. My heart rate will jump from time to time

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases6 years ago
  • Sudden lightheadedness and hotness?

    Out of the blue a person gets hot all over and severely lightheaded to the point of almost passing out but they get down to the floor before it happens. Some times there is shaking. Like severe chills but with muscle tension and teeth chattering with clenched jaw. This is not every time. The lightheaded and hot feeling happens while driving, standing in line or on an elevator, etc...

    2 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • ct scan findings are freaking me out?

    So I had an appendectomy 8 days ago. Two days ago I experienced some really bad right side pain in the lower rib area. ( during the day I feel fine, at night it starts to hurt) so I went to the ER. They took blood, ekg, xray, and ct scan with contrast. They sent me home saying pleurisy. However, I have online access to my medical records so I looked up my test results. ( health anxiety) it says in the findings..........

    FINDING(S): The contrast bolus is less than optimal and motion artifact mildly degrades image quality.. However, known central main or lobar pulmonary emboli are identified with attention to the right lower lobe. Smaller nonocclusive segmental and

    subsegmental emboli are not excluded. The aorta demonstrates no sign of dissection, aneurysm or other acute pathology. The heart size is within normal limits without a pericardial effusion. There is no pathologic mediastinal or hilar adenopathy or mass.

    So this says that there are identified blood clots and others can't be excluded.

    The "impressions" says no blood clots were seen!

    So now I am freaking out. Do I have blood clots or not. You can die from these and if they aren't sure why did they send me home? I contacted the hospital and all they said was follow up with my Doctor. Any opinions?

    6 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • Does this sound like it could be cancer, or am I just crazy?

    I have a 4 yr old son. He has autism so he can not tell me what hurts. I literally have to guess all his sickness and pains. This is what's going on. He gets bruises out of the blue sometimes. Recently he had two huge ones on his upper thigh. He gets VERY bad night sweats. Last night he was sweating so bad that his sweat left his body imprint on the sheets. He is pale. I usually say because I am pale. He must get that from me. He has this rash that never goes away. It in on his lower back. It looks like pimples, and sometimes around a pimple it will be like dark purple. We have been to the DR., Dermatologist, and ER. They all say they have no idea what the rash is. He was in the hospital for throwing up yellow foamy bile and his WBC was 16. The nurse said that was ok because he had some type of "bug". I wanted to get some opinions before I went to the Dr. I don't want to sound like a crazed momma

    5 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • pregnant and bv..... I am 19 weeks pregnant. I had BV at 10 weeks. It cleared up and now I got it again?

    at 17 weeks. I took flagyl again and this time it did not work. It hasnt cleared up at all. Now I am starting to get bad cramps and it is just getting worse. The problem is, it is the weekend and I do not go back for another 3 weeks. I never had BV with any of my previous pregnancies. Just this one. Should I call my Dr now this late at night or do you think it could wait until Monday morning to call?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Hey ladies... I have a question, maybe more of just venting about having another miscarriage?

    Ok...I have a 7 yr old daughter and a 3 yr old son. I had a miscarriage in July and now I am 6 weeks pregnant. I am totally freaked and scared of having another miscarriage. I keep taking tests to make sure the lines are dark. (I know, i worry way too much). I went to the Dr yesterday, He said everything was fine. They didnt try to hear a heart beat or anything. I have an ultrasound scheduled for 5 weeks from now. I am not throwing up or feeling nauseated. I do have other symptoms though.... How can I calm myself? I am totally worried about another miscarriage

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • So, I had a M/C on July 1st. My last period was August 4th.. I took a HPT on 14 dpo and it was negative, on 15?

    dpo I took one and it came up with a very faint positive line. I took one on 16 dpo to make sure. It was still super faint, but I could clearly see it. I have no symptoms besides hungry and a little bit sleepier. I do have cramps that are exactly like my period is about to start... any ideas? I am terrified of another M/C

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I found out today that I have spina bifida occulta.... My problem is that I have had severe chronic back pain?

    since the age of 15. I am now 27. The pain gets so bad that sometimes I can not stand up and I have to crawl even to go to the bathroom. The Dr said they found in accidentally while looking for another lower back problem on my x-ray. So she said that there is nothing they can do and prescribed me muscle relaxers. Now am I going to be stuck taking pills the rest of my life? I read that if the Dr finds that on an x-ray they are suppose to send you for an MRI to see the extend of the spina bifida, however she has not done that. I am stuck as to where to go from here. My back pain is so bad that I can not sit for longer than 15 minutes or bend or pick up my son.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Well I just got home from the E.R. I had a miscarriage and it is my first one ever. I have 2 children already?

    I am wondering how long do we have to wait to try again? I was only about 6 weeks along. They did not have to do a d&c.. they said it should all pass soon. I am jsut having heavy bleeding like a period right now... anyway so how long do I have to wait?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I got my BFP last week. I am about 5 weeks along. In the beginning I felt all the symptoms?

    now I hardly feel any symptoms besides headaches and occasional cramps.. No bleeding or anything but do you think this is normal? My insurance does not kick in for another week so I cant see my Dr quite yet

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • OMG!!!!WTF!!!! I am so confused and frustrated....advice...?

    I took 2 pregnancy tests earlier today because the first one showed a line right away then it disappeared so I went and bought two more. I took the second one and got another line it is still there. I know for a fact it is a BFP... so I went to the Dr and they did a urine sample. They said it was a BFN.. So coming home confused I took the last one and there is a faint faint second line... what do you guys think??

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago