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Is it prejudiced to be suspicious of anyone who feels that I deserve to burn in Hell?

Christians believe that I will go to hell for being an atheist, and not only that ,they believe I deserve it.

Does it make me a bigot if I am therefore suspicious of christianity and christians? Or is it just good common sense?

33 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's common sense. Some Christians have an animus against you because you don't share their beliefs. There are churches that really demonize atheists. It's a good idea to keep a wary eye on anybody you think might decide to burn you at the stake.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, in Christian belief all persons in the human race deserve to burn in Hell. Those who do not avoid this fate because they accept a gift of God's grace, that is salvation through faith in Jesus. So that fact that some accept grace and avoid the consequence does not alter the fact that they still deserve it. I'm not sure why that would make you suspicious of Christianity. Maybe you mean something other than what I usually associate with suspicion. I would be suspicious of someone who required money in exchange for not burning in hell or something. I think maybe you mean something other than suspicion, maybe dislike. Perhaps I am wrong. And rather than that they think you deserve it perhaps you have gotten the idea that some Christians would like for you to burn in hell. If that is the case then your dislike is not bigoted but is the natural response. I would not particularly have charitable thoughts toward someone who wanted me to burn in hell. At least, not about that aspect of their feelings toward me. In any event, if it is the case that some Christians have presented the idea that they would like you to burn in hell because of your atheism then that attitude is not reflective or representative of Jesus Christ Who is a more important figure in Christianity than they are and I am sorry that you have experienced that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, first... everyone has their slant. And yours is this: a true christian will not say you deserve hell because you are an atheist... that's probably just your closed-minded opinion of the gospel message. Everyone deserves to go to hell. It's a trangressor's due punishment for neglecting the only provision a Holy God can make for salvation. The only difference between a christian and an atheist is the decision each made. The christian decided to receive Jesus as God's provision for salvation and the atheist thinks that he's a better person than those who Jesus died for.

  • 1 decade ago

    I consider myself a Christian, and I don't believe atheists go to Hell. I do believe that at some point, we all stand before a higher power, and your actions during this life are judged. If you have been a just and moral person, no matter what you believe, you move on to something that pleases you ("personal heaven"). If you are a rotter, you get the opposite. I would ask that you don't paint all Christians with the same brush, each of us is different.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not all christians believe that. im a christian & i dont think atheists will or deserve to go to hell...i dont even believe in hell. and i also believe that God loves everyone, whether they believe in God or not. you've just met some terrible so-called christians. i know lots of christians who would be appalled by what they're telling you. so it is prejudiced to be suspicious of all christians. but its totally fine if you dont like the ones who say that to you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't see what's wrong with you being suspicious of Christians if they believe you deserve to go to hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Christians" who say that are giving other Christians a bad name. And if they say "you deserve it", they will be the ones going there. I totally understand how you feel about them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just because some Christians say that doesn't mean you can be suspicious of all Christians. Judging a whole group based on a select few is prejudiced.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are an Atheist you don't believe in Hell, so what difference does it make? It's like me saying there are wackos who believe I should be kidnapped by aliens. WHO cares?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me put it this way: If I was a doctor who performed abortions and I saw someone walking up to my building holding a bible, I'd evacuate the place.

    It's common sense. If someone believes that you deserve to be harmed, it's logical to assume that they are able and willing to harm you.

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